Mmkay well this is my first attempt at a Bleach I hope you like it. and reveiw, my friends!
---Chapter 1---
'How the hell did I get stuck in this situation...' were Ichigo's current thoughts as he pulled back Rukia's hair.
She gripped the tiolet bowl, shaking. Coughing a bit, she attempted to stand up.
"How ya feelin'?" He said, helping her up.
No response.
Ichigo pouted, but he didn't blame her, she was really sick. She had been like this for about a week and a half now, and he was starting to get worried.
' The flu doesn't last this long...'
She walked over to the sink, taking a plastic cup and filling it with water. Trembling, she took a drink from it to get rid of the sour taste in her mouth.
She tightly held on to the edges of the sink to keep herself from falling over. Ichigo stepped behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders.
"Hey, c'mon let's get you back to bed."
She took a look at herself in the mirror before nodding. Her face was pale and bags were starting to form under her exhausted eyes.
As she was taking a wobbly step out of the bathroom, Ichigo lifted her up into his arms and carried her into their bedroom.
"Shhh, save your strength." He interrupted.
He slowly laid her down onto the bed and tucked her under the blankets. She looked up at him with a weak smile as to say "Thank you".
He undoubtably read her expression. "No problem." He whispered, kissing her forehead. "I think I'm gonna go give Yuzu a call, 'kay? I'm gettin' worried about you..."
She nodded.
Yuzu and Karin were now 18 and basicly ran the clinic. Of course their good old Dad was still there, but the two of them seemed to be the ones in charge.
It was 1 A.M. but Yuzu worked the night shift, so Ichigo strolled over to the phone. Dialing in the number he seemed to know too well, he heard a familiar voice.
"Hey, Yuzu."
"Oh! Hi, Ichigo! What are you doing up at 1 in the morning??" She asked curiously.
He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well ah...Rukia's been pretty sick for almost two weeks now, and I just wanted you to check up on her. Are you busy?"
"Nope. You can come down whenever you want, its been pretty slow around here."
"Alright, well since both of us are up we'll take a ride down there right now."
"Okay, see you then."
"Yeah. Bye."
He hung up the phone and quietly walked over to Rukia, who had already begun to doze off. Shaking her gently, she turned groggily toward him.
"I'm gonna have Yuzu take a look at you. She said she isn't busy so I figured we'd just go get it over with now. You up to it?"
"Y-yeah..that's f-fine." she said, shivering.
He carefully lifted her back into his arms, carrying her out into the night. He opened the passenger door of his car and delicately laid her onto the seat.
Quietly, he shut the door and jogged around the car to the driver's seat. He started it up then zoomed down the street for only a few minutes before arriving at his family's clinic.
Pulling the car to a stop near the entrance, he opened the door and stepped out to help Rukia up. However, she was already pulling herself out of the car. Ichigo smiled at how stubborn she could be.
"C'mon now," He said with a grin. "I thought we agreed that you'd let me take care of you."
"I'm f-fine, I c-can walk on m-my own."
He rolled his eyes, but still smiled.
"I know, I know."
He always let her win.
About to open the door for her, in the corner of his eye he saw her bolting for the trash can. He turned around to see her bending over, throwing up once again.
He fingered a hand through his bangs, sighing.
'I hate seeing her like this...Dammit Rukia, you just always have to push yourself too far don't you?'
She slowly turned around, even weaker than before.
"Rukia...God I hate seeing you like this..." He said walking over to her and placing his hand on her cheek.
"I'm n-not exactly enjoying it, Ichig-go."
He didn't really have a response to that, so he just decided to focus on getting her inside. Taking her hand, he lead her to the door and helped her in. Seeing them come in, Yuzu ran from her desk to the couple.
"Oh, Rukia! You poor thing!" She let out in a gasp.
Ichigo blew out a stream of air, "So uh, can you give her a check-up or something? I just wanna know what she has so we can get rid of it."
"Yeah, sure. Rukia, come with me." Yuzu lead her into a small room and everything in it seemed to be blurred from her vision.
The teenager sat Rukia down on the bed and picked up a pen and clip board.
"What have you been feeling? What symptoms?" She said softly.
"Vomiting...I've been pretty drowsy...dizziness.."
Yuzu proceeded with scribbling a few things down on the piece of paper she had attached to her clipboard.
"K...And all of this started when?"
"About t-ten days ago."
"Have you had a fever? Aching sinus?"
She once again scratched onto the paper.
"Have you been exposed to anyone with the flu?"
Ichigo sat down in one of the black leather chairs in the waiting area, picking up a magazine. He attempted to read it, but couldn't keep his mind off of what could be wrong with Rukia.
'What if she has pneumonia? Or something worse?'
He just kept fidgeting in his seat until he gave up trying to read. Just as he was plunging into deep thought he could hear Rukia hollering about something.
And that's chapter one. I hope it wasn't as boring to you as it seemed to me...
Well, read and reveiw! Please!