Author's Note:
THANK YOU for all of the reviews I got yesterday!! I was absolutely ecstatic that so many of you took the time to read/review and it definitely got me to write very quickly! Thank you so much again, I love feedback!
So, my friends, this is it! The very last chapter – and I think you all know what that means… ;)
Please review – I'd love to hear what you think of it! I really hope I lived up to your expectations! Oh, and just a warning – this chapter is very long! It was originally going to be two, but I thought rolling it into one would be nicer.

I don't own Bones, nor do I own The Phantom of the Opera (or any lyrics!). I just own the basic storyline…

Chapter Five

"Daddy! I can't get my tie on!" Parker said as he hopped towards his father.

"Come 'ere, bub. Lemme get that." Booth said as he knelt down and expertly tied his son's Mickey Mouse tie.

"I look like FBI." Parker said with a grin as he looked up into the mirror.

"You're unbeatable, kiddo!" Booth said as he picked his son up and dangled him in the air. Parker shrieked with laughter and Booth eventually put him back down.

"Daddy, is Dr. Bones coming to P'antom too?" he asked.

Booth laughed at his son's name for Bones. She'd kill Booth if she knew he'd passed on the nickname to his son.

"Well, she might be. She's been really busy lately, but I think she'll try her best to come."

"I think she should come!" Parker said as he reached for the doorknob.

"Me too, bub." Booth said as he ruffled his son's hair.

"Daddddddy! We're gonna be late!" He said, dragging Booth out the door.

Booth heard a tiny shriek as he got Parker out of his car seat once they'd arrived at the theatre. Angela… Booth thought to himself, shaking his head and grinning.

"Hey sweetie, you must be Parker! Hi, I'm Angela, I work with your dad!"

"Do you squint too?" Parker asked, his eyebrows drawn in partial confusion.

"Nope. I'm an artist." She said.

"Oh that's cool!" Parker said "Do you know Dr. Bones too?"

"Yup! She's my best friend!"

"But she's my daddy's best friend…"

"Parker, she's daddy's best friend in a different kind of way."

"Angela!" Booth said, narrowing his eyes and scooping his son off the ground. She laughed lightly at his reaction to her comment.

"Come on, we're gonna be late."

Temperance sat in her dressing room alone, staring at herself in the medium sized oval mirror. She combed her wavy hair absently, and glanced at the clock. A knock came to the door and she turned around.

"Hey Tempe, ten minutes till curtain. Oh my –" Gisele began, "You look absolutely beautiful" she said, bringing Tempe to her feet. "Are you nervous?"

"Oh, not at all. Nerves are simply an increase in adrenaline which is coordinately related to heightened bloodflow in the –"

"Booth is here, isn't he?"

"Yes." Brennan said, without hesitation.

"Just don't even think about it, he'll love it no matter what you do. Just do everything like you have rehearsed and it will be perfect." Gisele said with a smile.

"You're right. It's a show after all."

"You are no longer Temperance Brennan, you are Christine Daaé." Gisele replied, rubbing Tempe shoulder. "Now, get out there and knock 'em dead!"

"But not literally." Tempe added.

"Seats D 40-43. Let's see, you're in the centre orchestra area, on the left hand aisle." The usher said as he pointed at their seats with a flashlight.

Booth thanked the usher as he and Angela and Parker headed towards their seats. Angela had been explaining to Parker how much better finger painting is compared to paint-by-numbers.

"Daddy can I go finger painting?"

"Haha sure bub, you have my full permission to make a complete mess of Angela's apartment." Booth said with a smile. They arrived at their seats and Booth set up the booster seat for Parker.

"Daddy, the stage is so big!" Parker marveled.

Booth didn't hear his son because he was too busy bickering with Angela over his relationship with Brennan.

"Look, all I'm saying is that Bren is not typically the kind of woman to articulate her emotions. She wants you and all you need to do –"

"Ange, come on!" Booth hushed, motioning to Parker who was playing with the Program Booklet that the usher had given him.

"Daddy?" Parker began, but was silenced by his father's protests to Angela.

