So, here you go guys. As i promised, heres a little christmas present for all my readers!

Chapter 16

On Tuesday morning, Katara and Sokka were preparing for school as usual. Katara was just fastening her jeans when Sokka opened the door wearing a blank expression.

"I'm driving to school today."

"I thought we were getting a ride with Aang so we would have time to figure out which song we were going to do."

"Change of plans."

Sokka exited the room and closed the door, leaving a very confused Katara staring at the space that he had occupied.


Aang was sitting at his desk with a pencil in his mouth, the titles of about twenty songs were scribbled on a piece of paper in front of them, and about twenty had been scribbled out.


He looked up into Zuko's face. "Hey dude."

"Sokka wants to talk to you."

Aang craned his neck over Zuko's shoulder and spotted Sokka leaning on the doorframe. He jerked his thump out into the hallway and exited the classroom.

Aang stood up, "See if you can come up with any songs for Saturday." He strode over to the doorway and spotted Sokka standing by a row of lockers.

"Hey bud, whats-"

Sokka grabbed Aang's collar and spun him around, pinning him to the lockers.

"What the hell are you doing with my sister!?" Sokka whispered through clenched teeth. "I saw you two kissing last night!"

Aang kept his face calm and placed his hands on Sokka's fists. "Yes, we were. At the homecoming game, I kissed Katara, and since last Monday, we've been dating."

Sokka was so shocked at Aang's straightforward confession that he dropped his hands. Aang placed his own hands on Sokka's shoulders.

"I was worried about having to tell you, and I avoided it because of your reaction to what I told you happened at the restaurant before the game."

Sokka rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "You mean that jerk who tried to mess with Katara…that Jet guy?"

"Yeah, I was afraid that you'd get angry at me like you did at that guy."

Sokka sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay, yeah…I remember what I said about that." He sighed again and looked up at Aang. "I'm not happy that you kept it from me, but…well, she could have done worse than you."

Aang sighed in relief. "So we're cool?"

Sokka smirked and shook Aang's hand. "Yeah…but if you do anything to hurt her…"

"I'd never dream of it!" Aang said sincerely.

"Okay, but I don't want you guys to start making out in front of me, got it?"

Aang just laughed and guided Sokka back into the classroom as the bell rang.

"So, I assume Sokka knows now?"

The gang was sitting in Zuko's garage, setting up for practice after school. Aang and Katara had just arrived hand in hand.

"He does?" Katara asked Aang.

"Yeah, he kind of…assaulted me before class this morning. I guess he saw us kiss last night…"

Zuko and Toph glanced toward each other, then burst out laughing.

"Oh man, you guys are a riot!"

"Even Sokka would know better than to start making out in the open like that, twinkle toes!"

As the two continued laughing, Sokka walked up the driveway with his guitar in tow. He sighed upon seeing Aang and Katara holding hands. "That's gonna take some getting used to…"

Everyone greeted Sokka and set about plugging in. when they were all set up, everyone turned to Aang.

"So, what are we playing?"

"Well, I've been thinking about it all day, and one song that I think we could adapt really well is 'The Start Of It by Meese'."

"Didn't they just get signed recently?" Zuko asked.

"Yep. I went to a few of their concerts while they were still local. I love their song, so…I dunno, what do you think?"

Toph spoke up first. "I haven't heard it, but I'll take your word that its good."

"Okay with me, bud." Zuko said with a smirk.

"Good here." Sokka agreed.

"Great choice, Aang." Katara said admiringly.

"Okay, let me go grab the CD, and we'll get started!"

"Everyone got it?"

The gang nodded and Toph began tapping in. Katara started with Sokka's distorted guitar playing in the background.

Is this the start of it?
Has this become a part of it?
Maybe we should've slowed down
it was the taste of it
and this is how we wasted it
maybe we'll get it back somehow

it made me furious
you said that if we bury this
never could dig up the past
I couldn't handle it
I thought I could dismantle it
maybe some things weren't meant to last

kids of the frozen front range
carry the message if I fall
tell them we're moving on
sorting out who our enemies are

I've seen it, you say I don't believe it
it's either or...

tell me it's over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, I know you know i never let this go

you've got the upper hand
wrapped tight around my neck again
and I can't get the words out
if you were listening
you'd hear the voice or reasoning
telling you walk away from this somehow

kids of the frozen front range
carry the message if I fall
tell them we're moving on
sorting out who our enemies are

I need this, you can't deny you feel it
it's either or...

tell me its over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, I know you know I never let this...
tell me its over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, I know you know I never let this go

O.K. In the first degree
there's nothing wrong with me…

O.K. In the first degree
there's nothing wrong with me…

O.K. In the first degree
there's nothing wrong with me…

O.K. In the first degree
there's nothing wrong with me…

Tell me it's over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, I know you know i never let this…

Tell me it's over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, I know you know i never let this go

O.K. In the first degree
there's nothing wrong with me…

O.K. In the first degree
there's nothing wrong with…

Sokka played the last of the outro and faded to black. "Wow, that's a hard riff to keep up."

"Well, since we don't have a keyboard, we needed one of us to play the rhythm where Meese has a pianist." Katara said matter-of-factly.

"Still, I think that's one of the best adaptations we've ever done!" Aang gushed.

They practiced the song a few times after that, then quit for the day. Everyone was too tired to hang out, so Zuko took Toph home and after s quick kiss, Aang and Katara parted.

Meanwhile, in a downtown hotel, Ozai was brooding over the events of the previous Saturday. To restore his honor, he had to enact revenge on his son. A dark plan was forming inside his mind, the teenagers wouldn't know what hit them.

I know, not much really happened in this chapter, but we're reaching the climax, and i want this story to be in top form when that happens. Ciao! R&R! Merry Christmas!