This is the first story I ever wrote for fan fiction so try to read it, please.

Chapter One Armageddon

Rayman lay in his hammock, relaxing, chewing a blade of grass, staring up at the sky, pondering over life. Sure, it hadn't always been a party, there'd been tough times, looking back now he wondered how he'd survived. However, today everything had been perfect. It'd been two years since anything had happened, and here he was, beautiful world, he was a hero, respected and loved throughout the planet. Everyone was happy, no more wars or enemies or villains, it was everything he'd fought for.

However, when he thought about it, right back at the beginning, how it'd all started was a mystery. He just remembered pain, and suffering, but where and why he had no idea. Then suddenly he woke up, under a tree, no memory of where he came from or who he was. All he remembered was his name and that he was a good man, that was it. He'd been found soon after by fishermen, met Globox, Murphy, Ly and the others, then a few weeks later called up by Betilla the fairy to rescue the electoons from the evil Mister Dark. Having succeeded he returned home, to find his world overrun by evil mechanical pirates and his friends prisoners of them. Though he too had been captured, he'd escaped and managed to free everyone, then destroyed Razorbeard, the pirate leader, and saved the world again. Two years later, they'd been betrayed by the lums, the keepers of light themselves, who had been turned evil by a rouge comrade called Andre. They'd called themselves the Hoodlums, and though they'd been the strongest enemies Rayman had ever met he'd eventually been able to overthrow them. So now here he was, and whilst he thought he was safe, his greatest trail ever was already coming into play, completely unbeknownst to him.

As Rayman rested, the spirit and creator of his universe, Pollukus, sat on his island in the centre of the sea of lums, meditating. His only companions where the lums themselves, no one could get on or off his island, no one could even find it, unless Pollukus wished it. Pollukus himself was seeking something, as a matter of fact, seeking something hidden within the thing he was seeking right now, and with the energy of the lums as his aides he had nearly managed it. At last he heard a crack, a break in the physical balance of things, space in the vortex, a passage. He smiled; finally he could take what he needed. But suddenly darkness hit him, he felt a rush of evil and hatred come through the door, which he had opened, and at once his happiness was destroyed, as he realised he had made a grave mistake…

"Rayman" a voice said.

"Huh?" Rayman was shaken from his dream instantly, when he looked up he saw a Ly hovering before him, she was in a meditating position.

"Ly," Rayman laughed "always a pleasure"

"I'm afraid not," the fairy told the hero "at least not necessarily, Rayman, you have to go to Clearleaf forest"

"Oh" Rayman liked Clearleaf forest, but was disturbed by Ly's tone, it sounded anxious, worried.

"A portal has appeared there," Ly went on "unlike any we've experienced before, I have sensed that it's presence is a dark one, you have to investigate"

Rayman was silent for a while, before nodding "Ok" he said, stretched himself out, and set off.

Ly watched him go, a tight knot in her throat. She had felt the darkness of the portal, it spoke of greater evil than they had ever faced, she had feared for Rayman many times, but she suspected, this time, Doomsday may be upon them.

Her train of thoughts was stopped suddenly as 'something' hit her around the back of her head and she fell to the floor.

When Rayman reached the forest he was joined by Globox and Murphy. "Whatever this portal speaks of it's not friendly," Murphy briefed "and you won't last a second without us"

"Calm down fly guy," Rayman laughed, "it's probably only a slight mishap in a lum experiment, happens all the time"

"You won't be saying that when you see it," Globox jittered "that thing is NOT my style, it's dark and scary, Globox no like dark and scary, Globox more for sunny beaches and late night tango parties"

"I'm sure everything'll be alright," Rayman told the glewt "now let's take a look"

"Yeh, you two do that," Murphy decided "I'll go and, er, scout"

"You'll come with us," Rayman told the greenbottle.

"Yeh, Murphy come with us," Globox agreed.

"Oh come on, I'm the teacher not the fighter," Murphy argued.

"Why is everyone taking this so seriously?" Rayman wondered aloud "there's not going to be any fighting Murphy, and if there is, I'll take care of it, now let's go"

Rayman wished he hadn't been so sure when he actually laid eyes on the portal, it loomed high above them, simply by looking at it you felt sucked into it, inside whatever it held on the other side. Several Teensies and fairies had crowded around it, talking excitedly between themselves. Their chatter died down as they spotted their hero. Without a word Rayman and his sidekicks walked towards the portal, Rayman put his hand into it, and immediately dragged it out again. He felt pain; he'd felt pain often, but never like this. It flowed through his veins, up to his head, and he fell backwards into Globox as the portal began to shake. Suddenly, a huge ship exploded from it and hovered over the crowd. The crowd began screaming and running all over the place as a bright light beamed down from the ship and several figures flew down through it.

