Chapter 1

Exasperating Rivals

Touya, Akira looked up at the sound of knocking on his apartment door. A quick glance at the clock on the wall told him that it was some time past two. A slight frown marred his complexion as he puzzled at who it could possibly be. He had recently changed his schedule, having conceded finally that he had taken on too much. He had not dropped any of the students that he'd accepted previously. But he'd managed to get most of them (those who were at a reasonable stage) to agree to group meetings rather than each of them having individualized study sessions. Perhaps he had forgotten a lesson, a study group, maybe? He doubted it. He rarely forgot appointments and… the second knock was a bit louder. Akira stood up and went towards the door.

"Coming." He called out as he undid the latch. "Shindo?" Somehow, he should have known it would be his rival. Who else came unannounced simply because they could? His rival grinned at him a bit nervously.

"Hey. You busy?" Wordlessly, Akira shook his head and opened the door wider. This movement revealed another young man. Waya? Now that was more surprising. What was he doing here? It was no secret that the redhead had a certain dislike for him, though that had calmed since it was obvious Shindo was going to remain friends with him no matter how many fights they got into.

"Come in." He stepped to the side and his eyes widened as he realized that Shindo was holding a cat carrier and Waya trailed in behind him with what looked like a litter box and other bags. He suddenly had a bad feeling about this. "Shindo?" He started. Waya gave him a grimaced look that was mixed with odd understanding. "What—" Akira was distracted as Waya mouthed to him 'I tried to stop him'. Oh no. What had his rival gotten himself into this time? Shindo had stopped in the middle of the living room and had placed the cat carrier down with a gentleness that was rare to see in the nineteen year old. He straightened up after having inspected what was inside the carrier and then had steeled himself to face the too serious go player.

"I got you something." Huh? Akira froze. "You like cats, right?"

"Shindo, you didn't…" Akira started weakly while Waya sighed and braced himself for an incoming explosion. The expression on Shindo's face turned pleading. That look did little to ward off the feeling of complete exasperation that was boiling inside Akira's chest. Of all the irresponsible things to do!!!

"I saw them," Them? Akira's mind shrieked! There was more than one? Good god. He was gonna strangle his rival and no one, no one in their right mind would find the act hard to justify. "And they reminded me of us." What in all hells? "They would have been separated if I didn't get them and…" Hikaru looked away from Akira's flushed face, reading the tell-tale signs of anger that was about to erupt. He got down on his knees and undid the latch. With deft movement he removed a fluff ball that mewed at the intrusion. "This is yours." Akira found himself backing up a step or two. He shook his head.

"You got two cats because they reminded you of us? You have got to be kidding Shindo." He took in a deep breath, trying to keep calm and rational about all of this since it was obvious Shindo wasn't going to. "Have you any idea how…" A heart breaking meow interrupted his flow of words. "…much work they're going to be? And how costly? You can't just buy an animal and…" Shindo's face had crumpled and he was staring at the little animal in his arms. "Shindo." Akira groaned. "Owning a pet is a big responsibility." Waya had a look on his face that clearly stated I-told-you-so. He sighed. "And how… how could a cat possibly remind you of us?" At the question, the redhead grinned and started to place his stuff down on the floor. Akira wondered how he should take that but was distracted by Shindo looking up and shuffling his feet. A little furry paw streaked out and started to bat at the blond bangs.

"Well…" He started slowly, trying to move his face away from the needle like claws without causing the kitten distress.

"The kittens were playing." Waya interrupted. "But this one—" He pointed to the tan and white fluff ball. "—bit the other kitten's tail and then they started to fight." Akira blinked. And blinked again. "Apparently, the way they went from playing to fighting reminded Shindo of you two and how you are with go or something." The redhead waved a hand at that. Apparently he hadn't seen the connection. Well good. Cause Akira didn't see the connection either.

"That's not all!" Shindo protested. "This one is all hyper and the other one was so calm and…I don't know. Mature." Akira was speechless. A mature kitten? A hyper one? And he was supposed to deal with the hyper one?

"Let me get this straight." He started. "You're giving me the…Shindo-kitten?"

"Well yeah…" Shindo blushed. "That way we'll be together." This time both Waya and Akira just froze and blinked at Shindo who started to sputter. "I didn't mean it in that way." In what way? The question was burning at Akira's tip of the tongue. He swallowed it down as he felt his own face start to heat up.

