Title: The three moons.

Author: JForward

Summary: The Doctor gets injured and they realise there are three full moon nights on earth, and for some reason The Doctor isn't healing when he changes.10Wolf+Rose

Disclaimer; I don't own Doctor Who. If I did, do you really think Billie Piper would have played David's assistant.

When hearing the familiar, whooshing grinding noise Jackie instantly recognised was the TARDIS, she rushed out of the flat in a fluffy pink nighty and looked over the balcony as the blue box faded into existence. The floor around it was littered with large metal debris, remnant of a car crash earlier this week. Rose and the Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, Rose waving at her mother and grinning. Jackie grinned back.

Jackie looked like a panda. She had been out partying and had fallen into bed with her mascara still on. As they walked, Rose nudged the Doctor, who gave her a playful shove back. She then shoved him back, harder, and he stumbled and tripped- it may have been a joke about how strong she was, but all she saw was the sharp piece of metal embedded in the ground and the Doctor only saw it as he fell towards it.

The metal was too large to avoid. None of them, so horrified, saw the flash of silver or the single drop of an amber liquid onto the tip as the Doctor landed, the metal piercing his stomach. He cried out in agony, Rose rushing to his side and helping him pull himself off the metal. Blood gushed from the wound, Rose having to cover her mouth at the gory sight. It had pierced straight through and out the other side, but not too wide so the wound had not, thank god, sliced him in half.

He could live through this, she knew. The Time Lords increased metabolism should make him heal a hell of a lot quicker, and if he transformed eh should be healed in no time at all. She was totally unaware of the silvery creature watching from the shadows, silently, smiling to itself as the next victim was taken away.

Rose and Jackie managed to half-carry the Doctor inside, where Rose tried to keep him conscious and Jackie patched him up best she could, wrapping him in bandages. And, despite Rose's best efforts, he feel unconscious. They lay him on her bed, while Jackie went to make some tea. Rose sat next to him, stroking hair from his face. Wishing she could do the sleeping beauty thing, kiss him and he would wake up. But neither was likely. One was impossible. She couldn't kiss him as a lycanthrope, not without being infected.

"Full moon tonight" Jackie said, entering with two steaming cups of tea. Rose took hers and watched the Doctor silently. "There's all sorts of astronomy channels. Said tonight is the first full moon of the month" she frowned. "Weird, isn't it? There's only one a month, isn't there?" Rose made to shush her mother; the Doctor's eyes had flickered. "Doctor, come on, talk to me! Doctor!" Rose said to him, clutching his hand in hers. his eyelids flickered open. "Hi, Rose" his voice was hoarse. "Jackie, there's three full moons a month. Always has been. It stays almost still, the change is so slight. Same affect on me, although it gives me a degree more control" and then he began to cough violently.

Unsure of what to do, Rose lay a hand on his shoulders, his hands cupped as he coughed into them and then half-retched. Rose watched him worriedly, then noted the red viscous liquid coming from his nose and she looked into his hands. He was coughing up blood.

"Mum, get a tissue. Get lots of tissues" She said faintly as the Doctor continued to cough and choke. Her mother returned, with several loo rolls, and Rose helped wipe the Doctor's nose as best she could. All the while, he kept on coughing. Cough cough cough. And he seemed to be in agony. Rose couldn't stand it. Soon, though, he stops coughing, laying back against the pillows. Jackie cleans his hands and Rose cleans his nose, wiping away to bloody pained tears.

The Doctor's chest heaves as his breathing normalises, and he leans slightly against Rose, closing his eyes contentedly. Rose stroked his hair; his breathing was hoarse, and she could tell he was in a lot of pain. "It's alright" she whispered to the Doctor. "Tonight you'll change. You'll have control. You'll be healed. You'll be safe." The Doctor's breathing deepened and he slid into sleep, aware of her hand moving softly across his hair.

Rose sighed, laying the Doctor's head against the pillows. Tell him he was alright all she could, she was still scared for him. Every time now he was getting more and more hurt, even in the TARDIS he had been hurt before. Ever since he had gained the lycanthropic powers, even when he was a plain old werewolf, there were people after him. She hoped when he transformed he would he heal.

Night fell quickly, Rose never leaving the Doctor's side. Jackie came and sat with her as night fell, and the light of the full moon flooded the little room. The Doctor jerked, back arching upwards, and his eyes snapped open, gasping with pain. "What's happening?" Jackie asked, knowing already. "He's transforming" Rose whispered back needlessly as the Doctor began to cry out it pain, his cheeks transforming with the now familiar cracks.

