HOMG! I'm finally working on this! Le Gasp:O

Anyways, I've been getting LOADS of reviews from my one-shot Aang/Zuko fic, in fact, I'm still gettin' 'em even though it's been out since, Gods, forever! I'm very thankful to all you peeps who reviewed it. I'm sooooooo happy:D

Many of you have also requested I do a full-blown multi-chapter fic for this pairing. I'm so happy that you guys enjoyed the one-shot so much you want more! Really, it brings a tear to mah eye. –Sniff-

So I've decided I'm finally gunna get onto doing this thing! I'll try my hardest to update and get up this chapter and chapters to come in a reasonable amount of time. (I'm trying not to like, do 1 chapter a YEAR on my fics anymore. I know, I gots writer's ADD!)

Anyways, hope you all like this 1st installment of Aangy Zuko:D And again, I thank all you peeps that took the time to review my one-shot, you all rock my socks! XD

P.S. This fic takes place around the Bah Sing Sei time and the gang is looking for Appa still. Currently, Zuko just got back from his date with that one girl and shut himself all up in his room. :3

-Ch. 1 Trapped-

Zuko was not at in, in the least bit, or even in the biggest bit, happy. He just blew probably the only chance he had with a girl who didn't hate his guts by just running out in panic, his uncle was becoming more annoying by the day, he was getting more and more paranoid that the earth benders would discover their secret,

And he had yet to capture the Avatar.

He growled and kicked a random pillow lying on the floor of his room in the mangy old apartment in this mangy old neighborhood. It was the only thing they could afford at the moment, plus Uncle said it'd be best to hide here. Zuko hated it; he hated this place with all his soul. He hated having to go around pouring tea for people just so they could stay alive, he hated hiding from his own people, and he HATED not being able to go search for the Avatar. He wasn't the type of guy to just sit around and do NOTHING. It pissed him off!

He yelled angrily and kicked the small table in his room, knocking it over to its side, a crack formed halfway down the side of it, close to a splitting point. He let out a breath, smoke coming out from his nose. In the other room he could hear Uncle shuffle around in the kitchen, probably making tea. Not a word was cast in Zuko's direction, General Iroh had become quite use to his nephew's random outbursts of rage. It was best just to leave him be till he cooled down, he'd come to talk when he was ready.

Zuko huffed and sat down onto the ragged mat that was his bed. He leaned back and rested against the wall and stared out across the room, knees drawn up, arms resting limp at his sides, eyes still full of rage but slowly mugging over with fatigue. He sat there and stared over to the small candle in the lantern above his room, some of the paper panels long eaten away by moths, the way almost down to the bottom, dripping off the wooden bars that tried to not let it topple over and erupt into a fire that could consume the room.

Although the anger towards his material possessions was wearing off, the fire in his own heart was still consuming him with anger. He could stand this, just sitting here in a cramped worn out room with nothing to do. He SHOULD be out there doing SOMETHING. How could he have had such a wonderful night till this point? Everything had been right until…he'd come back to reality.

Zuko slowly got to his feet. He felt trapped in this room, he needed to get out, get some air, d something with himself. He couldn't sleep, wasn't hungry at all, just oozing with anxiety. He walked over to the window, where the other night he had used his blanket as a curtain to keep the draft out. He moved the ragged cloth out of the way and slowly, silently, crept out onto the small roof below it.

Tonight, he'd go searching. He needed to know…

"Where are you, Avatar?"

Aang was tired, very tired. But he needed to keep moving, keep searching. He hadn't gotten a once of good sleep since Appa went missing. Every time he'd shut his eyes, images of Appa in danger or pain or worse would flash into his vision, forcing him to open his eyes. Appa was a part of him, he couldn't bear to know something horrible happened to him.

Katara had warned him, he might get hurt if he went out there with his lack of sleep. He simply ignored her, she didn't understand. Nobody could understand. They didn't have the type of relationship Aang had with Appa.

But he WAS getting tired, and it was difficult to stay up flying on his glider at this rate. But he knew he'd cover more ground then he would on foot this way. He was more concerned for his bison if anything.

Aang looked down toward the ground, he saw the shadow of someone wiz past, why would anybody be out this late? He wondered. Then again, he was out here flying around. Aang decided not to think about it.

'They got their reasons, and I have mine.'

He didn't notice though, that the person he was had stopped in their tracks seeing him fly over them, and had started running after him. He didn't even notice when his eyes had started to droop until he felt the gilder wobble, and he was falling. His eyes immediately snapped open when he felt a long string hit his back and break from his fall. He'd hit a clothes line and they were now falling with him, though not as fast.

