Blinded Sight
Ch 1: The Surprise
by: YataSpirit07
Disclaimer: Ok this is my First Avartar Fan Fic so I guess I should say that I don't own Avatar: the Last Airbender and i'm writing this just for the fun if it.
A/N: Ok this is a Takka Fan fic, with Katang in the background. These are my favored couples in the show even though the Takka one isn't shown as Strong in it.
This town was acting like every other town they had pass though in since Aang had beat the Fire Lord. Loud and Crazy, they treated them like Hero's and Royalty; and although Toph didn't mind a little appreciation for her help with the Fire Load's Fall; she was getting sick of it. The people Treated them nice enough but they were doing everything for them and that made her feel like she was back home with her parents.
Her Parents! She hated thinking of them and yet still care about them. They had paid Xin Fu and Master Yu to capture her and bring her back and that just made her more angry. At first she was just angry at them for not seeing how strong and willful she was and how she could take care of herself allot better then they thought, but no they wouldn't give up their image of a helpless blind daughter.
Although she wished she would never she them again she knew one day she would, but she would make sure that it wouldn't be for a long long time.
"OUCH." Toph hear next to her. "You steped on me foot Toph." said Sokka. "Watch were your going."
"I would Snoozles. But for one I'm Blind. Second it's hard to tell where to go, there's so many vibrations in the ground I can tell them apart." Toph said scowling and looking at him. They were walking though a street filled with cheering people who were jumping up and down, yelling, walking, running, and it felt like anything else people could do to vibrate the ground.
"Oh, Sorry. Here I'll help." Sokka said taking her hand.
She felt him take her hand and guild her, and normally she would protest but when ever Sakka took her hand her voice would suddenly disappear for a few minutes. Holding his hand she could fell his heart beat and breathing . All of which just calmed her down. SHe couldn't explain it, it was just something about him that did this to her.
"Sokka, Toph come on." She heard Aang yell ahead of them.
Sakka then guided her up the street and into a building. Then she heard some doors close behind her and the noise out side die a little.
"Can you see any better in here." Sokka asked.
"No not really." She said finding her voice.
Truth was she could see better away from all the crowds outside but she just didn't want to let go of his hand.
"Now where are we and why are we here." She asked. From what she could tell from her feet they were in a large build made with lots of thick wooden beams. 'Probably some rich guys house who had offered them to stay with them.' she thought.
"AH Avatar Aang, we are honored to have you and your friends with us. Welcome to Sleeping Dragon Inn." Said a guy that Toph felt approach the group.
"Yea, Nice to be here. UHH, we were hoping we could rent a room for the day and night."
Aang said.
"Of course. we would be horned to help. Anything you need you have but to ask, it's on the house." The man said bowing.'
Toph rolled her eyes and could see it starting again. 'Here it comes with all the Food the people and the parting to welcome the Avatar.'
Toph then felt Katara move toward the man. "That good because we have a special event tonight." she said to the man.
Katara then looked over and Aang and nodded. 'What are they up too?' Toph thought. Then she felt a vibration and heard something coming form Sakka. Was that a chuckle.
She then felt Aang hear over to her. "Hey Toph, isn't this place amazing. I hear it's the bast Inn out side Bi Sin Sa. It's..." Aang went on and on about the hotel with add ins form Sakka. But she wasn't fooled she knew perfectly well they were trying to distract her.
She had felt Katara and the other man walk off together down what felt like a long hallway. She strand her ears to try and hear what they were talking about but it was obvious that Katara knew Toph's Hearing limits and was whispering to the man.
"Enough you guys. I can tell your just trying to Distract me. So what are you guys up too?"
She said ready to Earthbend them into telling the truth if push came shove.
"Come on guy he's got one for us." Toph hear Katara call from down the hall.
Toph then felt Sakka let go of her hand and felling him disconnect from her made her sad enough stop asking Aang and Sakka what's going on. But then she felt Sakka take hold of her shoulders and guild her down the hall. "What's going on?" She said. This time in a rougher and more demanding tone. She could fill Aang running down the hall and into a room.
"Don't Worry it's a surprise." Sokka said into her ear. Again Toph's voice was loss as she felt that feeling again the one in the pit of her stomach that made her feel like Gravity was about to let go of her.
She felt them go down the hallway about 20 yards and then turn. She then felt some hit the ground out side of the Inn. But she knew what it was. They then turned and Sokka then said, "You guy ready in there?
"Yea, Bring her in." Toph heard Katara said.
Sakka let go of one of her Shoulders, Push a door open, and guild her in.
"SURPRISE" she heard form each of her friends. She could feel that each of them were excited and happy. SHe could also fell a breeze from an open door on the other sid eof the room. It must open to the outside because she could hear the grunts and squeaks of Appa and Momo.
"OK, that's It. Ether tell me what's going on or this whole place is rubble." She said finally fed up with not knowing what was going on.
"Toph it's a surprise party for you." said Katara.
"Happy Birthday Toph." said everyone.
Well that's the end of Chapter 1. Please Tell what you think. I hope made all the character sound right. I hope to update soon. There a snow storm where I am and I have a feeling I'll be having plenty of time to write. Till then. Bye