"You make no sense at all…" Akira muttered, feeling that Shindo once again had brilliantly blinded him with a bad move that had turned out to be a dangerous and most intelligent move a couple of hands later. Now how was he supposed to say no and march the idiot out of his apartment, kitten and all back to the pet shop?

"I did not just hear you say that." Waya was talking to himself, eyes still wide. "I mean who says that kind of stuff? Oh my god."

"Shut up Waya!" The kitten meowed loudly then, sounding completely distressed. Its short fur was fluffed up and it gave a little hiss while cowering in the protection of Hikaru's hands.

"If you're going to argue with Waya, give the kitten over to me." Akira sighed the words out. He'd been beaten. In his own apartment. Sometimes, he wished he could just follow his first impulses and strangle Shindo.

"We're not arguing. But here." Hikaru snapped, still glaring at Waya. "I seriously didn't mean it that way. So stop thinking whatever you're thinking. Jerk." Akira ignored the two friends and looked down at the small creature he was holding. Soft and warm. Huge green eyes looking up at him—measuring him. He found that surprising but it was true. The little animal was looking at him as if to see whether he was threatening or not. Those green eyes held him and he could feel in his loose hold, the rapid heart beat of a very scared animal. He sighed again and tried to wrack his brain for any possible information he may have about keeping an animal. He couldn't think of much other than the fact that his parents had never allowed him to have any. Not that he'd really wanted one.

Too expensive.

The little creature blinked its eyes at him.

Vet bills, food, toys…

Its fur started to fall back.

Too much care.

It hunched back a bit and started to wiggle its little behind.

Constant attention, litter training, wrecked furniture and drapes…

And then it launched itself, successfully leaving the protection of his hands and landing a bit off balanced on his shoulder.

Not fair for the animal that they were gone all the time. Though cats were known for their relative independence…compared to dogs in any case.

A small cold nose pressed itself on his bare neck. All his thoughts that were beginning to sound much like his father's voice left him. Akira froze, scared that if he moved the kitten would fall or would scratch him or… The little claws were digging through his button down shirt. It didn't hurt precisely. But it wasn't—comfortable. The kitten moved a bit, settling itself and the sensation of claws left him. A paw batted at his hair. And then, the kitten made a sound that it hadn't before. It was that sound and that sound only that stopped the heated argument between the two young men. Akira on his part didn't know what to make of the rumbling sound that started softly at first but became louder. It was making the kitten shake.

What. The. Hell?

"He likes you. Knew he would." Shindo had a cheeky grin on his face.

"What makes you say that?" Akira nearly whispered. He was terrified.

"Are you scared?" Waya asked. "It's just a kitten."

"Get it off of me." Was his ever so helpful response.

"Why? It's just purring." Purring. Ah. So that's what that was.

"I've never had an animal before, Shindo! How would I know what it's doing? Just get it off before it falls off!" He glared at Waya's laughing form.

"The kitten is a he, not an it." Shindo muttered while he gently took the kitten back in his own arms. The kitten protested and wriggled out of his hold. He landed on his four feet and then began to sniff around the apartment, ignoring the three humans for the moment. Though every now and again, he would look back towards them or run towards Akira before darting away at the last minute. "So you'll keep him?" The question was more a remark than a question. "We should probably set up the litter and stuff. I got you food, litter box, litter, dishes, uhm… what else?"

"Brush, clippers for his claws, tooth brush, tooth paste and—" Waya was interrupted as Akira started to feel completely overwhelmed.

"Toys. Very important for them to have toys." Shindo added with a decisive nod. "Where do you want the litter box to go? It shouldn't be too far away from his food, at least not the first few days." The nineteen year old looked around. "Over there?" He pointed to Akira's small couch.

"On the couch?" Akira knew he sounded strangled at this point.

"No." Shindo was giving him a long look. "Not on the couch. Behind the couch. Are you ok?" He was wondering how to reply to that question without totally ripping his rival apart. He suddenly felt a warm body knocking into his legs. He jumped in surprise and looked down just in time to see the little fur ball run away at full speed. It came back just as fast and then stopped at his feet, wide eyes blinking. The little tail was waving playfully.

"Mew." Its little paw rose in the air and landed on his bare foot.

"Hmm, well you certainly got adopted fast." Waya commented, taking the litter box from Shindo's grip and putting it where the other had first proposed. "Hikaru's kitten is a bit shy. He's probably still hiding under the bed."

