I do not own anything or anyone FROM Naruto! Everyone who's not from Naruto's strictly MINE

Princess Slave


At the coronation, Sakura felt the chakra presence.


At the ceremony,

The ceremony was when people from anywhere around the world, can come to the main hall. In that time, the people ask for a favor or to ask for help from the princess. From that time, she can say yes or no… however, since Sakura is nice than she will always say YES… at least that was what she planned on doing but things never go as Sakura plans…

Now, in the beginning everything was going great… especially in helping the orphanages and homeless shelters. However, after about an hour, Sakura was getting tired and bored. Unfortunately, for Sakura her family wouldn't let her leave… at least not yet. After, half an hour, Sakura's family finally said she was allowed to go after three more.

Sakura relieved that it was almost over, was overjoyed and decided to give the last three her undivided attention. Sadly, she was not able to go the last three; actually she only got to one more. Sakura, sitting down and waiting, however, the person who came in was the same cloaked man who whipped the slave. At seeing him, Sakura felt anger boiling under her and the weather was changing into a thunderstorm. In seeing this her closest cousin noticed this and quickly calmed her down before anyone noticed…nobody knew about her powers, or someone would definitely try something.

The cloaked man came with 3 other people, all having something behind their back. Sakura, finally calmed down, spoke in a clear voice and asked, "how can I help you?!?" He answered by saying, "Hello, your highness, I want you to be my slave" as calmly as he would ask for juice. Sakura, furious, yelled, "Are you crazy?!? Of course not, are you that stupid?"

All four of them pulled out children who look like they are starved and bleeding. They were all bruised and hurt… because of this Sakura stopped from running down and hurting them at once. Sakura, in a tearful voice replied, "What do you want? Let those children go, they haven't done anything!"

The cloaked man replied by saying, "You know what I want… what we need to know is if you're willing?" Suddenly, there was a fifth member and she noticed it was Sai… he replied to Sakura… I would say yes… Sakura was surprised when she noticed that Sai was helping them, therefore, she was wondering why. When Sai said, "Sorry, Sakura"

That is when Sakura understood… Sai was in on this and he was also a part of this. With this Sakura started to cry and feel depressed in feeling that one of the people she trusted in her life, had turned on her. With this, Sakura's family was getting angry but before they could do anything, Sakura said quietly, "Okay…I'll do it"

The cloaked man was smirking and showed his face…Sasuke, Sakura's crush. Sakura gasped and didn't understand why something like this was happening to her. Sasuke put a hand out and told everyone to lift their masks, Kiba…Neji…and Lee…they all went to her school and all were PRINCES!!!

It was just unbelievable…and it all went by in a blur, however, Sakura understood the terms were that Sakura would still be a princess…and they could not force any rules or money from her. However, she will be their but mainly Sasuke's slave for a long time!!! Nobody in the world expected this… therefore all were weeping for the princess…however, amazingly, Sakura just held her head up and smiled saying not to worry and still to come to her for anything!

Sasuke perplexed but smirking at the thought of his plan going so well thought of all the things he would do to HIS Princess!

Sasuke's thoughts

Sakura had nothing on and Sasuke dragged her to the bedroom. Pushing her onto the bed, groping just about everywhere, kissing her hurtfully…dominating her mouth. He was showing who was boss without even talking to her. Sasuke had this unbelievable rush to just take her right now but he knew she was a virgin so he would have a little fun with her. Sasuke's mouth traveled lower and lower, while Sakura just lay there… he wants her so much!

Back to the present

Sasuke came back from his thoughts when he noticed that Sakura was finished her little speech. Therefore, he roughly took her by the arm and told her to get in the car. He thought when she looked up she would have tears…instead she had anger, he smirked at that... the thought of her being feisty. In Sakura's thoughts were that even though she has to be a slave…she would NOT be a concubine…no matter what they said. They did not know about her powers so it does not matter!

Sai stared at Sakura with eyes that Sakura had never seen before it was anger and hate. Sakura stared back at him with confusion, what happened to Sai? Who is this person who is in Sai? She had never seen Sai this way. She knew she had to find a loophole in this problem!

On the way there, everyone had different thought:

Sasuke: why he was so obsessed with this annoying girl

Neji: how he was going to get Tenten

Kiba: wondering what he can get from helping his friends

Lee: how he can persuade Sakura to like him instead of falling for Sasuke

Sai: why did she do this to me?

Sakura: A plan, I need a plan but what kind of plan?

Therefore, the whole time they were going, they hardly noticed each other, but each had formed a solution somehow to each of their plans, not always good ones like Lee trying to woo Sakura by giving her candy. Others were pretty good, especially Sakura's. Sakura's plan is …

Wat's up y'all. Wutcha been up to?!? Hope you liked…by the way I'm not good at this updating thing:P Just regular me…:P luvzz…hope u liked!