Yes, so I've decided to add a prologue to this fic just so it explains everything. I like writing this fic X3 Ulquiorra-torture (kinda…)

Warning: OOC Ulquiorra (towards the end), mild swearing on Ichigo's part, violence

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or any of the characters.


Emerald eyes looked around at the buildings of Karakura town. Again, he had descended down to the living world to find Ichigo Kurosaki so he could get rid of him once and for all – Aizen's orders. Sighing, the Arrancar could only see the skyscrapers of the city and normal, everyday people. Oh, he'd made a huge dent in the ground, like when he and Yammy landed here, and it was causing a huge traffic jam since he landed in the street. Oh well, it wasn't exactly his problem right now.

Ulquiorra stepped out from the crater-like impression and towards where he believed the Kurosaki's house was.


"Yamamoto-sou-taichou!" a shinigami from the twelfth squad gasped as he bowed to the Gotei 13's general, "We have detected an Arrancar's presence in the human world!"

"Is there only one?" the much older shinigami asked seriously.

"Yes, sir," the messenger replied and Yamamoto stood up.

"Send word to Hitsugaya-taichou, Soifon-taichou and Zaraki-taichou," he ordered and the lower-ranked shinigami scurried away.


"Yamaoto-sou-taichou," Hitsugaya started, "You sent for us?"

"Yes, it seems that there is an Arrancar in the town of Karakura," the General replied gravely, "We must eliminate it, and therefore I chose the three shinigami that I think would do the job correctly: Hitsugaya-taichou, Soifon-taichou and Zaraki-taichou."

The three captains nodded in understanding and Yamamoto summoned the gate that led to the living world. All four shinigami stepped through it to search for the Arrancar.


Ulquiorra froze as he felt four different, and very powerful, reiatsus flood through the air not very far away from him. But then they disappeared, their owners had masked their spirit energy.

Where are they? Ulquiorra thought as he started sprinting towards Ichigo's house; it was only a block or two away by now and the night sky was settling in across the horizon.

He skidded to a halt when two figures flash-stepped in front of him. It was a fearsome-looking man with an eye patch and a much-shorter boy with pure-white hair. Neither looked very friendly so Ulquiorra was sure they were there to destroy him.

"Set upon the frozen heavens," the short kid commanded as he unsheathed his Zanpakuto, "Hyourinmaru."

So they were captains from Soul Society.

"Daiguren Hyourinmaru!" the one Ulquiorra decided to call "the brat" yelled and ice, in the forms of wings, gathered at his back and icy claws formed on his left hand.

The night suddenly became much colder and the Arrancar found himself starting to shiver. He turned his head slightly when he heard two pairs of footsteps – barely hearable – step up a few yards behind him. It was a mistake, of course, to avert his attention to the people behind him. How could he be so stupid?

"The brat" took the opportunity to attack Ulquiorra's undefended front. Hyourinmaru's point almost impaled the half-hollow's chest but Ulquiorra had unsheathed his sword enough to keep that from happening. Like vultures, Zaraki and Soifon lunged forward. Ulquiorra was forced to fully unsheathe his Zanpakuto and, after series of stabbing, slashing and parrying ensued and, when the three captains stepped away, Ulquiorra was surprised to find that his legs were a bit shaky under him. He could still stand, though, so he at least had a chance against the three captains.

His grip on his sword's hilt tightened and Ulquiorra slashed the blade across Zaraki's chest. He was too fast for the captain and Zaraki stumbled back a bit with a deep gouge running from his left shoulder to his right hip. It didn't really stop him though; it just made the eleventh squad captain more bloodthirsty.

A blur was seen out of the corner of the Arrancar's deep-green eyes and, a second later, Soifon had grazed Ulquiorra's shoulder with Suzumebachi. The cut was not deep enough to activate the Zanpakuto's ability. Ulquiorra struck out at her with his sword but she dodged to the side and he was forced to shift his position as Hitsugaya and Zaraki both charged at him. The Arrancar struck out with his Zanpakuto several more times, giving the shinigami plenty of injuries, but he stopped when somehow Soifon stabbed him in the side. Knowing what her Zanpakuto could do, Ulquiorra backed away from her but ended up running into Zaraki. The captain grinned like a madman and struck Ulquiorra hard over the head with the flat of his blade, effectively stunning his opponent. Ulquiorra fell to his knees, holding the un-masked side of his head and keeping a grip on his Zanpakuto with his other hand.

"Yamamoto-sou-taichou," Hitsugaya said in monotone as he stepped back from the fight a few paces, and the old shinigami nodded, meaning that it was time to carry out the final part of their plan.

The pale-haired genius shifted his hold on his Zanpakuto a bit before speaking gravely:

"Thousand years ice prison."

Ulquiorra's eyes narrowed in irritation when ice started to encase his left leg. But suddenly his instincts kicked in, and he started to panic – something he never thought he would do - because his limb was becoming extremely numb and the ice was slowly creeping up his body, he stood up and tried to dodge the swipe Hitsugaya aimed at him but the ice held him in place.

A splash of blood flew through the night from Ulquiorra's right shoulder and spattered onto the streetlight-lit pavement. Ulquiorra was panting. He was supposed to be stronger than this! If Luppi could defeat this white-headed brat, so could he. But why was the old man just hanging around, away from the fight? That made Ulquiorra come to the conclusion that the elder was probably much stronger than any of the three shinigami he was currently fighting.

