This is a "Five Meme" response to thecricket's prompt.

Jayne, you will keep a civil tongue in that mouth, or I will sew it shut. Is there an understanding between us?
— Malcolm Reynolds to Jayne Cobb, Firefly episode 1: "Serenity"

First Time

The girl. The evil, vicious, killer-woman girl. What kind of crazy people were runnin' this 'verse, anyway, to make a girl who could do that?

She weren't a human bein'. That damn girl was a machine. Just give her the right order and watch her take out a bar full of grown, tough, experienced men like they weren't nothin' more than puffs of air.

It was sexy, o'course. Gorram beautiful, truth be told.

Beautiful like a sword. 'Ceptin a sword didn't have a brain of it's own. (Not that this girl seemed to have much of a brain, but there hadn't been no one orderin' her to cut on him before Ariel, had there?)

No, more beautiful like a snake. All manner of lithe and graceful and smooth—and deadly. A livin', breathin' killin' machine.

And he'd had to put himself in the middle of her act. One minute, he'd been observin' her violence with admiration and arousal and a tiny bit of fear, and the next—

Nothin'. Abso–ruttin'–lutely nothin'.