Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy or Devil may Cry.

This story is a mix between Devil may Cry and FF7

This part might be short and quick but later it will be much better.

Devil may Cry

Dante looked at the woman, "So a group of demons went through that portal?" He asked her. The women nodded and he sighed, "Let's see if I take the job." He pulled out his trick coin and tossed it into the air; he caught it and slapped it onto his hand. "Well, it seems its your lucky day," he said glancing at the coin with a gun on both sides, "I'll take the job." With that he jumped the portal feet first.

Final Fantasy VII

Dante landed with a loud thud in the dust on a cliff. "Great, make it the most remote part of the world," he muttered making sure his gun's hadn't gotten wrecked, they hadn't luckily and he looked in front of him. There was a rusty sword sticking out of the ground. A blond man was staring at the sword unaware of Dante's presence. With a smirk he whistled sharply making the man jolt around pulling out his sword and leveling it at Dante.

"Who are you?" The blond man asked, he had moved as fast as Dante would have which was a shock to the half demon.

"What, you never heard of not pointing swords at people you don't know?" Dante asked with a grin. "Incase they decide to fight with you, I'm Dante," he added smirking. He was going to be an ass right now. "How do you move so fast?" He then questioned, his hand moving to his guns at his hips. If the man was a demon it would be dead before it knew it. He was out to kill any and all demons, with the exception of himself and his brother, it was impossible to kill them.

The man only looked at him carefully not answering.

"Ok, fine don't answer me." Dante said with a shrug turning around. He would get the guy back later. He smirked and began to walk away from the man then turned sharply and ran at the man, turning just in time to keep from being impaled he jumped off the cliff and fell down to the ground below. He landed easily enough and began to run as fast a he could which was pretty fast towards the city.

Dante stopped near the city and smoothed back his hair; he would look around and see if he could find any of those demons he had been hired to kill.

He walked for hours, getting weird looks and finally stopped in a bar called 7th Heaven, he walked inside and the bar lady stared at him, he sat down at the bar and she came over.

"How may I help you?" She asked

"For now, give me something strong." He said looking at her in the face. She didn't seem to be unnerved just uncomfortable, like she had seen someone like him earlier. She gave him a drink and he tossed her a coin. Somehow they had the same type of money here as they did in his world, strange. He picked up the drink and was about to drain it when a man, the same man from the cliff walked in and walked over to the bar. He seemed to be startled at Dante's appearance there. He gave Dante a untrusting look and talked to the bar lady. Dante didn't feel like eve's dropping and drank his drink. After he was finished he set down the glass and left, the man had been looking at him the whole time, not just him but a man with long black hair and a cape was staring at him to. The man in red seemed to be unlike any other in the city but the bar lady seemed to have no problem with him in fact she talked to him whenever he would respond.

Dante walked around some more and then out of sere boredom he climbed up a wrecked building and sat on the top. Suddenly the area he was sitting on broke loose and he fell down onto a church roof, there seemed to be a comotion below and when he looked threw the hole he grinned with a evil sort of delight.