NTFDN: Hi here is another fan fic form your's truly. Anyways I don't own Naruto at all.

Chapter One

Naruto sat in his room. Today was the day when his parents were going to sell him to the uchiha family. This was decided when he was born that he would be sold to the family. The fox didn't want to leave his mom and dad. He got off his bed and walked to the door.' It's locked.' Naruto thought. Naruto began to pace around his room he didn't stop until he heard footsteps coming up the staris. He hears the lock being opened. His mom walks in and says " Naruto it's time."

" No I am not going with them just because of a dumb promise you guys made when I was a baby." Naruto yelled and for the first time looking at the youngest Uchiha.

" I am sorry Naruto but it can't be helped."

" I said I am not going !"

" Naruto do I need to get you father up here?"

" May I try?" The younger Uchiha asked getting annoyed by the scene in front of him.

" Go ahead Sasuke." Naruto's mother says leaving two boys alone in the fox's room.

Once the fox's mother was out of the room, Sasuke walks toward the blonde.

" What's wrong are you afarid of me Kitsune?" Sasuke asked.

" Why would I be afraid of you, and don't call me Kitsune."

" But you are MY KITSUNE."


Sasuke grabs the fox and pushes him aganist the wall pinning the fox boys arms to the wall. " Let go of me." Naruto said in ditrest. " Not until you start actting like my little pet." Sasuke said. Naruto shivered as he felt Sasuke's hot breath aganist his neck.

" Fine you win." Naruto said in a defeated voice. " Good Now get your things because my brother is waiting for us in the car." Sasuke said. Naruto grabed his bag that had his stuff in it. He looked at his room one last time before he followed Sasuke to the car.

The inside of the car Naruto was forced to sit on Sasuke's lap beacause another boy who was alittle bit older then him was taking up most of the seat do to him sleeping.

" Itachi what did you do to Hito now?" Sasuke asked looking at the sleeping magentea haired fox. " Nothing much just alittle of this and alittle of that." Itachi answered his younger brother. Sasuke felt Naruto's head on his sholuder. ' He must be tired.' Sasuke thought looking at his new pet.