
Tu laisse un arrière goût d'innachevé ; saveur de 'presque'... Insoutenable.

And in your eyes still shine tears ; rares jewels shed for freedom.

How can one be so strong.
One daily thirsted of denied care

Devant les ruines de ton château ; de tes champs, tous dévatés,

In front of the shreds of what could have once been a heart, I just can't bear to look

Je veux guérir these lonesome dephtes !

Je veux guérir your burnings hands !

And fleurir une nouvelle dance.

Je veux courir sur ton espoir ;

Je ne veux plus te voir en noir,

In black, under your moonlight feathers.

Leave me substain your dying love ;
Leave me embrass your gracious song.
Oh I can feel your many doubts ;

Tous justifiés je le sais bien...

Do never destroy this frail flame,
Never let them hush your sighs,

Non, n'arrêtes pas celle dernière larme...

For love of love, please... please, offer it... (?)

I'm sure this would be fine...

Hoping you don't mind my mind being set.
Through reject, hurt and pain... through death ;
Toward you, I shall walk.

laughing Non, tu n'as plus le choix !
No more winter night alone.

No more need to act as someone alive.

Je ne sais plus pourquoi j'ai compris,
Ni depuis quand j'ai aimé en toi cet eden ;
You, who, smirking, wishpers "regarde",
Then close your door too quickly to react.
Who close your silver doors right after you're sure we have seen...
Seen the incredible wonders concealed behind your ' what if 's,
Seen the deleight, the very beauty of your wings...

Why I use to take all. To give, whole.
I will not let you close this window ;
I shall force myself if necessary,
But shall fight for your soul ;
Fight for your hands...
And maybe for your heart.

Je n'attends rien de toi.
I shall give you your rights.

I won't speak of it. Shall not let you object either.
Mon unique espoir sera ma récomprense. Un de tes futurs sourires ;
Of these forecomings and
blooming, forever, forever on your paths...

Taking you hand, being your completion?
Marcher à tes côtés ? Concrétiser tes possible s ? --
-- Et ! ...t'insuffler un infini qui dépasse les souhaits !

In front of your heart, how could I deny you anything ?
Devant l'eau claire de ton regard, l'attente de ta main tendue,
Comment te refuser, rêve inachevé ?