Confession with Repentance

It was one of those days again when Roy found his feet leading him to the supposed holy sanctuary of God. He was never the type to worship religion or an idol. He wasn't an avid mercenary either much like Ishbalians, but he found the plain house of God to be comforting.

Well, that's how he felt ten years ago when he killed his first human. He remembered it was his first time ever stepping inside the building with a big wooden cross on it – Maes had suggested him to go in. Ever since then, whenever he needed a silent comfort, he would find himself in this place again… especially in that lone wooden box in the corner.

Walking slowly inside with his heavy clock trailing behind, he was about to step inside the lone box when another person came out. It was the last person he would ever expect to see.


The blonde woman widened her eyes as she too, was taken aback at the sight of her superior. She never thought she would see him, a lazy loud joker, in this kind of place because she always thought the silence inside the church would kill him. "Roy…"

"What are you-"

They both stopped in unison and chuckled nervously.

"Talk later." She whispered and got out quickly for him to go in. Roy just nodded and stepped into the box. He couldn't help but smile as Riza gently brushed past him. She looked very nice today in her tanned knee-length dress with her hair cascading down at the back.

But anyways, he did himself a favour and got rid of the excess thoughts inside his mind and seated himself in front of black netted window with a figure behind.

"Bless me father for I have sinned…"

"Done confessing?" Riza asked as Roy came out and sat beside her on the steps of the church.


"I didn't know you do these kinds of stuff too."

"Well…occasionally." He shrugged watching the busy streets in front of him. "You come here often?"


"Neither do I."

"...Something bothering you today?"

"Yeah…but it's alright now." He became quiet and watched a young couple walking by the streets.

Riza watched too and noticed how their hands linked tightly with each other. "That's good…"

"...You know what?" Roy said suddenly in a loud voice and looked at her.

"W-What?" She asked, startled.

"Something is bothering me. In fact something is bothering me right now." He ran a hand through thick wild hair and sighed audibly causing Riza to be even more curious.


"Hmm…how should I say this..."



"Something I can help you with?"


He smirked widely as she said the right words. Turning around, he looked at her deeply in the eyes,

"Bless me Riza for I have sinned, will you go out with me today?"


Man oh man…I did not connect with this drabble at all. It turned from boring to suddenly happy. Anyways, just in case if you don't get it. Why has Roy sinned against Riza? Because of the fraternization code of course! As for why he was in the church…I'll leave that up to your imagination. Meh, I promise a more inspirational drabble will come up soon. Thanks for support! Deeply appreciated.