A/N: Fic of the month! I have an announcement for this one, like for my 10th anniversary I'm doing a special poll for my 15th (which is in less than a year). Which will have every single fic I haven't update from before September 1st of this year, I will only update: everything on my list of prominent fics (IE: What's make makes the list of my TV Tropes Page), anything that hits a celebration point during the year (The Six Fingered Pirate is one), anything I start after that point (My Heroes Reborn) and of course the winner of the fic of the month all the way to August... So yeah... Anyways enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 10: An End to Training

Inari was crying alone in his room, that was when he heard a knock.

He looked up unsure who was there.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Can I come in?" asked Sasuke.

"What do you want?" asked Inari.

"Just to talk for a bit." Said Sasuke.

Inari glared at Sasuke.

"You're mom told us the story…" said Sasuke.

He glared at him.

"Look I'm here to tell you that everyone has problem." Said Sasuke.

He still glared at him.

"Look I understand to lose someone." Said Sasuke.

Inari still glared at him.

"Hey I'm trying to help!" said Sasuke.

"I didn't ask for it!" yelled Inari.

Sasuke sweat dropped at this.

"Look just get out of here right now!" yelled Inari.

"Fine…" muttered Sasuke leaving his room.

Sasuke left the room with a sigh.

He went downstairs.

"You were up to something." Said Naruto.

"J just tried to help him." said Sasuke.

"And it didn't work?" asked Naruto.

"No it did not." Said Sasuke.

Naruto just gave him a look.

"Shut up!" yelled Sasuke.

"I wasn't saying anything!" said Naruto with a sweat drop.

"You were going to." Said Sasuke.

Naruto pouted.

Sasuke just sighed at his best friend.

Meanwhile at the Kazama-Ketchum House…

Ranko sighed she saw Ryoga was lost.

"Come on… let's get you to your room." Said Ranko.

Ranko dragged him off to the room that Ryoga was given to stay in.

"How do you get so lost still?" asked Ranko.

"If I knew that by this point I wouldn't be here." Said Ryoga.

Ranko sighed when he said that then yawned.

"You okay?" asked Ryoga.

"I'm psychically a five year old." Pointed out Ranko, "I might have an adult soul but I still have a child's body."

"Oh right." Said Ryoga.

"Night." Said Ranko.

She headed to bed and Torchic followed her.

She looked at Torchic as she fell asleep, petting the little fire chicken.

She sighed as she fell asleep.

Over the course of the next few days training continued in both locations.

One night Naruto decided to train all night long.

At the same time a person was picking some herbs when they saw him laying the ground unconscious.

The person walked over and shook Naruto awake.

"Hey you'll catch a cold." Said the person .

Naruto woke up.

"Oh… what…" said Naruto waking up, "Oh thanks sis."

"It's all right." Said the person, "I'm picking some healing herbs. Would you like to help me."

"Oh sure." Said Naruto.

The two of them were picking herbs together.

"So what were doing sleeping out all night?" asked the person.

"Oh I was training." Said Naruto.

"Really what for?" asked person.

"Well I'm a ninja. "said Naruto.

"In noticed." Giggled the person picking to his headband, "It would be illegal for someone to impersonate a ninja after all."

Naruto froze when they said that and blushed nervously.

"Yeah…" admitted Naruto in embarrassment.

"So what are you training for?" asked the person, "Is it just to get stronger or is there another reason."

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto.

"I learned a long time ago if you train to protect other people you can get much stronger." Said the person.

"That makes sense." Said Naruto looking up, "I have a lot people I care about."

"Really?" asked the person.

"There my brother and my sister, my girlfriend and my best friend… and other friends and family." Said Naruto, "And I guess my mom but she died years ago…"

"Oh really?" asked the person.

"Yeah… she died giving birth to my little sister." Said Naruto.

"What about your father?" asked the person.

"Oh he died before I was born." Sighed Naruto.

"I guess your step father left when your mother died." Said the person.

"No… uh… my mom decided to have another baby then uh… I… well…" said Naruto.

"Your dad saved his sperm and your mother decided to have another child." Said the person putting together the pieces.

"Well I heard it's a common thing ninja do which my dad was… and I might do it when I get older…" said Naruto blushing bright red, "And I really shouldn't be talking to a pretty girl about this…"

"No… you shouldn't,…" said the person.

Naruto was blushing bright red.

"It sounds like you have plenty of precious people." Said the person.

"Yeah, I remember it's something my older brother said about it a few times." Said Naruto.

The person was confused.

"He gave up his dream to take care of me and my sister when our mom died." Said Naruto, "He often said it was "protect his precious people"."

"What was his dream?" asked the person.

"To be a Pokémon trainer." Said Naruto.

"Really? A Pokémon trainer?" asked the person.

"Yeah I know, a brother that's a Pokémon trainer while I'm a ninja, but I do have a Vulpix." Said Naruto.

"Oh you're a ninja that keeps Pokémon?" asked the person.

"I know it's rare, but my mom was from a line of Pokémon trainers and my dad was a ninja." Said Naruto, "It's a weird combination I know, people always chooses one or the other. But when it's your family lines you can't help but to choose both you know…"

The person laughed.

"You're an interesting one." The person said.

The person got up.

"I hope you continue to protect your precious people." Said the person getting up having enough herbs.

"Yeah." Said Naruto.

"By the way…" said the person, "I actually a boy."

Naruto began to blush.

"She's prettier than some girls I know!" thought Naruto in shock.

Meanwhile, Sakura shuddered.

"Why do I want to smack Naruto all of a sudden?" she thought with her eye twitching.

Elsewhere Lee continued his training.

Tenten had offered to show Ranko how to hold some weapons.

She decided to "learn" as she was starting to get bored of Lee constantly smacking a boulder as well.

"I got it this time!" they heard Lee yell.

That was he finally poked it and the boulder exploded into a shower of rocks.

Both Ranko and Tenten saw it form the corner of their eyes and were surprised, well Tenten was, Ranko just smiled.

"I id it!" cried Lee who was upside down.

"That you did!" said Guy trying not to cry.

That night Naruto and Sasuke were both on tops of the trees and they both looked at each other.

"Heh!" said Naruto with a smirk.

"Look like we both finished." Said Sasuke.

They fist bumped.

Then fell out of the tree.

Thankfully they both managed to get them selves at they fell.

"Maybe we should have waited until we got back to the ground." Said Naruto.

"Yeah…" said Sasuke.

Meanwhile in the Ketchum-Kazama house Ranko looked at the celling.

She then threw the pillow into the celling.

"Damn it! Why am I feeling this way!" she yelled out then realized it, "Stupid body!"

Torchic looked at her.

"Sorry for making you worry Torchic." Said Ranko, "Come on let's go to sleep."

Torchic nodded and climbed into bed.

She didn't know that Ash heard this little fit and sighed.

And so, Naruto finished his training as well as Lee, but little did they know that there were going to be some problems in the future… with Naruto's mission and something else…

Next Time: Things start going down on the bridge... and Naruto's sleeping in... what will happen. Meanwhile Ranko is struggling with her feelings, and bottling them up isn't good. What's going with that? Find out next time!