He gasped in pain again, rolling out of the bed and onto the floor, gripping the floor with his hands. The bandages tore away but his wound wasn't healing. Rose watched, slightly confused, as he bulked out, fur covering him and his face transforming. When he was transformed, he snarled, turning to Rose. his eyes were yellow. Rose swore, backing around the snarling creature. But he seemed to be in too much pain to attack. "He hasn't got control" she whispered to a terrified Jackie. "But the pain is too much. He hasn't healed. I don't know why not…"

The wolf was approaching them slowly, jaws open, sharp teeth glistening. "He's going to kill us!" whimpered Jackie. Rose stood upright, facing the Doctor, only she knew she couldn't think of him as the Doctor. Because something had affected him, removed his healing ability, stopped him getting control. Something that had power.

She scrabbled at her neck, pulling out the acorn on a long silver chain. Seeing it, the Doctor's yellow eyes gained a slight new element- fear. Silver. "He won't attack" Rose whispered to Jackie. "Not as long as I have this. Pure silver. Werewolves and lycans are allergic to it. Have you got anything pure silver?" Jackie shook her head.

They edged towards the door, Rose facing the Doctor, clutching the necklace. He stood, snarling silently, sharp teeth shining in the moonlight. They slammed the door shut behind them, slouching against it, breathing hard. Jackie swallowed. "what's happened to him, Rose? I've only seen him transform twice but he always had some degree of control. Why didn't he heal? Oh, god…" she sighed, leaning her head against the wood.

Rose swallowed, rubbing tired eyes with her hands. She didn't respond to her mother, the own questions whirling in her head. She could hear whimpers faintly through the door, but she knew going in there would NOT be good.


Rose started at the weak, telepathic voice in her head. "Doctor?" She whispered, laying one ear against the door. Jackie stared at her. "Rose, what are you-" "Shh! Telepathic" she hissed, listening.

Rose, I don't know why this has happened. I can't… I can't keep control for long but I'm in too much pain to go an- to go an chase you. Stay out of the room. I'll see you tomorrow.

"he's okay" She whispered to her mother. "We just have to stay out. Something's affected him, he doesn't know what, but apparently he's in a lot of pain-" she felt her throat stick. She was trying to talk about him being in pain as a good thing, but inside she knew she would never be able to feel happy about him being in pain. "He's in pain, and that's stopping him attacking. Come on" she stood, and gave her mother a hand up.

Time passed slowly, sat in the lounge silently sipping tea, staring blank-eyed at the off TV. Rose occasionally heard a word from the Doctor, which made her feel better and worse at the same time. Every message, few as they were, were riddled with suppressed pain. She couldn't bare to think what he was going through. Daylight came oh so slowly, and at the first few rays she was on her feet and towards the room where the Doctor was. "Doctor?" she said softly, and heard movement, then "rose?" she pushed the door open. The Doctor was sat on the edge of the bed, wrapped in the cover, breathing hoarse and clearly in pain.

She went and sat next to him, him giving her a pained but reassuring smile. "I'm a tiny bit healed. I should be fully healed, and I don't know why I'm not." He swallowed hard and she sighed softly. "You just keep going through more and more pain lately." He smiled wanly. "that's life"

"Get some clothes on" she whispered to him. "We need to bandage you up again" he rolled him eyes, and Rose left the room silently. The Doctor stood as the door swung shut, wincing in pain He would've wrapped an arm around the wound but knew better. The weird thing was, his back had almost sealed, but his front had hardly been affected. He didn't know how, but he suspected he had been poisoned. Wouldn't be the first time…

He sighed, putting on a pair of pants and a pair of trousers, not bothering with a top. Jackie knocked, and he let her in. She was holding a cup of tea and a banana. "Breakfast" she informed him, and he grinned at her, taking them from her hand. "Thanks, Jackie" he smiled.

Jackie wondered how he could bare to stand, the wound gaping and easily visible. Rose entered with bandaging and the Doctor rolled his eyes. "It's either that or take you to the REAL doctor and get give to give you antibiotics?" The Doctor grinned at her, taking the bandages and hand handing them to Jackie.

"Nice trousers" Noted Rose. They were a pair of scruffy old jeans she hadn't worn for years. "mm. Bit tight for me" grinned the Doctor as Jackie got prepared. Rose traced his figure through the jeans, not really minding about the tightness.

Jackie began to bind the Doctor in bandages, and he bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes from pain. Rose clutched his hand and he smiled weakly at her. Out of view, in a window, the silver creature watched.