Disclaimer: Well, this is the long awaited for chapter 5. Long being the operable word. I promised you guys 3 songs and I delivered didn't I? Well, you wouldn't know that if you're just now reading this. But I did deliver as I promised. The reason why it took me so long to put it up was because I had to study for exams and I have to retake the SATs. Man, I HATE tests! But I digress, once again, I own nothing, except the plots to this story, the words I put into my characters' mouths (except for the specific lines that the characters say in every episode), and the outcome which I am not telling you what it is until you get to the end. So far, the score is 2 Hsi Wu and 1 for Drago. I'd vote, but I can't since I know the outcome. I hope these results change during the installments of new chapters. Now, don't forget to read and review. It's the only thing keeping DL's ancient heart beating. You want dead DL? No? Then you read and review! This chapter will debut Jackie and Tohru's solo songs. Now, in order of the song appearances we have Jackie singing 'Falls On Me' by Fuel, Jade serenading 'Why Can't I?' by Liz Phair, and Tohru will perform 'Hold On' by Good Charlotte.

Falls On Me, Why Can't I? Hold On

Back in the antique shop, Jackie was up in his old workout room. He had gone upstairs right after Jade left to go to her appointment. Some of his workout items hadn't been moved so he began working with a wooden dummy, expertly moving his arms around the wooden spikes. It's what he did when he needed to think and his thoughts were consumed about how to help Jade. He'd always been able to help her out of the toughest spots, except this one, where everyone was just totally helpless. As he worked on the dummy, he started voicing out loud his problems, only he sang them out instead of talk them out.

I've seen you hangin' round (He walked up to a picture of him and Jade)
This darkness where I'm bound (He saw that he was bathed in shadows)
And this black hole I've dug for me (He walks away from the picture)
The silent plea within (He puts his hands around his mouth like he's yelling)
With hands touching skin (He holds his arms)
The shock breaks my disease (He does a back roundoff)
And I can breathe (He puts his right hand on his chest and breathed deeply)

And all of your ways (He does a right spinning kick)
All you dream (He does a jump kick off his left leg)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He gestures to himself by putting his hands on his chest)
And your beautiful sky (He does to punches into the air right, left)
The light you bring (He punches down right, left)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He puts his left arm in a block, he put his right hand above his head)

Your faith like the pain (He punches a section of the brick wall, his right knuckles split)
Draws me in again (He look at his fist nonchalantly)
She washes all my wounds for me (He imagines her helping him wrap up his injury from the past)
The darkness in my veins (He clenches his fist and watches the veins rise)
I never could explain (He walks to the wooden dummy)
And I wonder if you ever see (He rests his good arm on one of the posts)
Will you still believe? (He looks up at the ceiling)

And all of your ways (He blocks with his injured arm and punches with his left twice)
All you dream (He kicks with his right twice)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He kicks with his left twice)
And your beautiful sky (He grabs his head and throws it back)
The light you bring (He throws his hands down)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He drops to the ground)

Am I that strong (He grabs his bicep with his uninjured hand)
To carry on (He stood up again)
I might change your life (He took a deep breath, raised his hands, then lowered them, exhaled)
I might save my world (He leaped into the air in a front flip)
Could you save me? (He landed then did a perfect backflip)

And all of your ways (He threw his arms out and spun once)
All you dream (He did a tornado kick on his right leg)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He did three left side kicks)
And your beautiful sky (He slammed his hand against the wood)
The light you bring (He turned away from the dummy)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He paced around the room)

And all of your ways (He kicked at the air around his feet)
All you dream (He shook his head)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He rubbed the back of his neck with his uninjured hand)
And your beautiful sky (He walked to the picture of him and Jade)
The light you bring (He stroked the image of Jade)
Falls on me, it falls on me. (He went back to the dummy and punched it about five more times)

He panted hard as he finished his workout and his song. It was amazing he even knew the song. It must've been one of the songs he heard Jade listening to. He kicked one of the wooden pieces jutting out, off the dummy and into the wall. He sat down on the floor holding his head as it pounded and a hundred different voices were calling out to him to do something and for the first time in his life, he felt helpless himself.

Jade was walking down the street deciding not to take a taxi or a trolley and just let the sun shine all her dark vibes away. At least, she hoped it would. She kept her hands in her pockets and walked in silence. After about one minute of silence, she started singing to herself.

Get a load of me, get a load of you (She looked at herself in a window)
Walkin' down the street, and I hardly know you (hardly know you) (She gestured at her image)
It's just like we were meant to be (She shrugged and continued to walk down the street)Holding hands with you, when we're out at night (She clasped her hands together)
Got a girlfriend, you say it isn't right (isn't right) (She looked away from her invisible date)
And I've got someone waiting, too (She gestured to herself) What if this is just the beginning? (She stopped in front of another window and faced herself)
We're already wet, and we're gonna go swimming (She covered her face in frustration)

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you (She grabbed her chest and throat)
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you (She covered her mouth, then felt her lips)
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it (She threw her arms at her sides)
So tell me- (She turned to her reflection like it would answer her)
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? (when ever I think about you, X4) (She left)