"Ange you've really gotta lay off my relationship with –"


"Oh, so you admit that you have a relationship?!" Angela whispered back.

"Daddy!" Parker said for the third time, tugging on Booth's suit jacket to get his attention.

"What is it, buddy?" Booth said, motioning to Angela to be quiet.

"It's Dr. Bones!!" Parker squealed, shoving the cast picture of Brennan up into Booth's face.

Booth stared at the Program in complete and utter disbelief. Bones smiled secretively up at his from the picture, her icy blue eyes staring up from the paper and into his.

"OH MY GOD!" Angela shouted, grabbing the program and staring at Brennan's image. The couple sitting in front of them warily glanced back at Angela at her outburst.

"Is this a joke?" Booth said with wide eyes, grabbing the Program back from Angela. His jaw was slack, he was completely speechless.

Angela kept shaking her head whispering "Oh my God... Oh my God…" over and over again.

"Daddy! Did you know that Bones can sing? She's playing 'histine! I wonder if she'll sign my Program…" Parker kept babbling on as Booth tried desperately to regained his composure – he was completely shocked.

"What the hell?! Did you know?" he whispered to Angela.

"Are you kidding me? Do you think I would be reacting like this if I KNEW?!" she squealed.

All of a sudden the lights grew dim and the trumpet section belted out their first thunderous notes, deafening the audience in the music's brilliance. Booth shifted in his seat, squirming to see if Bones was on the stage yet. Throughout the overture Angela and Booth exchanged shocked, but impressed, glances.

Everything makes sense… Booth thought to himself. The singing in her apartment, her strange behavior, the decreased time spent at the lab, the dry cleaning, her fatigue…

Booth's mind continued to race until everything in his mind shut down when he saw Brennan enter the stage with a large group of women, dressed as a Chorus girl. His breath hitched in his throat as he watched her dance gracefully about the stage with the rest of the girls – effortlessly beautiful.

"I can't believe this!" Angela squealed in delight as the couple in front of them turned around for the third time with a loud "Shhhh!"

"Sorry." She replied meekly, never taking her eyes off her best friend on the stage.

"Christine Daae could sing it, Sir!"

"The chorus girl?"

"Let her sing for you monsieur, she has been well taught…"

The orchestra lead a light crescendo into the opening bars of the song, and Brennan took a few steps forward.

Think of me,
Think of me fondly,
When we say goodbye.
Just think of me,
Ever so often,
Promise me you'll try.

Her voice drifted through the air like magic. Her soft vibrato soaring gently to the crowd, leaving Angela and Booth with their jaws dropped. They were both in complete shock at the beauty of her voice. She's so beautiful… Booth thought to himself, his heart surging with love for his secretive partner.

Angela glanced over at Parker who was grinning from ear to ear. His eyes were shining bright and never left Brennan's form. His hands were clasped in his lap and he sat completely still – impressive for a five year old…

When you find,
That once again you want,
To take your heart back and be free,
If you ever find a moment,
Stop and think of me…

Angela's hands were now over her mouth and a few tears sprang to her eyes. Never had she ever dreamed Brennan would ever consider doing something like this. Glancing over at Booth, she suspected he was thinking the same thing. Angela nearly giggled at the expression on Booth's face – he was completely entranced by Temperance's beauty.

Never really getting over the initial shock of Christine Daaé's identity, the next few scenes danced by as if they were part of a dream for Booth. The only difference that time allowed was that instead of modeling a gaping mouth, his face was permanently transfixed in a wide smile. He was, quite literally, beaming.

Temperance was enjoying the few free minutes she was backstage. Currently a scene was being performed which didn't include her, though her mind was still devoted to the task at hand. If I think of him I won't be able to focus… she rationalized as she tried desperately to make out his form in the crowd. I wonder what he's thinking… I wonder what Angela is thinking…

Temperance ceased this train of thought as the make-up artist approached her to do some touch-ups. On with the show… she thought to herself as she entered the stage for one of the most pivotal scenes.