"Oh." Akira responded slowly. He gently got onto his knees and offered his hand at the kitten who sniffed it curiously. Liking what it smelled, its pink raspy tongue started to lick his fingers. Shindo hid a grin at the sight of a wonder-struck and slightly fearful Akira. "Who's with your kitten, Shindo?"

"Isumi." The litter was poured into the litter box and a fine dust lifted into the air. The sound of the litter made the kitten jump and run towards it, tail erect. Waya grabbed for him and very quickly dropped him into the litter box. The kitten's meow was quite indignant. He stayed where he was but quickly started to clean itself, its little back turned towards the three men. Waya stared at him with some amusement before shaking himself out of it and turning towards the other bags. Akira moved to help him, taking the food dish and making his way to the kitchen with it. He heard more than saw Shindo following him with another bag. "I'll do the research to find a vet." He should hope so! Akira nodded silently, filling the food dish. "You're not too mad, right?"

"I…" Akira looked at Shindo and mentally winced. "…yes and no. I really wish you would think things through sometimes. But it was…nice… of you to think of me. And the kitten is cute." He paused. "What would you have done if I had been allergic to cats? Or if this apartment building didn't accept animals?" Shindo shrugged.

"Guess I would've kept both of them. But I knew that you weren't allergic. I mean you teach that one granny that has like twenty cats and you're fine." Shindo frowned. "There are apartments who don't accept animals?"

"Yes Shindo." Waya, who was coming to see what they were doing, marveled at Akira's calm composure through all of this. If Shindo had tried to pull this stunt on him… well, he'd have the idiot out on the streets. He rolled his eyes at the thought of his friend even trying.

"The cat's crazy." He stated. He saw Akira try to hide a grimace. "He's running around from one room to the next." He chuckled. "It's like Shindo when he realizes that he still has ten errands to run before a really important appointment."

"Shut up Waya."

"What are you going to name him?" Waya asked Akira ignoring the black looks he was getting from Shindo.

"Uhm." The go player shook his head. "I get a choice in this?"

"Of course." Shindo managed to look mildly offended as if he just hadn't imposed on Akira's good will.

"What are you naming yours?" Akira wanted to know before he made any decision. Currently the one name he did have in his head was 'Baka' or 'Idiot'. He had a feeling however that they would not be appreciated. He was startled to see Shindo rubbing the back of his head with a rather sheepish expression on his face.

"Actually…" The way Shindo hesitantly answered the question and the way Waya's grin and blatant curiousity made Akira want to take the question back. "…Inamedhim'Kira." A pointed warning glare was shot at Waya's shaking form. The world with Shindo was a very strange world indeed. Akira blinked as he processed the words that had just been spit out an inhumanly fast speed. He'd… no… a kitten had been named after him. If he had heard correctly which he was hoping he hadn't.

"Kira?" He blinked again. A very strange world. For god's sake he wasn't even on first name basis with his rival and the man named his cat after him? His very organized and normal world had been tilted. It was definitely off kilter. He didn't even know how this new piece of information made him feel.

"Very clever." Waya muttered behind his hand that he was covering his mouth with. "Short for Akira I'm assuming." The man was laughing.

"Shut up Waya!" Shindo grumbled. Akira brought up his hands to massage the tension that was building in his temple. "I don't remember asking you for your opinion."

"No. You never do. I give it for free." The words were a bit mumbled and Akira realized that the redhead was biting his hand from laughing outright. Hoping this would placate Shindo before Waya turned his peaceful into a bloody World War III zone, Akira named his kitten.

"Karu." Shindo froze at the sound.


"His name will be Karu."

"Ah brilliant. It's short for Hikaru." Waya nodded approvingly. "Get it Shindo?" The redhead rubbed his hands together with what could only be described as a completely mischievous glint in his eyes. "It'll match your kitten's name. Simple… I like it Touya." He turned away then, barely ducking Shindo's punch. "Anywho, we should be going. Isumi's been waiting for us and you have a kitten to tame." He arched his eyebrows. "Good luck." Shindo wasn't given much time to respond or react as the redhead caught him in a head lock and made their way to the door. As it closed behind them, Akira thought he heard Waya say… "Subtle Shindo, real subtle. Why don't you just…" Shindo had then screamed something that was barely understandable that drowned out Waya's sentence. A meow resounded in the background and then a crash.

Akira closed his eyes.

Dear god.

What the hell was he letting himself into?

To be continued…