A/N: Well here we are folks… the last chapter!!

Thanks to more-than-words, blackhairdye, HarryWhoFanatic, dalek-ruler, Jill, Scooti, Sammy's Girl, moonbeam and Tazmainia for all the lovely reviews. E-hugs for all!!

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up, but homework (grr…) combined with my plot-bunnies escaping me, I couldn't update any sooner.

So, enjoy!!

Warnings: smut- yes I've finally done it!!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Doctor Who, David Tennant, Billie Piper or the TARDIS. If I did, Billie wouldn't have left, the Doctor and Rose would be a couple, and so would Billie and David (seriously though, have you seen the photos of them?? They're so cute!!)

But I don't, so, hey!!


Oh, this is awkward…


The Doctor stared into Rose's heart-melting brown eyes, which were turned at him, full with curiosity, amusement and… well, something he couldn't pinpoint.

He slowly took an anxious step towards the object of his desires, bare feet meeting carpet, Rose's eyes following his movements.

'Are…' the Doctor paused, attempting to lower his squeaking voice. He tried again. 'Are you ok? You screamed…'

Rose's brows furrowed in concentration, 'No' she replied. 'Nothing scary here. If fact, I was having rather lovely dreams…' her voice trailed off, and she looked down at the floor, blushing profusely.

When she saw her nightgown's state, bearing her legs and almost more, he could've sworn her cheeks turned the colour of her namesake.

Just what had she been dreaming of, he wondered. Little did he know that he'd actually said that out loud…


Rose couldn't believe that he'd actually asked her! She felt her cheeks heating as she searched for a solution to her dilemma.

Then she realized it… the Doctor had said 'she' not 'you'. He must've just been thinking it, and had accidentally spoken. He hadn't actually meant to say anything!

The after-effects of staring at his stunning body earlier went rushing through her, as well as her memory from her rather vivid dream, and the next words tumbled out of her mouth before she could even register thinking them.

'You…I was dreaming of you… and well, me….'

She watched as the Doctor's eyes widened with her words, and all she could think of was 'he's going to throw me out, he's going to throw me out, oh god, he's going to throw me out… stupid, stupid Rose!'

The Doctor strode meaningfully through the rest of her room towards her. He stopped only when he was inches away from her, who was now in a sitting position on her bed.

'So Rose, what were we doing then?' he asked in a husky, deep voice. Just the sound of it sent shivers down her spine, and heat pooling between her long legs.

And with that, Rose got up off of her soft double bed, her soft golden nightgown falling back into place, skimming her knees.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, causing him to stoop slightly. He was staring down at her, and a piece of his unruly, but still very sexy brown hair flopped into his eyes.

She reached up, and placed it back where it had come from, murmuring 'my Doctor…'

He caught her arm before it could entwine itself around his neck once more, sliding his hand down it.

'Beautiful Rose…'


He didn't have the opportunity to finish his sentence, because Rose's lips were gently pressing against his.

He couldn't believe it was happening- his Rose was kissing him! Perhaps he was still dreaming…

Well, if he was dreaming, he'd make the most of this sumptuous dream!

He rubbed his tongue across her bottom lip, requesting entrance. Rose complied immediately, allowing him to fully explore her mouth. She softly moaned against him, causing him to harden.

To him, she tasted like summer, fresh and lovely. Like home.

As their kisses became more heated, he started edging them back onto the bed, with him lying on top of her, supporting himself on his elbows. She ran her hands through his hair, producing a groan from him.

He pulled the straps of her nightie down, revealing her full and luscious breasts to him. He lowered his lips onto the pert nipple, lightly teasing it with his teeth, making her cry out in pleasure. He removed the rest of the garment, throwing it off to the side, not caring where it landed. She in turn had crept her clever little hand down his sides, making him hiss in surprise and desire. She slowly pushed off his boxer shorts, gripping the newly freed shaft.

With that, all logic escaped him. He flung her damp knickers away, moving between her legs. 'Is this what you really want?' he managed to gasp out. He didn't want her to feel forced, but he couldn't last much longer. 'Yes… I need you, in me now. I love you…'

'Oh my god, I love you too' and with that her claimed her lips again, and lowered himself into her warmth. He slowly began rocking, waiting for a signal to continue. Her hips arched up to him, and he needed no more encouragement. He thrust in and out of her passionately, trying to show the extent of his love, his need. He could feel that she was getting close, and so was he.

He thought that the sight of Rose underneath him would always be the most beautiful sight there was. And with that thought, he released himself into her, synchronized with her, her melodic voice screaming in release. And, as he drifted through bliss, he knew they would always be okay, as long as they had each other.


The TARDIS smiled to herself- her plan had worked.

All their feelings had been found.


A/N: Well, there you go!! Did you like it, did you think it was c#p? Either way, please review. My new story should be up soon.

Thanks for reading!! E-Hugs, kiss-her-theta 