"Disintegrate, You Black Dog of Rondanini. Look upon yourself with Horror. And then claw out your own throat!" The youngest captain's voice snapped him back to attention, "Way of binding, Number 9, Geki!"

Ulquiorra's eyes flashed in the red glow that surrounded him. He couldn't move. He was paralyzed, and it terrified him. This fight was like a never-ending nightmare.

Now the oldest shinigami stepped forward, his fingers bent into a hand sign as he recited another spell. He mumbled something quietly under his breath but raised his voice to utter the last part.

"Way of binding number 13, Aku bankin (Great demon seal)!" he barked and a white mist clouded around Ulquiorra.

The Arrancar's sword clattered to the ground, out of reach, and its owner followed closely after it. With a light thump Ulquiorra was sprawled onto his side, green eyes partially-clouded in fatigue while he tried to summon the strength to reach out and grab his Zanpakuto. Horrific thoughts raced through his panicking mind and wracked his brain. He was going to die; he was really going to die (for a second time)! His thoughts continued like this until he submitted to the darkness of unconsciousness.

"Are his powers sealed?" Soifon asked, watching her limp enemy like a hawk.

"Yes, he is not a threat at the moment," Yamamoto declared.

"Then will you kill him?" a new voice asked and the group of elite shinigami turned to see an ex-taichou (in shinigami form) walking towards them.


Isshin Kurosaki had sneaked out of the house once he sensed an Arrancar's presence. He changed into his shinigami form so no one would see him leaving.

After walking for only a few minutes, the man had found the Arrancar, along with Yamamoto-sou taichou and three other shinigami captains, not very far away from his house. He watched as the general sealed away the enemy's powers and waited a few moments before speaking.


"Kurosaki," Yamamoto said.

"If his powers are sealed is there really a point in wasting time killing him?" Isshin asked.

Yamamoto gave him a knowing glance and looked back at Ulquiorra who looked like he was either unconscious or sleeping, either way his eyes were closed and he was not moving.

"Your binding spell will keep his powers sealed forever, correct? So he could be interrogated and we may get the upper hand in this battle with Aizen and the Arrancar," Isshin tried to reason with the old General, "And he can be left in the human world without us having to worry that he will hurt someone."

Yamamoto sighed. Isshin Kurosaki, ex-taichou of the Gotei 13, was actually coming up with something more reasonable than some of the things any other captains had said in the past months.

"Keeping him in the human world may also make him feel less intimidated," Isshin continued, "Since most people cannot see him and there are not as many shinigami around him."

"Are you trying to tell me you will keep him at your house, with a son who has a deep grudge against all of the Arrancar?" Yamamoto asked, "Can your son be trusted not to attack him?"

"He will leave him alone once I explain why he is here," the dad replied.

"Then I trust you will find something out from him," Yamamoto said, "And report it to Urahara so he can tell Soul Society."

Isshin nodded and the general led Soifon, Zaraki and Hitsugaya back to Soul Society. Once they were gone, he heard the silent scuffling of wooden shoes.

"Well, looks like you beat me here," Urahara stated as he walked through the dark streets, "So you're going to keep him at your house? Ichigo doesn't seem like the type to leave this guy alone just because you tell him to…"

"I'll make sure he does," Isshin replied, kneeling next to Ulquiorra.

"Need any help getting him back home?"

"No, I can manage," Isshin said as he picked up the – surprisingly light – half-hollow and shinigami.


Olive eyes blinked, disoriented, as Ulquiorra slowly sat up and looked around the room he was in. Well, it didn't seem to be very big – it was more like a closet. Actually, it was a closet! A closet with a bed built into it. Where was he? Certainly this wasn't Soul Society?

He heard two voices murmuring somewhere near him and felt around him before he felt the wall slide a bit. Ulquiorra got a firmer grip on it and discovered it was a sliding door. He opened it slightly to see Ichigo Kurosaki and his dad discussing something while sitting on the teenager's bed across from the closet.

"Just deal with him being here, alright? He can't hurt anyone since his powers have been sealed so there's nothing to worry about," Isshin assured his son but Ichigo still looked doubtful.

Ulquiorra backed away from the door, scared that there were two very powerful shinigami only a few feet away from him. He had a reason to be scared, too; some shinigami had almost killed him earlier.


"Dad?" Ichigo had asked when his dad – still in his shinigami form – walked into the house, carrying someone in his arms.

"Ichigo, go get the other bed in your room ready," Isshin told him and the teenager did as he was told, not knowing what was going on.

His dad came upstairs a few minutes later in his body, carrying bandages and antiseptic. Then Ichigo recognized who the stranger was.

"Dad!" he hissed, "That's an Arrancar! What the hell are you doing helping him?!"

"His powers are sealed away and Soul Society has agreed to keep him alive so he can be questioned," Isshin explained calmly, "Now either help me clean him up or fix the bed for him."

Fuming, Ichigo chose to get the sheets and blankets fitted around the mattress in his closet instead of helping an enemy. Why did his dad trust that…thing? His kind had killed numerous shinigami and was on Aizen's side! What part of that did his dad not understand?

Isshin had finished treating Ulquiorra's more serious wounds and set him on the spare bed. He closed the closet's door and turned to his son. The kid was practically having to restrain himself from throwing open the closet's door and strangling the unaware Arrancar.

"Ichigo, let me explain a bit better," he sighed.


Aaaand there's the prologue! Hope you liked it.

I made up that "Way of binding 13" spell so if it's translated wrong I'm sorry.

Please review!