Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Kaien, Byakuya, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Kuukaku
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 225
Time: 2 hours
Disclaimer: Bleach not mine.
"Don't sulk."
"I do not sulk."
"Byakuya-bo is sulking" Yoruichi sang.
"Deal again."
"Um, call."
"Fold." He flipped them all one more card.
Byakuya's poker face never twitched. Kaien cocked his head and Yoruichi cooed happily.
"Everyone still call?"
"Okay, show 'em."
"I've got nothing," Yoruichi cheerfully admitted, tossing down a pair of fours and three miscellaneous cards.
"Straight." Byakuya spread his cards on the table in one smooth motion.
"Kaien?" Kuukaku asked.
"Sorry, Byakuya." Kaien threw down his bards. "Royal straight flush."
"Oh! Looks like you're second best this round, bo. Take it off."
Byakuya looked coldly and steadily at Kaien. He considered. "The kenseikan."
"Aww! It was that or the inner kimono. Why did you not go for the inner kimono?"
"You're not done Kaien," Kisuke reminded him after Byakuya had unbraided the porcelain from his hair.
"You won the round and he got second. You got to choose what piece of clothes he lost, and now…"
Kaien huffed at his sister. "I know the rules. We've been playing this way for ages. I'm not that drunk yet."
Kaien put both hands on the table and leaned across to kiss a rather statue-like Byakuya on the lips. This has been going on all night. I'm not blushing.
"It's your turn to deal Kuukaku, so deal already."