Harry Potter at the tender age of ten had been beaten up for the third time that week. This time for spilling Grape juice on Dudley's side of the room when he had dusting the photos in the other side of the room. At least that was what his Uncle Vernon had told him. Harry still couldn't figure out how that could work but maybe it was something that adults knew and he didn't. Whatever the reason, after the beating he was locked in the cardboard.

Harry hurt all over but knew if he didn't take care of himself no one else would. So he took some bottled water that he had taken from his family's kitchen and one of Dudley's newer shirts ( the older ones fit Harry better) and ripped it into long pieces. Using the water and another shirt as a towel Harry cleaned his wounds. Then he rapped the homemade bandages around the wounds to stop the bleeding. Now that his body had been taken care of Harry without any further ado went to sleep on the sack of old and worn out mats that he used as his bed and covered himself in a pink blanket that Dudley happened not to like.

When the little boy woke up, he felt hungry so he ate some crackers. Harry had learned long age to take crackers and bottled water from the kitchen after Dudley had had his "snack" because no one would find out and he wouldn't get in trouble. Harry also had some bottles saved to use the bathroom in, so he could go.

After having his meal, naturally he didn't know the time, Harry having nothing to do he started his homework. Harry always asked his teachers for a week's worth of work. Not normal for a ten year old but it sure passed the time. The young wizard was a fast learner and was on to 8th grade work but his teachers never told him that.

By the time he was done with all the work it was Monday (he was locked in on Friday.
Aunt Petunia liked to wake Harry up at 4 in the morning since she knew he couldn't go back to sleep after being woken up. The small boy didn't mind he just emptied out the yellow bottles clearly marked bathroom in the toilet. As for the crackers he would have to wait for Dudley's "snack" time. Then he filled up his water bottles. His room was done, now to start on the morning chores. The Duesleys really gave him morning chores but he knew he finished his inside chores in the morning he could have free time.


"Have a good time at school, Pumkin" Aunt Petunia said.

Dudley just waved back and walked to the bus. Harry didn't mind that his family forgot him. In reality he liked them better that way. He got on the bus after Dudley.

" Potter's a speck and barely has a neck," sang the children as Harry passed by (it's a song).

The freak, the freak don't sit by me

Look at the scar he has on his head

The freak, the freak don't sit by me

The kid doesn't even have a bed

The freak, the freak don't sit by me"

Harry was tired of this song. On the first day of school he sat by a boy his age. They talked and might have even become friends if the Dudley's gang hadn't hit. Now no one wanted to sit by Harry because they were scared of the Gang (The were no other gangs in the school). The Freak song was sung to stop Harry from sitting next to someone and it worked. So he broke into a run once Dudley found a seat, to the end of the bus to end the song and stop the last verse from coming.

"He should have been called Ned

The freak, the freak don't sit by me"

Just in range of the back seat.

" His parents left the freak to die"

Harry kept back his tears till he was safe in the back seat. Those words no matter how times were sung the last verse always cut him to his very core. On the way to school ( after he was done crying) Harry heard what others were saying and invented things in his head to say back (that will be in Italics) but never spoke them aloud .

"Don't tell anyone but I broke up with Andrew and I'm going out with Drew now"

"If you didn't want anyone to know why would you tell it on the bus"

"No way! But it's better this way, I mean you and Drew would make such a cute couple"

"Why did you date Andrew in the first place?"

"I know, that's why we're going out"

"Would you jump a bridge if was cool?"

"Did you know bridge jumping was cool?

" That's really sad"

"No way, that means I have to do it"

"I hope you survive"

Harry turned to listen to another seat because the one he was listening to was boring.

"I am so unprepared for the math test"

"Why would you have to study for a math test, I mean the calculator does all the work ?"

"Sorry I can't help you, Math is my worse subject"

"What is your best subject?"

"I need a pencil"

"Hey, I need one too"

" I only have one"

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Too bad I'm taking it"

" Just ask your teacher and the teacher will give you one"

"Hey that's mine"

" Even I knew that"

"Well it's not like Mr. Getting is going to let me borrow a pencil"

"Honestly, don't you ever ask, nicely?"

Harry felt the bus stop. It was time to go to school.


Harry, thankfully, didn't have Dudley in this class so he could come early and know he would be safe in the classroom.

"Why, hello Harry" said Mrs. Pelter.

"We do this every day"

"Hi, Mrs. Pelter" Harry replied.

"I prophesy her next words will be How are you doing…."

"How are you doing today?"

"It's not like my answer changes"


"What a big surprise!"

"Mrs. Pelter, Mrs. Pelter did you name the baby yet?" said a girl rushing in with her friends.

"Thank you Caroline"

"Why no Caroline"

"Are you anything other than happy? Ever?"

Mrs. Pelter was easiest the most beloved 6th grade teacher but since she was having a baby soon (very soon) she had to leave that afternoon. That meant that she would have to leave her class in the hands of a sub. Not just any sub but the meanest of them all, Mr. Snape. Just like Mrs. Pelter was the best teacher ever Mr. Snape was the most despised sub ever. Harry had only heard (over heard really) about Mr. Snape but never had the man.

The class slowly filed in, being careful not to sit with Harry. Mrs. Pelter frowned at that, she still didn't know why no one wanted to talk to the Potter kid. He was a kind, sweet boy that could be anyone's best friend.

"Class I'll like you to meet Mr. Snape your new Teacher," said Mrs. Pelter.


I got this story from another person who ended in a way that I didn't like but now I realize that there was no other way to end it so I'll just write chapter 2 and maybe chapter 3 and that's it. Unless I have reviews.

On another note I have made a couple of changes but I get writer's block when I try to change the bus scene but since it will bother my British readers I will not write another bus scene. I personally like the idea of Harry's . It would be nice to know it the importart people Cough Cough (the readers) like it.