He quickly spun around and used his staff to create an air current, that slowed him into a light descend. He landed on his feet shakily. No matter how many times he'd done if, Aang could never get use to the feel of falling. He rubbed his eyes and looked about, trying to get a sense of where he was. Everything was dark, no light shown since most folk had earlier gone off to bed. Aang then noticed that around his eyes everything was getting hazily. He rubbed them again and groaned. Maybe Katara was right, he needed to get more sleep. But he was afraid to go flying again now, what if he didn't wake up in time and end up only hurting himself. Then Katara would be really worried with him.

Aang sighed again and decided to try and find a place to stay for the night, there had to be someplace he could sleep for awhile, then he'd head straight home.

But then a weird feeling came over him, like goose bumps running up and down his spine and his stomach started feeling queasy. He knew this feeling and knew…

Someone was watching him.

He turned his head looking this way and that, trying to compose himself and look like he could put up a decent fight. "Alright, I hear you out there! Show yourselves!" He kept his voice firm though on the inside he knew he was defiantly not up for a fight.

No response came, at lest, for a few seconds. Then a shadowy figure emerged from behind a wooden barrel and started making their way toward him. Aang held up his staff, ready to strike.

"So I've finally found you, in the slums of all places." Aang knew that voice. He knew it well, he had it memorized from the 1s day he'd met the owner behind that voice…

"What do you want Zuko? I'm not interested in fighting you, I've got more important things to worry about!" Aang held his ground, knowing that Zuko would pull some trick, he just hoped he could get away before that happened.

"I know what your looking for Avatar, your bison has gone missing am I right?" Aang lowered his staff a bit, how could Zuko know a thing like that? Unless…

"You…" Aang growled, holding the staff up again and baring his teeth at the fire bender. "You have Appa don't you? Where is he? WHERE ARE YOU HIDING APPA?!" Aang's mood had gone from tired to rage in barely a second, Zuko did some pretty bad things, but taking Appa? He was about ready to beat the shit outta Zuko for that.

"Relax!" Zuko raised his fists, in case Aang decided to fight him. "I don't have your bison, I haven't a clue to his whereabouts." He noticed Aang again, lower his staff. "Then why are you here? I told you, I'm not interested in a fight, and I know the Fire Nation is after you too." Zuko was surprised, how could?...

Oh right, he remembered now, Uncle and his faces were posted all over the place. It wouldn't be hard to figure out that the Fire Nation wanted him dead just as much as they did the Avatar. But he didn't care about that, he wouldn't show to Aang that it upset him.

"I don't care what you think, once I capture you the Fire Nation will welcome me back with open arms! Just you wait!" Not caring if anyone saw or not, Zuko threw a fiery punch toward the Air Bender. Aang quickly jumped onto a nearby roof, wobbling for a bit before planting himself at ready to fight. Zuko sent one after the other of punches and kicks toward Aang, who every time blocked or dodged them. It was like an endless battle of tag, while Zuko would try to get a hold of Aang, He would jump away at the last second to a place farther off. This went on until Aang lost his footing on a broken roof single and slipped off it, falling to the ground.

Zuko got down from the roof and stood over Aang, who laid motionless face-down on the dirt. He reached down to grab him by the collar, when suddenly…

A feeling that someone besides themselves were around and watching.

Zuko quickly looked around every which way, fists ready to attack if someone were to come. He looked down the second he felt movement beneath them.

The ground was shaking.

And then it fell down.

And they were pulled down in a big dark box with no way out.

And once it was gone, not a mark remained of their capture.

Zuko and Aang, were trapped.

-End of 1-

OMG AIEEEEEEEEE! I was so freaking out while I was writing this. One, I suck at fight scenes, really I do. So I'm sorry if it's not dramatic enough, but I think that last part makes up for it, ne:3

Homahgee I was freaking out over that last part and was like "OMG CAPTURED LIKE APPA WAS IN BOXY THING THEY'S GONEWHERE'DTHEYGOEEEEEEEEEEEE?! Because I'm silly like that, and get into my own drama. XDDDD

Anyways, hope you peeps liked this 1st chapter, reviews would be much apprenticed! (They keep me motivated to write more ;P) And please, I LOVE getting reviews that help my writing style. If you didn't like the way stuff was written, feel free to tell me! Or if there was something wrong like I got my facts all messed up, TELL ME! It helps so much when I get reviews that suggest to me to word things differently or give me better facts. (I can't commit everything to memory, so it helps when people tell me I got something wrong! w) But please, I beg for no FLAMES! I mean, writing and info flames are just perfect for me, but I just can't stand flames that are all "OMG U SUX THIS GAY AANG/KATARA ISH BETTAH RAWR! DDDDDDD: !" Luckily, I haven't yet gotten a flame like that, so I'm very happy. I hope it continues on this path. So uuuh, that's all for now. Till next time!

Bunny out!