Disclaimer: Rowanclaw is a sexually confused cat:D Yes I own Warriors and I made him that way and I made Darkstripe change his eye color in every book. Blue/brown/blue/brown/blue/YELLOW/brown/blue!


Darkstripe: The hell.

A/N: I haven't written sumthin in a loooooong ass time, sorry. I got lazy and stuff. I wanted to write this cuz it came to me yesterday but it doesn't make too much sense. I like Thornclaw x Tawnypelt, mkay.

The Crazy Things We Do
Chapter 1—If I Could Read Your Mind


Tawnypelt's POV

I wish I didn't like you. It sounds harsh but I really, really wish I didn't like you.

After all, you're nothing special. You're just another tom in a world full of madness and confusion and happiness and unexpected things.

And it's because of you my loyalty to my Clan is crushed. I wanted to be the best ShadowClan warrior the forest has ever seen but I guess that won't ever happen now.

And it's because of you I have this titanic pressure on my mind and heart. I tell it to go away, you have no idea how much I want it to go away! But every time I see you I choke on the air I breathe and my conscious senses are completely gone.

I go crazy when I remember how your soft, golden fur brushed against mine and your shining brown eyes locked with my own. I can't help it—That night was unforgettable. I remember so clearly the way I teased and mocked you when we went near the border during that same day, at dusk.

You were so easy to seduce, and yet, I knew I shouldn't have done that. You followed me all the way to the abandoned Twoleg nest on your side of the border but we kept to our own territory.

Until we reached the nest, at least. It is out of our control to make our emotions listen to us. The only thing our feelings listen to is our hearts.

Great StarClan, you were some crazy thing.

After that we met from time to time but we were careful. You knew it was wrong, though, you knew it! I confronted you with this before, a few days after that night. You knew how bad I felt, the misery in my words as I told you how sinful our actions were. Your eyes focused on me, and only me, wide and sad.

I don't know what to do anymore. Here I am, at a Gathering, and I can't even pay attention to what Firestar is saying. Dozens of cats are sitting before me and the clearing is dotted with figures of brown, black, white, tortoiseshell, silver...

And I still can't find you! I want to see you, to feel your presence next to me, and yet I want to push you away and curse your existence. Is this how Crowfeather feels, when he sees Leafpool, and realizes that he can't be with her? Does he get this longing feeling mixed with disgust and hate?

No, not hate...Crowfeather could never hate Leafpool. Sometimes I hate you and I don't know why. I'm also in like with you, though. That's right—I kinda like you and kinda hate you at the same time.

Life doesn't make sense sometimes, I keep saying to myself. In the meantime, I should be listening to the leaders, who are hopefully speaking some sense.

I turn my head to look back at the leaders perched on the tree and then—

There you are. Right there, a few fox-lengths to my right. Your chin held high, your tail curled around your front paws—there you are, listening to Leopardstar speak. Suddenly, I freeze. How come I didn't see you before? I should be listening, too, but please look at me, please, please look at me—

Suddenly, our eyes lock in one swift movement of your head. You only stare at me as I stare back and then I feel something stir between us when you smile...That familiar fire suddenly sparks deep within your eyes and I wonder what you're thinking.

Never before have I wanted so badly to read your mind. Am I going crazy?

No, you're crazy, I want to tell you, You're really crazy if you think you can trick me again with that stare.

Too bad you already did. I sigh.

Oh, you crazy thing, what am I going to do with you...


A/N: That was shorter than usual, I know. Flames are welcome but ONLY if they are reasonable, not the 'omgg thorn x tawny, wtffff!?' crap. It's called a crack pairing and I happen to write the craziest crack pairings. Refer to Abandoned and What Is Love?

This will be updated. Probably this week, if not, next week. So read and review, luvs.