Smoke filled the stage as Christine and the Phantom slowly moved along an elevated platform above the stage. The melody was intense and dramatic,

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do I dream again
For now I find
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my mind

Booth's mouth hung open. Never in his wildest dreams (and there had been some wild ones…) had he ever imagined he would be witnessing this. Apart from the shock of her secret, Booth was equally shocked at his partner's incredible talent! Her voice was so sweet and pure, yet so strong and sure. She was wearing a floor-length white gown, which billowed against the floor like a dancing ghost. The neckline plunged downwards, revealing her porcelain skin and a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. He managed to take his eyes off of Brennan for a moment, instead focusing on the man who was playing the Phantom. The man walked up from behind Brennan and seductively placed his arm around her tiny waist:

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera is here
Inside your mind

The Phantom's bellowing voice was truly haunting, yet strangely familiar. All of a sudden it hit him The man from the crime scene yesterday! What was his name… James! That's why they were whispering… Booth thought to himself shaking his head and grinning at his partner.

"Sing for me, my Angel of Music!" The Phantom proclaimed, opening his arms and leading Temperance to the centre of the stage. As if under the Phantom's spell, she opened her mouth and began to sing a haunting rhythm, escalating higher and higher – each note more poignant than the last. Booth's mouth dropped to the floor, as did Angela's, Parker's, and everyone sitting around them. Her voice was mesmerizing, and her range was unlike anything he had ever heard in his life. The last note she hit – so high and pure – sent shivers up Booth's spine. He stared straight into her eyes, and it was as if she was looking straight at him. It was at that very moment that Booth knew he would never meet anyone like Bones for the rest of his life. She was the epitome of everything he ever wanted – she was truly perfect. And he loved her.

The performance carried on, and Booth felt as if he hadn't blinked once. Every now and then he'd be brought back to reality upon hearing Angela squeal quietly or utter another "Oh my God…" but other than that he was completely lost in the world of Christine Daaé. They were now currently performing the scene on the rooftop of the Opera House, as Raoul and Christine profess their love. Booth listened closely to the lyrics, it was as if everything he'd ever wanted to say to Bones was wrapped up in a song:

No more talk of darkness
Forget these wide-eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you
Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
I'm here, with you beside you
To guard you and to guide you…

Angela had obviously caught this meaning as well, and they each turned to each other at the same time. Angela grinned, her eyes still shining and Booth smiled back. Both of them knew exactly what was meant to be.

Say you'll need me with you
Now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
Love me, that's all I ask of you…

As the curtain closed for intermission, Parker suddenly snapped out of his nearly catatonic position of attention and started talking wildly, "Daddy! Did you see? Dr. Bones is amazing!" His extra emphasis on amazing made his eyes bulge and made his smile even more infectious.

"She's amazing!" Booth said with equal emphasis, still glancing at the closed curtain. All of a sudden he shot out of his chair.

"Booth? Where are you going?" Angela asked

"There's just something I have to do! Watch Parker!" Booth said, grinning as he bolted up the aise towards the lobby of the theatre.

Booth searched around and finally found the door he was looking for. Taking a deep breath, he marched towards the door marked "Cast Entrance".

"I'm sorry sir, no general public beyond this point." Said a security guard, blocking the door from Booth.

"Oh come on, I really need to talk to Bones—er.. Temperance. It's really important. I'm her partner –"

"I'm sorry sir, rules are rules. But you're welcome to wait here at the end of the show for Ms. Brennan."

"Actually, it's Dr. Brennan –" Booth began, his hand reaching for his FBI badge when he saw an friendly looking lady with gray hair come out from the Cast door.

"Bobby, is there a problem here?" She asked quizzically, eyeing Booth. Before the security guard could reply Booth interrupted him.

"I really need to speak to Temperance. My name is Agent Booth, I'm her partner and –"

Instantly the woman's face melt into a warm smile. "My name is Gisele! It's such a pleasure to meet you! And how are you enjoying the performance thus far?" She asked, her smile not leaving her lips.

