Part Two - Chapter Three

As they continued to fall, two figures swooped down from the sky. A creature caught Madison on its back and the Wand in its mouth, while the other figure, who was sort of human, caught Sakura in his arms. They carried them back to a place, not on Earth. They landed and rest the two girls down, the creature placing the Wand next to Sakura. "Good work, Suppi." the guy said., patting the cat-like creature. "Yeah. Yeah." Suppi mumbled, "You got the better catch Yue." "I have no idea what you're talking about, but be happy we caught them." The groaning of the two girls brought the two from their death glares.

They looked down at them. Sakura's eyes twitched then opened. She grabbed the Wand and pulled it close. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked around and saw Yue and Suppi, who was smaller. He was smiling from ear to ear. Sakura smiled back. She turned around and looked at Madison. She crawled over and shook her gently. "Mad? Madison?" Madison rolled over and shooed Sakura away. Sakura sweatdropped, then leaned down and whispered in her ear. Madison sat up instantly. "Where? Where?" She looked around. "You're a liar, Sakura." Sakura grinned. "What did she lie about?"

They both turned around to see Eriol standing behind them, with Kero, Meilin, and Li. Meilin and Li jumped off of Kero's back. Li rushed over to Sakura. "Are you ok?" he asked. She nodded slowly. Eriol, Meilin, and Kero walked over also, Eriol stopping by Madison. Meilin was leaning lazily against Kero. "Why are we here?" she mumbled. "Sakura and Li know." Yue said. Sakura and Li looked at each other then at Yue. "You're the Mistress and Master of the Clow Cards." "Well." Sakura said, clearing her throat, "I knew I was the Mistress, but Li...?"

Suppi floated over and around Sakura. "You're not just the Clow Cards' owners, you own any and everything that Reed created. It's all now in your possession." Yue snapped his fingers after Suppi had stopped for a minute. The whole area changed. Sakura stood up. "My dream. This is just like my dream." "Yes," Suppi said, "You know your dreams are always connected to any and everything." He flew back over to Yue. "Flower." Yue said. Sakura's pocket glowed and a Card floated out. "Release." he finished. The Card glowed and Flower now stood in its place. She didn't even need instructions, she got straight to work. The outfits Sakura and Li were wearing changed to that of what was in Sakura's dream, then everyone disappeared.

Appearing again, Li found himself sitting on the bench, with one leg pulled up to his chest and the other dangling a few inches from the ground. He looked up as he heard soft voices. He moved the hair that had fallen in his face away. As he saw the people, a few of them with their backs turned, headed his way, he stood up. Sakura turned around and stopped. Her eyes still sparkled as she looked at Li. Li walked up to her. He stopped halfway there because Eriol moved in front of Sakura. He leaned forward and Li couldn't see what he was doing.

His eyebrow started twitching and he rushed forward. He scooted Eriol to the side and held out his arm to Sakura. She took it and he pulled her close. "This is just like my dream... just slightly altered." Sakura said. Li looked at her closely, then leaned forward, bringing his lips to meet hers. Sakura's eyes widened, then she smiled to herself, leaning into the feeling. When they separated, their faces both held a light blush. "Still slightly altered?" Li asked. Sakura nodded. "Greatly altered." Li laughed along with Sakura. They both began to walk away.

Sakura looked over her shoulder and waved to everyone standing there. Meilin sat a top Kero and waved back. Eriol held Madison in his arms and those two waved back. Yue and Suppi were waving also. "You guys are the best. Take care." Sakura said smiling. She turned back around and leaned on Li's shoulder, then they disappeared, and so did everyone and everything else. When they reappeared, they were all sitting in the public park, but Suppi and Yue were no where to be seen. Everyone looked around, then looked at each other. Sakura and Li remembered the kiss and blushed, looking away.

"Ok. Now that that's all settled." Kero said, "Let's go get some cake!" Everyone sweatdropped. Madison laughed, "Kero!" "What? What? I want cake." "Just like a stuffed animal." Li commented. "What?! You better watch it, kid. You may be ruling with Sakura, but I can still do what I want." Li crossed his arms and Kero did the same, the two of them staring daggers at each other. Madison pulled Kero away and Sakura grabbed Li's arm. "Let's go get that cake, Kero." Madison giggled. Everyone got to their feet and started walking out of the park. Meilin dragged behind. Kero looked back and her and flew back there.

"What's the matter, kid?" he asked, landing on her shoulder. Meilin looked at him then stared forward and again. "Li and Sakura. Madison and Eriol. I have no one." she wailed, not too loud for the couples to hear. Kero pat her on her cheek. "There. There. I'm sure you'll find someone." "Excuse me. Miss!" Kero smiled and hopped into Meilin's pocket. "See, I was correct." Meilin smiled and turned around. A young boy around her age was running up to her. "I'm sorry, miss. But you dropped this." He held his hand to show one of Meilin's ribbons. She looked up at her bun. "Oh. Thank you..." The boy smiled. "San." "Thank you, San." She took the ribbon back and put it in her hair. "I'm Meilin." she said when she had finished.

He smiled and took her hand in his. "Nice to meet you." "Say, San. Would you like to join me and my friends for some cake?" Kero silently cheered. San looked down at him. Kero sweatdropped and stayed still. San looked back up at Meilin and smiled. "Sure. I'd love to." He offered her his arm and she smiled, linking hers with his. The two walked after Sakura and the others, who were waiting happily. The events that happened were always remembered. Through school, and their teachings with Mss Mackenzie. San went to a different school, but Meilin was always able to see him. Eriol even taught Madison to do some of the things the others do, but he had to lend her a little power.

And so, the Cardcaptors were happy together in life.


Kero: We get caaaaaake!!
Sakura: Kero!
San: *pops up from no where* A-ha! I knew he could talk!
Kero: Uh-oh.. *disappears*
Li: You're all crazy...
Eriol: Lighten up, Li
Li: ....
Fight Card, Author: Ok.. take care then.. bye bye now.. *kicks everyone out of the fic*