"Is that?" Murphy gawped.

"It can't be" Rayman gasped.

The robotic pirates charged from the ship and began grabbing anyone they could get their hands on. Globox was powered down by two huge monsters, and Murphy was knocked out of the air by a sharp steel hook. Rayman jumped to his feet, still feeling the portal's pain. He'd felt it before but he couldn't think where, and there where more pressing matters. When Razorbeard had fled, it had been a well-known fact that there had been many pirate factories left in the world, but rumour was Pollukus had tracked them all down and destroyed them. The pirates hadn't been seen for ages and everyone had assumed the rumour to be true. Yet here they where. Rayman decided to ask questions later and began punching and kicking the robots furiously, those who he freed from their clutches quickly ran to safety. Rayman fought well, but the ship seemed to be producing an infinite number of pirates and he soon found himself surrounded by five of them, each spawning flamethrowers.

"Surrender," one of them buzzed, "we will kill you, unless you help us. We are searching for a hero, take us to the one you know as Rayman"

Rayman had never expected this, he was used to his enemies knowing him instantly, particularly the pirates. It then became clear that these where new pirates, not the remains of the army or rebuilt versions of robots he'd met before, these guys where fresh from the oven. Wherever that portal led, someone wanted him. His attackers knew of him but they didn't know him, they didn't know who he was, and the hero realised he could use this to his advantage.

"And what if I'd rather die than betray him?" he asked.

"Who said anything about betrayal," the pirate laughed, "we want you to find Rayman, and give him a message"

Rayman's heart leapt "what's the message?"

"Our emperor wants him," the pirate went on oh so they have an emperor now Rayman noted that's interesting "tell him unless he surrenders himself we will kill his pretty little fairy friend, the one you call Ly"


"Tell him we have her, she is our prisoner, she will die, slowly and painfully, if your hero does not surrender himself. NOW GO FTECH HIM"

"No need," Rayman sighed "you have him already"

"So the great Rayman," the pirate commander mocked as he marched up and down in between Rayman, Globox, Murphy and the portal "I really expected quite a bit more from you"

"You won't get away with this brain of steel," Murphy yelled "Rayman will get us out of this"

"You will won't you Ray?" Globox asked, he was clearly worried; each of them had a muscular pirate standing behind them.

Rayman looked down at the floor, his eyes dropped.

"Come on Rayman, we need you" Murphy pleaded.

"You're our hero Rayman," Globox went on "don't give yourself up like this"

"I'm sorry," Rayman sighed, "I just can't let them hurt Ly"

"Ly is just one," Murphy cried "and yes I know that sounds cruel but its true. If we loose you the whole world will die, Ly would be proud to die for us"

Rayman didn't reply.

The commander laughed, "You made a wise decision hero," he turned to two other pirates "kill the fairy anyway"

"What!!!!" Rayman exclaimed, "WAIT, YOU CAN'T…."

"Too late hero," the commander shouted "you belong to the emperor now"

The pirate behind Rayman booted him in the back and he flew into the portal.

"RAYMAAAAAN!!!" Murphy yelled as his friend vanished into the void.

"Nooooo" Globox shouted.

"Don't wet yourselves," the commander shouted, "we thought Ray-boy could use some company"

"What!" Globox began before he and Murphy where kicked into the vortex after Rayman…

High above all this in the ship, a mechanical man stood watching all this through a huge window. He was fierce looking, red eyes, bald, metal head, and a veil across his face acting as a mask. His huge body was covered by a dark green cape, and his fingers where bony and sharp.

This robot was the second in command to the pirate emperor, his name was Doomand, or as he preferred it, General Doomand. With him at the window was a smaller robot with a smart complexion, wearing a pink apron and holding a silver tray with some cakes on.

Doomand was cackling to himself villainously "Perfect, the emperor has Rayman, everything is going to plan"

"Most excellent sir," the small robot said, "would you care for a fairy cake?"

Doomand cried angrily "CLEMONT!!!!" he yelled, "I'm about to become the greatest dictator that ever lived and you're baking fairy cakes!!!!!"

"Are you sure that's a no sir?" Clemont asked "they are simply enticing, even though I say so myself"

"Gnnnarrrhhh!!!" Doomand exploded "listen Clemont, my plan is coming into play, soon I will overthrow the emperor, destroy those stupid little balls of fluff that keep opposing us, and then I will be ruler of both worlds, mwahhahahhahah!!!"

"You are quiet the genius sir" Clemont agreed, helping himself to a cake.

"And once the emperor has destroyed Rayman," Doomand thought to himself "they'll be no one to stop me…"

To be continued…