(Synn goes into her study and sits down for a public service announcement)

Synn: I'm so sorry for not updating in so long, but writer's block is a bitch!

Freddy: You're the bitch for leaving these people hanging! (puts blade glove near her throat). By the way, where's your old fart musician to save you?

Lucard: It appears he had to go on tour, but, I'd be careful if I were you, Frederick. There is someone new in her life.

Freddy: Oooh I'm so scared! (Barks out a laugh as he continues to torment our author) What can he do to me anyways?

(Freddy is interrupted by a barrage of knives heading towards his head and screams like a girl)

Lucard: (Laughs as said man appears in the room) Frederick, allow me to introduce Synn's boyfriend Steve.

Steve: Never fear, my sweet Synn! (lopes onto the desk to steal some rescue kisses) Freddy Pooper can't harm you when I'm around!

(Synn grabs Steve in a death grip)

Synn: My hero! Gimme some sugar, baby!

(The room is filled with intense smacking noises)

Ash: HEY! That's my line!!! I wish someone would give me some sugar!

(Djinn appears behind Ash)

Djinn: As you wish! (Dumps Ash in a room full of powdered sugar)

Author's Note: I'm reallllyyyyy sorry that I haven't updated in so long! Please forgive me? Okay? I keep you entertained!

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing!!!

... "Hey Djinn" Ash said, fake dusting near the living room, where Hannibal was in session "I have some blackmail material on Freddy you might want to hear"

Djinn rushed to where Ash was standing and peered into the living room, suppressing a laugh as he saw Freddy.

"Oh this is funny" Djinn said, eavesdropping "It looks like Freddy is pouring out his heart and lack of soul"

"I wish we could tape this" Ash said wistfully, eavesdropping as well. With a slight nod, Djinn made a camcorder appear. Ash began to tape the session...

..."I don't get it, doc" Freddy said, lying on the couch with a balled up tissue in his bare hand "I know I was the product of rape, but wasn't 'Son of a hundred maniacs' a bit much?"

"Now, now Frederick" Hannibal soothed, taking notes "It was a bit much. It prompted you to deviate from the norm. You didn't have the best role models in your life either."

"I wanted to be a good one for Katherine" Freddy said, sobbing "But I just couldn't stop murdering children. If only Loretta hadn't snooped that day, Katherine wouldn't have run away after she saw me strangling her. I miss my little girl!"

"Frederick" Hannibal said, taking off his spectacles "Anybody who was in your shoes would have turned out the same way. You have abandonment issues that will probably always be unresolved with your mother. You suffered a lot of abuse at the hands of your foster father. You were tormented your whole life. You are normal, Freddy"

Freddy sat up, blowing his nearly burnt off nose.

"Ya think?" he said, wiping his eyes before making the Kleenex disappear "Yeah, doc...you're right. I feel much better now!"

"Good" Hannibal said, taking more notes "Our session is over today. Tomorrow we will discuss Katherine"

Freddy disappeared from the couch, leaving Hannibal in silence.

"My god that man has issues" he said, shaking his head ruefully "Sometimes I wonder why I volunteered to do counselling here"...

... Ash and Djinn took out the videotape for safekeeping. Soon, Djinn made the camcorder disappear.

"This tape gives me an idea" Djinn said, a plan forming in his mind "Let's have a movie night and show the rest of the housemates Freddy's emotional video"

"Great" Ash said, clapping his hands in delight "I would love to help you after all the shit he's pulled on me!"

"We need to make munchies and stuff"

"And we need to get a copy of that Fat Boyz video that Freddy appeared in too" Ash said, remembering something he had seen on YouTube recently "As well as that video by Dokken"

"Definitely!" Djinn said, making the other videos appear on the tape after the therapy session "Tonight is going to be hilarious"...

... The housemates were all gathered in the living room that night, awaiting the start of the movie.

"This was an excellent idea" Candyman said, sitting on the couch leisurely "We're always at each other's throats so much that we don't really have a lot of fun. Kudos, Djinn!"

"You're welcome" Djinn said, popping the tape in the VCR "Prepare to laugh because I've selected a Comedy"

"Goody" Freddy said, rolling his eyes as he munched on popcorn "It better not be a stupid movie!"

Djinn grinned to himself, pressing PLAY.

The camera panned to show Freddy lying on the couch with a balled up tissue in his hand.

"I don't get it, doc! I know I was the product of rape, but isn't 'Son of a hundred maniacs' a bit much?"

Everyone except Freddy burst out laughing. Even Michael and Jason's shoulders were shaking in laughter.

"I wanted to be a good one for Katherine" Freddy sobbed "But I couldn't stop murdering children!"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Freddy snarled as the scene changed to the scene in Dokken's 'Dream Warriors' video where Freddy wakes up from his nightmare.

"Huh?? What a nightmare!" Freddy groaned, clutching a teddy bear "Who were those guys?"

The erupted laugher became louder. Freddy was becoming enraged.

"WHO THE FUCK PUT THIS SHIT ON?" he snarled as the Fat Boyz rap video came on "WHO THE FUCK IS BEHIND THIS?"

Unfortunately for Freddy, everyone was laughing too hard to answer his barks.

"Who knew that Freddy was friends with fat guys?" Ash quipped, holding his sides "Maybe he's into BHM!"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS BHM?" Freddy roared, upending the coffee table in rage.

"Big Handsome Men" Djinn replied, chortling "Why Freddy...I didn't know you were a homosexual!"

Freddy lunged at Djinn, stabbing him in the gut.

"Frederick!" Hannibal exclaimed, standing up "That is no way to treat Djinn! You shouldn't be acting on impulse like that against the other housemates!"

"AARRRGH" Freddy roared "He has to be behind the video bullshit"

"It doesn't matter!" Hannibal said, chastising Freddy "We will discuss this tomorrow, Mr. Krueger!"

Freddy sat down, slamming his fist on the arm of the chair...

Synn: Great job, Djinn! Who knew that Freddy had issues?

Djinn: Why thank you, dear Author.

Freddy: I'll slit your throat in your dreams bitch! (Is promptly stabbed by flying knives, courtesy of Steve)

Steve: What did I just say about nothing hurting my baby girl?

(Synn, Steve and Djinn all share a laugh)