"She – it's … amazing." Booth said, at a complete loss for words. Gisele knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I'm so sorry Agent Booth, I know you would love to speak to Tempe but unfortunately we have a strict no-visiting rule during Intermission. We find it causes our actors to loose concentration – and, in this case, I definitely think her concentration would diminish." Gisele said knowingly, causing Booth to blush a little bit. He sighed for a moment, before another thought occurred to him.

"Alright, I understand. I have to go – I have an idea…" Booth began, turning away and walking towards the exit. "It was nice to meet you!" Booth called out from over his shoulder as he exited the theatre.

"You too." Gisele smiled quietly, before returning back to help Tempe into her next costume.

10 minutes later, Booth rushed back into the theatre with a package. He bolted back to his seat just as the lights dimmed and the orchestra began the Entr'Acte.

"Where the hell did you run off to? Did you get to talk to her?" Angela whispered.

"Nope, I'll tell you later." Booth whispered back before granting another apologetic glance at the couple in the seats in front of them.
Booth glanced over at Parker to see how he was doing and he grinned. Parker was, again, completely entranced in the music and was staring at the stage.

Booth hid the package in front of his feet and settled back into his seat. The sweetness of the Enr'Acte disappeared, replaced with the ominous cries of the roaring trumpet section: the evocative melody sucking the audience back into the dark and twisted world of the Phantom.

The second act was equally as mind blowing as the first, and Booth's breath hitched in his throat when Brennan began to sing yet another haunting melody. Just as the lyrics to All I Ask of You spoke of Booth's love for Brennan, this next song brilliantly echoed Brennan's troubled relationship with her family. Her high level of emotion was evident, and was not lost on neither Booth nor Angela:

You were once my one companion
You were all that mattered
You were once my friend and father
Then my world was shattered
Wishing you were somehow here again
Wishing you were somehow near
Sometimes it seemed
If I just dreamed
Somehow you would be here
Wishing I could hear your voice again
Knowing that I never will
Dreaming of you
Won't help me to do
All that you dreamed I could…

Temperance floated along the stage - the cemetery in the background adding to the sublime theme. Booth's smile was now replaced with a strange and compassionate expression. Bones had been through so much – the loss of her family was clearly one of the most impacting events in her life. This song was more than music and words, this song epitomized Temperance's personal struggle – a struggle that Booth wanted to help her win. Her voice lead a deep crescendo into the dramatic finish of the song, leaving Booth breathless.

Too many years
Fighting back tears
Why can't the past just die?
Wishing you were somehow here again
Knowing we must say goodbye
Try to forgive, teach me to live!
Give me the strength to fly!
No more memories
No more silent tears
No more gazing across the wasted years

Help me say goodbye.

Angela had tears streaming down her face which matched the tears pooling in Temperance's eyes. The stage lights caught them and they glistened like diamonds against her pale face. In the midst of her awe, Angela glanced over at a strangely emotional Booth – who had been clearly touched by her performance. She's been through so much… she deserves Booth. She needs Booth just as much as he needs her.

The show began to reach its climax. The drama heightening by the second as the Phantom captured both Christine and Raoul in his cave of darkness. Finally the Phantom relented, allowing Christine and Raoul to leave and never to return again. The bittersweet ending was truly moving, as was the sight of the illuminated Mask – the only remaining piece of the Phantom – left centre stage. The spotlight faded on the mask, and the curtains closed. Just as they did, the entire audience erupted in a wave of unquenchable applause.

The curtains re-opened for curtain call, as members of the cast one by one approached centre stage to take their bows. All of the supporting cast had already approached the stage, and the orchestra led a crescendo as the characters Raoul, Christine, and the Phantom came out from back stage. Mike, the character of Raoul, stepped out to receive his bows as the audience continued to clap wildly. Temperance and James – Christine and the Phantom – approached centre stage with linked arms. As they did, the entire audience leapt to their feet in a standing ovation.

Booth shot up before any of the rest, his smile reaching an all-new wattage. Angela was the next who was whistling and shouting Temperance's name over the crowd. Booth picked Parker up on his shoulders to give him a better view point.

