Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. I really wish. Oda Eiichiro has so much talent! He owns Zoro! I want Zoro!!! If I had that much talent…I really don't need to go to high school.

The Mugiwara crew had sailed on the Grandline for few days without finding any land. Luffy, who had always something to do, finally was laying on the wood floor whining to Nami. "Nami, when are we reaching land!? I'm getting tired here!"

Nami sighed, "I don't know. We're supposed to see land any minute now. Zoro, do you see anything?" Zoro was on the crow's nest, supposedly watching for any islands. "Zoro?" There was no answer. Nami shrugged. "Why did I even put him up there in charge anyways? I knew better to know that he sleeps…" She muttered.

Nami slapped her hand on her forehead and sighed deeply when Sanji came out from the kitchen and called for lunch. "Ah, Sanji there you are. Can you go up on that crow's nest and wake Zoro up? I know he can't hear from this height."

"Yes, Nami-san♥ I'll do it right now!" Sanji smiled and threw her a kiss. Nami swished her hand away as if the kiss was thrown off. "Sanji, you already have a lover. You shouldn't flirt with me like that!"

Sanji laughed. "Oh, Nami-san! He wouldn't mind! He knows that I love you too♥"

"Uh-huh. Well, I'll be in the kitchen along with the others. Just bring Zoro in here too."

"Roger, Nami-san!" He watched Nami walk into the kitchen and he slowly climbed the tall loose ladders to the crow's nest.

Zoro was sleeping in the middle of the crow's nest, arms behind his head and legs crossing over each other. By the drooling from his mouth, he has been sleeping for a very long time. Sanji kicked Zoro's arm and continued to kick him until he started to grunt. He stared blankly at Sanji and smeared the saliva onto his right arm. He glared at Sanji and growled, "What?"

"Lunch, my sweet."

Zoro shivered, "Ew, don't say that. That gives me the creeps."

"Why? We're in love? Don't you feel honored?" Sanji sat down next to Zoro and hugged him. Sanji nibbled on Zoro's earlobe with the shiny golden earrings. He twitched and pushed Sanji away with both hands on Sanji's face.

"…Not really." Zoro stood up and looked over the sea. "…Hey."


"I see an island."

After Zoro reported to his crew that he saw an island, the ship got busy. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were jumping around the upper deck; Nami and Robin were listing the clothes, food, and books they wanted to buy there, and Sanji was dressing himself up to meet some 'fine ladies.' Zoro sat on the corner of the dining table, next to the refrigerator, and listened to everybody's excitement.

Few hours later, the Merry Go finally met land. The spring island was a busy village with many different types of people. The crew missed the society world and couldn't wait to 'jump in.' Nami called all of the crew before letting them loose. "Now listen. Since we landed on this island, it takes two days to fill up the log pose. Meanwhile, you can party, run around, play games, buy goods, or anything. But, DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID TO ATTRACT THE CROWD! Especially you Luffy!" She pointed to Luffy and glared, "You always get us into trouble! You know that you are on the wanted list! You too, Zoro and Robin!" Nami smiled and finally let everyone go. A little while later, Usopp came up to Sanji and asked, "Sanji, isn't it almost your birthday?" Sanji paused. He completely forgot his birthday. "Wow, it's the day after tomorrow. I'm turning 19 again." He laughed. (Lucky! One Piece characters don't age!)

"What do you want for your birthday? Since we came to the island, it's a perfect time for me to buy some gifts for you."

"Eh, I really wanted some gigantic pots that selling over there…" His eyes were looking at the pots that were about 45,000 Berries each. Usopp froze and laughed. "You're such a good joker!" He stammered backwards, away from Sanji, and ran after Luffy and Chopper who were running into a restaurant.

"I wasn't joking…" Sanji whispered to himself. He picked up the list of food supplies he had to get and jumped off the Merry Go and into the noisy city.

How'd you like it? The story should get good after this chapter…didn't make one yet though.

Read first, review now.