Wow! 5 reviews! Thank you very very much. They're brightening my Kleenex-filled day (I'm home sick). I'm so content that I'm just gonna skip the big AN and go straight to the (last!) chapter!

I've changed my mind. Heath is a bad influence on me. Looking back on today, I realize how very sappy I was. Ick.

I mean sure, maybe I did have that famous feeling, the love-can-conquer-all one, but…

I suppose it works out. Not like I had any money to buy Heath something that was actually pretty. Being on the run is awful- I'm not even allowed to steal things, as it may draw unwanted attention to us. I believe my darling Heath is too skittish. There have been countless occasions when I could have saved us a skipped meal, but he won't risk it.

Then again, his actions may be justifiable. Those bloody Bern riders are relentless. Especially, it seems, Heath's old comrades. Why, I can't fathom. He's so likeable, I'd think they'd drop their grudge. But no… Heath's recognized so many of them. It hurts him; I can tell by his hands clenched a bit too tightly, the creases forming on his face.

He can be too honest and noble for his own good. He still figures that I got the short end of the deal. I've actually had to pretend a few stray morphs were after me, just to soothe his guilt. He doesn't (didn't? I hope so) seem to understand that I love him, and I'll never leave.

That could be because I hadn't been able to tell him seriously until today. Always mentioning my love, of course, but only in passing.

I think that he might understand now.

I also do believe that the both of us can survive this. Maybe it's that invincible in-love feeling talking, but I do. We'll wait out the grudges, then live a long, happy life together. We can put away our bloody weapons and see old friends without fear. I could see Nino once she's grown, and Heath could visit that Vaida that he talks of with such reverence.

Growing old together. That sounds so nice. I've never been this happy at the thought of wrinkles before.

I'll get an honest job, to suit by honest husband. And I'll buy him a real ring with my honest savings. Live a real life. Make friends, settle down.

My new dream. My last aconcimientos.


Heath leaned against Hyperion, each saying their mutual goodbyes. "Be back in the morning, boy," Heath said fondly before heading out of the forest, towards the abandoned little hut they'd found.

Legault was sitting on a log outside, staring deep into their petite fire. Heath sat down next to him, leaning on the other man's shoulder and wordlessly tilting his head to kiss the now ebony hair. He was reminded, as always, of all the changes they'd had to make. Legault's hair was short and black (though he kept the headband), his was now a deep brown wrapped in a bandana. Their armor had been traded for thin leather padding that could fit beneath their common traveler's clothes. Hyperion's scales were polished with a red dye, staining them a murky brown. Names had been changed, lies had been told.

Heath hated the changes… but in these rare moments, with just him and Legault, he could forget about them as him and his lover silently comforted one another. He closed his eyes contentedly.

Legault eventually broke the stillness. Gently, he moved Heath's head until it rested in his lap. Heath didn't protest, but looked up at Legault curiously.

Moving quickly and gracefully, Legault pulled off his headband and tore a small strip off. Holding a strip of cloth in each hand, he met Heath's eyes.

"I know this isn't perfect in any sense of the word…" murmured Legault quietly, "But I want to clarify something: I love you." He took a slightly shaky breath. "I. Love. You. For real."

Heath just stared at him. He knew he loved Legault, but Legault always mentioned love so flippantly, he'd never quite imagined… and actually hearing…

"Love you," Heath replied, equally quiet. With that, Legault leaned down to kiss him sideways.

When they broke apart, Heath felt something soft on his ring finger. He raised his hand so he could see it.

It was the thing strip of black cloth, rolled and knotted artfully to resemble a ring. He looked back at Legault, eyes wide.

"Was I being presumptuous?" queried Legault lowly, not meeting Heath's eyes as he ran a hand through his brown hair.

"No," Heath said forcefully, sitting up and quickly maneuvering until he was sitting on Legault's lap, facing him.

"Good." Heath could feel Legault's breath on his cheek as he spoke that one word.

As they kissed, Heath realized that this was the first night he wasn't wishing they were in an inn- he wanted them to be just together tonight.


First Entry in Legault's Journal

Well, I've finally started this book- my little black book. I wonder if anyone will ever read this…

I don't actually have much to say at the moment. I won't tell you my name, that would just be stupid. As if I need to provide people with more blackmail material.

You know what finally got me started on this thing? A word. I overheard some wise sage teaching his student some ancient language. A lot of it was useless, but one of the words stood out at me. It meant events, and that's what I'm going to call this little book.


So there you have it! A bit different from my last chapters, eh?

Random info: Originally, I was going to make this into a whole big story, likely similar to Run. But then this idea hit me, and it seemed way better.

And look out for me! I've got another FE fic coming… and it's going to be very, very big!

So go review!