James motioned to Temperance to take a bow. She smiled brightly, as if laughing to herself, and bowed as the noise from the audience grew and grew. Feet began to stomp, and the applause was almost deafening.

Once they had all taken their bows, the cast aligned themselves and motioned to the conductor, as if saying thank you. They then took a deep bow together and then the curtain closed. However, the close of the curtain did not hinder the ecstatic audience who continued to hoot and holler at the red velvet wall. As if the 'magic word' had been spoken, the curtain opened back up as Temperance, Mike and James headed back to centre stage to receive their encore.

It was at that moment when Temperance finally spotted Booth, who had Parker up on his shoulders. Angela was there too, clapping wildly at his side. Brennan smiled directly at them and took her second bow. There's my family… she thought to herself.

"Temperance, you were marvelous!" Gisele beamed grabbing Brennan and pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Oh thank you – it never would have been if it hadn't been for your directing!"

"Tempe, you truly are wonderful." She smiled. "Now, I don't want to hold you up – there's a gentlemen outside who is quite adamant to see you." Gisele winked as she headed towards James and Mike.

Brennan quickly stripped out of her gown and slipped into a pair of dark jeans and a green sweater which perfectly highlighted her eyes. Trying her best to remove the excess stage make-up, Brennan combed her curled locks and grabbed her bag as she headed for the door. Time to face them… she thought. She didn't know whether to be anxious, excited, nervous, or happy. I hate psychology… she thought as she headed towards the door to the lobby.

"Booth that is so sweet! I had no idea that's where you went!" Angela beamed. The three of them were waiting patiently outside the Cast Door. Most of the audience members had dissipated out of the theatre, so it was becoming much more quiet.

"Oh I just thought –"

Booth was interrupted as the door opened as Temperance stood in the doorway. Her skin was glowing, and she looked just as magical as she had on the stage. Booth was glued to the floor, so Angela took a step in and grabbed her friend.

"OH MY GOD, BREN! That was incredible! I love you I love you! Why didn't you say anything? You're amazing!" Angela said happily as she hugged Brennan for what seemed to be ages.

They were interrupted as Parker ran up and tugged on her coat. "Dr. Bones! You are the best singer I have ever heard." He said, hugging her left leg quickly before stepping backwards and blushing behind Angela.

"Thanks, Parker – Thanks, Ange" Brennan smiled. "Look, I'm really sorry I didn't say anything, I just…"

"Bones." Booth interrupted, finally finding the words he was looking for.

"Booth." She said breathlessly, suddenly feeling strangely happy.

"Hey, come on Parker let's let your daddy and Bren have some alone time." She said as she squatted to pick Parker up.

Once Angela and Parker were gone, Booth took a step up to Brennan. "You were – you're…amazing. You're perfect. I've never heard anything as beautiful as your voice, I've never seen anything as beautiful as your smile. I love everything about you. You are –"

Brennan cut his words off by impulsively leaning in and brushing her lips gently over his. He placed his hand to her cheek and reached around her waist, pulling her in as he deepened the kiss. The passion that had built of for nearly two years erupted in the kiss, and it was as if neither of them could get enough of it. Finally the gently broke apart for air and they rested their foreheads against each other. All of a sudden, Booth smiled mischievously. "What?" Brennan whispered, a smile growing on her lips as well.

Booth reached for a package that was sitting on the chair near the Cast Door. "This is for you." he said as he placed the package in Brennan's hands. Wordlessly, she removed the wrapping to reveal one dozen red roses. "They're beautiful" she breathed quietly. She noticed a note attached to one of the blooms and she reached for it.

Inscribed in Booth's handwriting, the note read:

"Love me, that's all I ask of you."

A tear dropped from Temperance's eye and onto one of the rose blooms. She looked up at Booth who was gazing at her lovingly, his eyes so warm with emotion. As she leaned into kiss him again she realized that this was where she belonged. Just as the Phantom fought so hard to discover where he belonged – Temperance, too, had found her place. It was right in Seeley Booth's arms.

He wasn't an Angel of Music. But, surely, he was her angel.

The End