CHAPTER ONE: Breaking Free

As the days go for a 19 year old, this one started off particularly well. A good Friday feeling filled Beth's' mind as she absent-mindedly stepped off the train at London Fenchurch Street, and joined the mass hysteria of bodies, all of who are trying to get to work on time. I-pod blasting the new Nelly Furtado song, and her new Chloe bag hitched over her brown - Mac clad shoulder. She made the 10 minute journey to her 'Prison' - an international law firm, specialising in marine and aviation law - which was a far cry from her real passion, but paid enough money to pay off her building phone bills and shopping spree charges to her credit card.

Opening her e-mail, she gazed at the endless list of 'to-do' e-mails which she received during the week; her eyes fell to one from her best friend Elliott.

Elliott, was the chalk to Beth's' cheese, they were pole opposites. Beth had curly chocolate brown hair, glasses, blue eyes, where as Elliott had blond, straight hair and brown eyes. Their personalities were poles apart too; Beth was quiet and reserved, yet quietly confident in herself. She knew how to have a good time but was but was not consumed constantly with having drinks at lunch or after work like Elliott (and most of her other friends were), She was, safe to say, one on her own!

Opening Elliott's e-mail attachments which were usually of the hottest guy in the latest HEAT magazine , and the .JPEG file, Beth saw the one thing which took away the good Friday feeling - well pretty much any feeling at all - her boyfriend Harry kissing her friend. The picture filled the screen and Beth's mind as she felt the tears well up in her eyes, threatening to fall.

Harry was supposed to be it for her, he was her soul mate, he was physically everything she wanted and he knew her, the real her, the goofy bread stick up the nose whilst in Pizza Hut Beth. The one felt alone most of the time. He knew her weaknesses like the back of his hand. Maybe he knew her too well, and she was too comfortable. Some people say that they know when something is wrong in their relationship - Beth didn't.

She picked up her work phone, and vacantly dialled Harry's mobile number. Anger was brewing up inside her - blame was very quickly being laid upon her and self-doubt set in as the phone rang, was this really her fault or was this a sign she was meant for more?

The phone call to Harry did not last very long - mumbles which slightly resembled an apology but she wasn't listening to him. In one swift motion she put the phone down on him - that's the last of Harry - no more. She decided from that point that no guy shall know her that well or get that close to her again. The real Beth should be hidden and alone, and that's the way it was going to stay.

After the drama of Harry at 9.30 am - work became her priority, so much so that 5.30 pm rolled around much quicker. The few invites she received were quickly rejected and she welcomed the thought of heading home. Once she reached the front door to her house, the letter box was clogged with junk mail and bills for her parents, Tom and Denise, sorting through it as she made her way up the path to her brown oak front door, she had to double take at a couple of things. The first being her subscription to 'POPSTAR' magazine and checking out the front cover for all new juicy gossip in Hollywood, the second being a letter, which she thought she'd never receive.

After digging in her Chloe bag for what seemed like forever for her keys, she finally made it inside her family home. Dropping her bag and papers by the door, making a loud clang as the metal on her bag hit the hard -wood flooring, she ran up the stairs and yelled down to her Mum in the kitchen. "I'm home, if Harry calls put down the phone, if Elliott calls I'll take it - I need to talk to her!"

With this she closes the bedroom door to her sanctuary (aka her bedroom); letter pressed against her beating chest and took in the moment and its consequences. This letter, if positive, would change her life completely. About 3 months ago, Beth became restless in her life, believing that she shouldn't settle for her current life, although comfortable, it was not Beth and her dreams were something different, She hid them from everyone - she wanted to leave London and Harry behind, to travel and work in something that was going to excite her and allow her to be herself - now seemed more appropriate than ever to leave. Sitting on her queen size bed, she stared at the back of the envelope, gazed at the return address, Shooting Star Productions, excitement and nerves too over as she ripped open the envelope and scanned the letter for the green light to her dreams.

'Dear Ms B Green,

Thank you for your application and CV for the position of legal intern/assistant at Shooting Star Productions, unfortunately we cannot offer this position at this time to you and it has subsequently been filled. We can however offer you another position; although not of a legal nature would still allow an insight into the file and media production environment. This position is to be Kenny Ortega's assistant whilst he directs various productions over the course of 2007-2008. Please contact me ...'

Beth lost all interest in the letter after that point, she was too busy doing her 'happy dance' as Elliott calls it, and too busy to notice that her family were at the door watching her too. "Whets going on?" her dad, Tom, asked in an amused way. "I'm going to America, I got my job!" Laughter and yelling at the top of Beth's voice were the last things they got out of her all evening. She was set on going - first things first, convincing her Parents to let her go, the second to actually go!