Isn't this the best part of breakin' up (She walked to a park and walked down the trail)
Finding someone else you can't get enough of? (She watched a couple walk the other way)
Someone who wants to be with you, too (She turned back to her way and continued) It's an itch we know we are gonna scratch (She walked around a large pond)
Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch. (She looked up at the sky, looking for something)
But wouldn't it be beautiful? (She looked at her reflection in the water) Here we go, we're at the beginning (She walked to a large tree and sat down) We haven't fucked yet, but my head's spinning (She clenched her fist and shook her head)

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you (She gripped her shirt at her chest)
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you (She moved her left hand to her face)
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it (She shrugged and hit her palm)
So tell me (She shrugged)
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you (She looked at the sky again)

High enough for you to make me wonder (She imagined herself flying)
Where it's goin' (She looked at her hand and saw it was holding gray claws)
High enough for you to pull me under (She imagined muscular arms wrapping around her, pulling her close)
Somethin's growin' (She looked at the green arms and placed her hands over them)
Out of this that we can't control (The arms left, she had one hand, the other had a gray one)
Baby I am dyin' (The hands left her and she collapsed in darkness)

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? (She curled into a fetal position)
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you? (One pair of hands held her tightly)

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? (She shot her eyes open)
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you? (She looked around,no hands held her)
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it (She held herself)
So tell me- (She looked at the sky once more)
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? (whenever I think about you, whenever I think about you, whenever I think about you, whenever I think about you...) (She sat alone)

She continued to watch the park for about five more minutes and continued on her way. Had she really been focusing she would have noticed that one clouds shadow was darker and strangely looked like wings flapping. If she wasn't lost in her own world she would've seen a strange obstruction in the trees shadows. But she was unaware of her two watchers; red eyes glowed brightly as they too were consumed by their own thoughts.

In the shop, Tohru was busy sweeping around the various cases and stands that held beautiful antiques. Uncle was in his study doing some translations and Jackie was on the floor above him working out. He listened as muffled thumps descended from the closed off room. Tohru didn't mind being alone. It gave him time to think of things. Now, he thought of Jade. She was like a daughter and little sister to him. Emphasis on little. He couldn't help, but worry whenever things didn't go her way. If only he could do something to help her.

This world, this world is cold (He swept around the cash register)
But you don't, you don't have to go (He looked at the door to the shop)
You're feeling sad, you're feeling lonely (He imagined her face as she left, lost, scared, and sad)
And no one seems to care (He looked away when he saw her eyes)
Your mother's gone and your father hits you (He stopped sweeping and shook his head)
This pain you cannot bear (He placed his hand over his massive heart) But we all bleed the same way as you do (He placed his left hand on the desk, then back up, he cut himself)
And we all have the same things to go through (He opened a drawer and pulled out a bandage and put it on)

Hold on, if you feel like letting go (He gripped the broom handle with his uninjured hand)
Hold on, it gets better than you know (He clenched his other hand)

Your days, you say they're way too long (He looked at a calendar that had marked the days that she had her dreams)
And your nights, you can't sleep at all (He looked at a circled day, the two month anniversary of the dreams)
Hold on (He looked up at the ceiling as though praying)
And you're not sure what you're waiting for (He shook his head and walked up the flight of stairs)
But you don't want to know more (He began sweeping upstairs)
You're not sure what you're looking for (He looks around as though searching for something)
But you don't want to know more (He shook his head) But we all bleed the same way as you do (He looked at the bandage on his hand)
And we all have the same things to go through (His broom hit a cabinet and a vase fell from the top)

Hold on, if you feel like letting go (He got it in his massive hand)
Hold on, it gets better than you know (He placed it back on the cabinet)
Don't stop looking you're one step closer (He took a step towards his room and peered inside)
Don't stop searching it's not over (He walked to his bed, sat, and pulled a journal from under his pillow)
Hold on (He flipped through the pages)

What are you looking for? (He made a confused face)
What are you waiting for? (He was at a page that had Jade smiling brightly, the date said a day before her dream)
Do you know what you're doing to me? (He smiled sadly at the picture)
Go ahead...what are you waiting for? (He closed the book)

Hold on, if you feel like letting go (He put it back under his pillow)
Hold on, it gets better than you know (He got up and walked out of his room)
Don't stop looking you're one step closer (He looked over the railing at the door)
Don't stop searching it's not over (He said like he was talking to her)

Hold on, if you feel like letting go (He gripped the broom handle)
Hold on, it gets better than you know (He clenched his fists around the stick)
Hold on (The handle snapped into three pieces)

He picked up the pieces gingerly and walked down the stairs and threw them in the garbage. He opened a closet and grabbed another broom and continued sweeping, hiding inside what he felt.

Sorry! I hope you guys liked the chapter even though it was done later than I planned. Chew on this for a while. I may or may not have something for you by this Saturday. I've got a prom to get ready for. Unfortunately, I have no date. Damn! Oh well, I can always hope that some guy gets dumped or he dumps his date or there is a single guy there. Anyway, next chapter is Hsi Wu and Strikemaster Ice! Yay. She said unenthusiastically. Just kidding.