Here is the long-awaited 4th chapter. And I've realized something – I only write these chapters around 11:00 at night until 2:00 in the morning. That's most likely why I came up with an idea for such an OOC Ulquiorra Oo kinda weird that I haven't noticed this before…

Thanks everyone for your reviews :) I hope you enjoy this chapter


A sigh escaped Ichigo's lips. How long was that freak, Ulquiorra, going to be here? Flinching every time Ichigo looked his way was one thing, but actually having to live with the Arrancar and put up with his random emotional breakdowns was plain annoying.

What happened to him that made him like this? From what I recall Ulquiorra's supposed to be an emotionless, overly-observant bastard, Ichigo growled in his head, and re-thought over what his dad had told him when he first brought Ulquiorra home.

"Ichigo, let me explain," his dad had said, "Ulquiorra was a thread away from dieing when I reached him. Three of Soul Society's captains and Yamamoto-sou-taichou had come here to the human world to get rid of him, and the only reason he's alive right now is because I convinced Yamamoto-sou-taichou to keep him alive so we can get information about the Arrancar. I know what you're thinking, that it's not worth keeping him alive, but believe me, Ichigo, it is."

Wait a minute…so Ulquiorra had almost died at the hands of three of Soul Society's best shinigami and the general Yamamoto himself...That could really explain the traumatized nature of the Arrancar. Ichigo shuddered as he imagined being beaten down to near-death by three shinigami captains and the highest-ranking, most powerful man in Soul Society. But still, Ulquiorra was supposed to be the strongest Arrancar! Ichigo always got the impression that even dying couldn't faze the guy, so what had happened?

You're thinking too hard, he told himself and put the matter aside for the time being.


"…and once the edges turn golden-brown that means they're done!" Yuzu finished re-telling the cooking directions for chocolate-chip cookies.

Ulquiorra was standing in the kitchen with his new friend, Yuzu. The much younger girl was busy mixing ingredients for cookies together in a big bowl while the Arrancar cracked the eggs, poured in the chocolate chips and got everything else they needed. He had already spilled quite a few eggs on the kitchen floor, causing them to lose five of the fragile ingredients, but the young brunette girl had waved it off and showed him how to properly crack them open without including bits and pieces of the white shells.

"Ok, so then we need one and a half cups of flour," Yuzu told her assistant and Ulquiorra dug one of the measuring cups into the bag of white dust.

He stopped when he felt a tingling sensation in the back of his nose. Ulquiorra's eyes started watering up as the flour dust drifted up from the bag a little and tickled his nose. Soon enough, he sneezed.

And the kitchen was covered in complete whiteness.


A few hours later, both Ulquiorra and Yuzu had finished cleaning the kitchen and making the cookies. The Arrancar was now bored and didn't really want to watch TV with Yuzu since he had to explain to her why he had a hole in his neck (which she didn't understand so it was all a waste of time) and had hung out with her enough for the day. So, he went up to his and Ichigo's room.

When he arrived there, Ulquiorra was surprised to see the teen staring blankly up at the ceiling. He had never really considered thinking about where Ichigo had been the past few hours. Seeing that the orange-haired shinigami was lost in thought, Ulquiorra was about to slither back into the closet when Ichigo's voice stopped him.

"Hey," he said, "what were you doing down there?"

"Making chocolate-chip cookies with Yuzu," Ulquiorra shrugged.

"Oh," was all Ichigo said afterwards so Ulquiorra decided that it was safe to retreat into the dark space of the closet.

He sat there for quite some time, thinking over what had happened ever since he had been brought to this house. Even though it had only been a couple days, so much had happened.

What am I doing here, anyways? Ulquiorra wondered to himself.

That thought immediately made something spark in the back of his mind. An image came up, a man in white clothing with dark-brown hair sitting on a throne. There was another person – a man with teal-blue hair and a hollow's right jaw – standing nearby.

I know them…but who are they…? He thought, trying to think of their names, Wait, I remember now! That brown-haired man sent me here to eliminate Kurosaki Ichigo!

The smallest of small smiles tugged at the corner of Ulquiorra's lips. All he needed to do was figure out how to get rid of the shinigami brat without a sword…


Out in the driveway, Karin was just getting out of her friend's car. The two-day sleepover had finally ended, even though she and her friends didn't really "sleep", and now it was time to go back to her own room and fall asleep. She waved goodbye to her friends and made her way into the house.

"I'm home!" she announced in a tired way and sluggishly made her way up to her room.

She put down her backpack that she had brought with her and looked around for her brush (since she had forgotten to bring it) but couldn't find it. Wondering if she had maybe left it in her brother's room, Karin made her way across the hall to the teenager's lair.

"Ichi-nii," she started as she opened the door, "have you seen my brush?"

"No, why would it be in my room?" Ichigo asked, arching an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hmm," Karin muttered as her eyes roved around his room. They settled on the closet door. Aha! Maybe she forgot it in there when she was getting the blankets she had brought to the sleepover!

"Wait-Karin!" Ichigo scrambled over the side of his bed but couldn't warn his sister about the unaware 'guest' before she slid open the door.

"You are aware that there's some freak hiding out in your closet, right?" Yuzu asked flatly.

"Y-yeah," her brother was stunned by the fact that she was acting so calm.

Yuzu slammed the closet door shut, not caring that Ulquiorra had been holding her brush (for she had indeed left it in Ichigo's room) and stalked back to her room.

Once she had left, Ichigo reopened his closet's door and snatched his sister's brush out of the Arrancar's hands. Ulquiorra blinked in surprise but didn't flinch like he usually did. The carrot-head noticed this and wondered that maybe, just maybe, Ulquiorra was starting to act normal.

"That's Karin's," Ichigo grumbled, "Don't play around with it."

Ulquiorra totally caught him off-guard with an icy glare. Ichigo gave him an astonished looked before escaping to Karin's room. For some reason the guy looked like he was ready to tear him to shreds. The teenager opened his sister's door and set the comb on her dresser. Karin was asleep so Ichigo made sure to close the door as quietly as he could.

"Who is she?" an emotionless voice behind him demanded.

Ichigo jumped and spun around to see Ulquiorra standing against the opposite wall. The Arrancar's arms were crossed and he looked at Ichigo, silently ordering him to answer.

"My sister, Karin," Ichigo replied and edged away until he was able to scurry downstairs. That guy, Ulquiorra, seemed dangerous now that he wasn't acting so weak.

Why did he change all of a sudden? Ichigo asked himself, One thing's for sure, now he probably won't tell us about the Arrancar or Aizen.

He sat down on the couch next to Yuzu but directed his attention to the stairs when he saw Ulquiorra walking down them. The frightened-animal look was back in his eyes but Ichigo knew that he was faking it, and that he was really fearless of everything around him. Ulquiorra seated himself between the two Kurosaki kids and gave Ichigo an evil, 'Watch your back because I may just kill you' look. Yuzu was oblivious to it and continued to watch the TV.

He's definitely an Arrancar again, Ichigo thought worriedly.


First, I'll clear up that last line:

"He's definitely an Arrancar again" means that Ulquiorra's being his old, shinigami-hating, Aizen's-pet self. Ichigo still knew Ulquiorra was an Arrancar ect. Ect.. Just saying this so no one's confused --; (Ulquiorra has forgotten Aizen and the others' names though)

I think this chapter's shorter than the others…four pages long X(
