Shino/Sakura - #17 Charity – In Sight

Sakura's eyes narrowed on her prey as he made his way down the street, his hands tucked safely in the pockets of his over-jacket. His hood was up as usual, and his dark glasses were in place. She couldn't help but giggle, her eyes running his completely covered form. He had to be hot.

The overly warm July sun shone down upon the large village of Konoha, bringing sweat and misery to the village's inhabitants. Sakura herself was all but boiling in her sleeveless vest, skirt and tights. She had even forgone her usual elbow guards that day because of the heat!

Swinging her legs against the building she sat on, Sakura watched Shino's progress down the busy street. He wasn't moving with any particular hurry, of course, that was just like him: perpetually unruffled and calm. Even if he was in a hurry, one could never tell.

But she happened to know that he wasn't in a hurry: that he wasn't really going anywhere. He didn't have a mission (she checked the Hokage's records) and he didn't seemed to have any training plans that day (she asked around). This left him as the perfect target of her scheme. The fact that she thought he was extremely cute, and had had a minute crush on him for a few months was just a bonus.

When he had made it to the corner of the building she sat on, Sakura made her move. Lifting her hips, she hopped off the building, dropping the twenty feet easily. He didn't look particularly surprised when she dropped down in front of him, but he stopped and his head tilted slightly. "Sakura-san,' he said, his voice steady as it always was.

She grinned at him, lacing her fingers together behind her back. "Hello, Shino-kun! Nice day today hm?"

His head tilt became more pronounced, and to his friends it was a clear sign that he was puzzled. "Yes, I suppose it is."

Even his tone was slightly puzzled. He didn't tense, however, as many of their friends would have when Sakura approached them with a sugary smile. This was why Sakura liked Shino the best of their group – he didn't flinch away from her, her temper, or her motives. If she was acting suspiciously, he took it with a grain of salt.

Rocking back on her heels, Sakura did her best to play cute. This wasn't to say she wasn't cute, but playing up the fact always alerted her friends when she wanted something. She wasn't trying to hide it from him, and so made it extra obvious, just in case he was feeling extra dense that day. Of course, Shino was never dense, and always sharp, so it was likely her act was unneeded.

"Aren't you hot in that jacket?"

"Not particularly."

Sakura nibbled on her bottom lip. He was going to make it difficult on her! "Well I'm really hot," she said before pausing. "Um… that is to say, temperature wise." She added a small laugh.

"I knew what you meant." He seemed to stop then, and his head righted itself. He stared at her for a moment, and then he stepped forward, bridging the gap between them so that he could lean over her in his usual menacing fashion. "You don't have to pretend with me, Sakura-san. Is there something you would like?"

"Ahh, caught!" She continued grinning however, and one of her eyes dropped in a wink. "Are you busy?"


Playing the game with Shino was fun because he always caught on and never played back. Playing with someone too dense to see her acting was tiring and boring. It just forced her to continue on. With Shino, she could play, or she could be herself, or she could mix it up. Playing was fun because his reaction always differed.

Completely not intimidated, Sakura leaned forward, her hands still behind her back. "The vending machine in my building ate my last dollar…" she trailed off. Do I ask him and tell him I'll pay him back, or do I just ask him with the implicit assumption that he'll pay? "And it's really hot out…" Damn it, this went so much better in my head! Sakura cursed inwardly, her grin dimming a bit.

Silence stretched between them and Sakura was beginning to fear that she would have to come out and ask him directly. Isn't Shino supposed to be really good at picking up on subtlety?

"You want me to buy you some frozen confectionary?"

Sakura perked up when he spoke, her grin returning. "Well, I was just thinking ice cream, but the principle's the same."

The head tilt was back, but the puzzlement that went along with it wasn't. "And would it constitute a date?"

Oh, he is clever after all. "That depends."


Her grin transformed into something sultrier, an expression she had seen on her sensei's face once or twice. She had always-wanted try it. "Whether you're asking."

One of his eyebrows quirked, and she was quite sure he was smirking a bit behind his high collared inner-coat. "Hm. And if I am?"

Sakura blinked, a bit taken back by the fact that is appeared that he was attempting to play the game. He never plays… But she was quite sure he was teasing her in his own quiet, serious way. He was also asking her out. Her insides did a little happy dance, while outwardly she tried to look at sophisticated as possible. "Then I suppose it would."

He hummed almost imperceptivity, but there was a smile in the noise. "Very well, shall we go then?"

"In a moment," she replied, a saucy glint in her eyes. "I have to thank you first."

"Does that not come after?"

She just giggled, a slightly evil giggle. "Maybe, but I'll lose my courage if I don't do it now." With that, she darted forward the half a foot between them and used her kunoichi speed to tug down the collar that hid his lips. Without pausing, she kissed him. It was a shy kiss, but the feeling was there.

And then it was over and she was pulling away, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "Now we can go."

"Gah! Forehead-girl!"

Sakura stiffened, her eyes widening a fraction. "Crap, it's Ino. Time to go!"

She caught Shino's arm and tugged at him. With only a fraction of a pause, he let her drag him down the street quickly, away from the annoyed sounding voice. After about ten feet, he pulled his arm away, and in the midst of Sakura's crestfallen expression, pulled his hand out of his pocket and caught hers with it.

He was rewarded with a bright grin.