Alright I know you've been dieing for the end and here it. By the way vote for who you want to have which dream in I Dream of a Clown. And of you don't read it start. jk. sorta. Anywho the poll is on my profile. And all you have to do is click on my name and then click on Vote Now at the top. Just incase you don't understand how.

Disclaimer: No I don't own Roswell because I would totally have been better than the actual writer because Tess would have never gone over to the darkside (I know they have cookies) and Alex would have never died (as you can tell).


10 days later

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." The priest said. "And may I present Mr. and Mrs. Max Evans."

"Finally." Kyle sighed. "About time."

"I'd hit you but I'm holding a baby." Maria said.

"Oh here." Michael said slapping Kyle on the back of his head.

"Let me hold her?" Isabel pleaded.

Maria handed her the baby.

"Hello just got married here." Liz said.

"And you are beautiful, babe." Maria said hugging her and Max.

"But not as adorable as my baby girl." Michael said taking the little girl from a pouting Isabel.

"You're beautiful." Max said kissing Liz.

"Plus today you are not only married but also godparents." Maria said to Liz and Max (who only stopped listening long enough to hear).

"To Sophia, stop pouting Iz, Isabel-" Isabel's jaw dropped. "-DeLuca Guerin."

"Can we call her Iz?" Isabel asked.

"Don't push it." Michael said.

"Besides if Max and Liz should not beable to fufill their duties," Maria said. "then Iz and Alex will become the acting Godparents."

"Yeah, so all we have to do is kill them off and we can be the godparents." Alex said putting his arm over Isabel's shoulder.

"Aw you'd risk life for me just to be the godmother." Isabel said.

"Of course I would." Alex said kissing her lightly.

"Hey, we're supposed to be the yucky couple here." Liz said.

"Oh please like no one noticed you two making out a few seconds ago." Kyle said.

"Shut up Kyle." Max and Liz said together before smiling at each other.

"Now before we outed at something we are supposed to be today by a baby or another couple," Max said smiling secretly. "I think WE," He squeezed Liz's hand. "Should leave for our honeymoon."

"Bye Sweetie." Maria said hugging them.

Next Michael gave them a weird one armed hug, and swiftly let go of them after about two seconds. Then Liz and Max each kissed Sophia before going to give Isabel and Alex a hug and then Kyle.

"Alright we have to get Sophia to bed." Maria said as she handed her to Michael.

"Bye guys." Michael said.

After they left, Kyle sighed and sat down on a pewer.

"What's the matter?" Alex asked as he and Isabel and sat down next to her.

"I'm considering going gay." Kyle said sadly.

Alex jumped up and said "Was not expecting that."

"Nope." Isabel said.

"Well what do you want me to do?" Kyle said. "I mean I haven't exactly been good with dating lately. Liz broke up with me for Max, Me and Tess-"

"Tess and I." Isabel said.

"Isabel this isn't about you and Tess!" Kyle said as Alex shook his head. "Like I was saying Me and Tess had that whole brother and sister thing going on before she killed you Alex, no offense. And Megan was actually a man!"

"What about that girl who you dated during that heat waves a few years back?" Isabel asked.

"Oh what's her name." Kyle said. "Well she was really stupid, man."

"She ain't the only one." Alex said.

"Kyle," Isabel said softly. "Just calm down it isn't going to happen all at once. You just have to let it happen."

"Whatever." Kyle said.

"Kyle, what does it matter right now?" Alex asked.

"You have us, and your dad and so many other people." Isabel said. "You don't need a girl to make you happy."

"Yeah well your not the one who has to use the bathroom and a magazine to satisfy yourself." Kyle said.

Then causing Isabel and Alex to laugh hysterically.

"I love you Liz." Max said. "I'm so glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I love you too." Liz said kissing him. "And I can't wait to be with you.


Maria groaned turning over in their bed.

Michael sighed and opened his eyes. "I got her."

Maria nodded and put a pillow over her ears.

Michael walked over to the crib that was still in their bedroom. He picked Sophia up and rocked her in his arms until she quieted down. When she was quiet he carried her over to the bed were Maria had turned over and watched him take care of Sophia.

He layed down with Sophia still in his arms and Maria layed against him and they eventually all feel asleep.

Oh My God! I can't believe that I'm finally finished with this. It's so weird. Well I wanted to thank all of you who went threw this whole story with me. And since I'm done with this I'm going to be focusing on my story: I Dream of a Clown. Come on with a title like that you know you want to read it. Anyways if you have remember to vote for who you want to have what dream in the next chapter.
