Chapter 1 – Getting out

The bath was boiling hot and for once, Rogue felt relaxed as she lay there. She smoothed the bubbles over her body, minding her cuts and bruises. She prodded one gingerly and winced when it gave her a shock of pain.

She slowly got out and gently dried off. Then she stood in front of the full length mirror, inspecting her injuries. It had become a ritual for her everyday now, looking at which ones needed stitches or band aids. Everyday brought new pain, a new cut or bruise to deal with.

She thought back to about 5 years ago. Back when the Xmen were still together, back when she was happy. She was even happier when she learnt to control her powers, and she could touch Remy. She smiled at the heated nights they spent together and how much she loved him

But then, after the death of Charles Xavier, everything spiraled out of control and the Xmen broke up. Remy had to sort out the Guilds in Louisiana and didn't want Rogue to get hurt. They broke it off nicely, although they both still had feelings for each other. Cyclops and Storm locked up the mansion for good and Rogue walked away from an amazing life.

Her first act was to return to her home state, Mississippi and there you should she meet but Cody. With control over her powers, she could know longer hurt him and they got married.

When she fell pregnant, they couldn't be happier and when the little Kylie was born, life was good.

But soon, the hitting started. At first, it was only when he was mad or drunk and he would always apologize afterwards. It got worse though, and it would soon become part of her daily life. Cody would go to the bar and then come home in a drunken state. He either wanted hard and possibly violent sex or he wanted to beat her until her drew blood.

A knock on the door brought her back to the present.

"Mama, are ya done? Ah need a wee wee,"

Rogue smiled at the three-year-olds voice and took her kimono off the hook.

"Yeah come on in," she said as she put it on.

The little girl came in. She was a spitting image of her mother but with blond hair. Her green eyes shone in the light and she quickly pattered across the tiles to do her business.

The door slammed and the whole house shook. Rogue leaned over the banister to see him walking in, swaying slightly and squinting in the light. She felt a slight pressure on her side and turned to see Kylie looking up at her, anxious and frightened.

She bent down to the girl's level and pulled her close. She stood up and began to lead her to the bedroom.

"Listen, Hun, ya stay in here until Ah say its safe ta come out. Okay?"

The child nodded in approval and the door was closed on her. Rogue padded down the stairs and entered the kitchen.

He was already cracking open another can of beer from the fridge. He took a large swig from it and staggered across the room then collapsed on the sofa. He looked at her, his pupils dilated, with a face like the devil itself. The air reeked with his beer- ridden stench, and then in a slurred voice, he growled.

"Where's ma dinner, bitch?"

Rogue turned slowly.

"Ah…. Ah didn't think that yad be wanting any," she stammered.

She was disgusted with herself for being afraid him. This was what he had turned her into. She used to be so strong, but now she was a beaten stuttering wreck.

His face distorted suddenly with rage. He got up and lunged at her, his strong hands wrapping around her throat. Her head whacked painfully against the overhead cupboards but his grip did not loosen.

"Why isn't ma dinner ready?" he spat, "why isn't it waiting on the table?"

She could smell the drink strongly on his breath. He threw her across the room with drunken strength. The floor knocked the wind out of her and she lay still trying to catch her breath. He loomed over her once more and sharply back handed her across the face.

Purple dots exploded in front of her eyes and her left cheek burned like it was on fire.

"Cody. Please," she begged as she tried to get up.

His reaction was only to hit her again, in the same place. There went the purple dots again.

"Papa, please stop,"

The small voice sounded from the doorway in which Kylie stood. Fear took over Rogue as Cody left Rogue and advanced on the child.

"Cody, no, don't," Rogue stood between them, blocking Kylie form Cody's murderous grasp.

Cody swatted her out of the way as if she was a fly which was annoying him. All Rogue could hear was the girls screams as her head hit the ground, rendering her unconscious.

"Mama, wake up, Mama, please"

Kylies tear choked voice pierced the air and Rogue opened her eyes to see the girls head hovering inches above hers. She brought her hand up to the back of her head and discovered blood. Keeping her hand to her bleeding head, she got up and pulled Kylie up with her.

Only when she looked back at Kylie did she realize that the girl was hurt.

"Oh, Sugah, did he do this ta ya?" exclaimed Rogue, grabbing a cloth and pressing it to Kylies bleeding head. He had never lashed out at Kylie before. Then again, she had never been in his way.

"Yeah, with his belt," the girl replied.

"Oh Honey," said Rogue and hugged the girl, "Me and ya, we're gonna get out of here and go to Louisiana for Marti Gras. Get your stuff, but not too much,"

Kylie looked at her mother mournfully then dashed upstairs to gather a few possessions. Rogue guessed that Cody had gone back to one of the bars to get even more pissed; he won't be back for a few hours, that's plenty of time. They had to get out.

He had to start a new life, maybe in Louisiana.

A life without Cody.

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