Mimi's Massage and Therapy Center

Tommy parked his truck outside the store after a long exhausting day at school.." At least it's the last day of this school year."

The former Black Dino Thunder Ranger got out of his jeep and walked up to the door and pulled it open and walked up to the desk

" Good Evening my name is Inga..and welcome to Mimi's Measage and Therapy Center..how may I help you today."

" Hello Inga..I would like a full body massage."

" A strong man like you want to subject himself to a Massage..are you gay or in between."

" No I'm not gay Inga..I just want a massage."

" You don't have a girlfriend or wife to give you that kind loving gesture."

Tommy held up his left hand and shook his head

" Okay..my bad..um there is an opening in ten minutes would you like to take that." Inga proposed

" Yes I would Inga." Tommy answered

" Ok you can have a seat over there and someone will be out to get you." Inga suggested

" Thank you." Tommy applied as he turned around and walked over to the waiting area and sat down in the chair and leaned back and closed his eyes

Ten Minutes later

The Side door opened and a dark red woman stepped out next to the door.." Tommy Oliver."

Tommy opened his eyes and looked around until his gaze fell upon the Red head standing near the half open door

" Are you Tommy Oliver sir." the woman asked

" Yes I am." Tommy replied as he stood up

" Alright will you follow me please." the woman commanded softly as she opened the door and let Tommy step in before her then she closed the door and led him down the hall.." Room 20 is your room you may go in and take off all of your clothing and lay down on the bed with a towel across your behind..and the one who in charge of massaging you will be in shortly."

" Ok thanks.." Tommy said as he walked into the room and closed the door behind him and started taking his clothes off and layed down on the table and made sure he was covered in the most vital area and fully relaxed himself with his face down onto the head rest

Five minutes later

Knock, Knock

" You can come on in." Tommy instructed

The door opened and the brown haired massager cocked an eyebrow as she gave the patient a glance over.." Damn."

" Is there something wrong." Tommy mumbled

" No there isn't..I've just never had someone as taller or thicker than you before."

" How've long have you been working here."

" Going on two years..Reefside California reminds alot of home." the masseuse said.." by the way what's your name."

" Dr. Thomas Oliver." Tommy informed

The masseuse gasped lightly

Tommy started to lift his head up only to have it pushed back down.." Was that called for."

" I'm sorry." the masseuse said.." Tommy."

" It can't be." Tommy commented as he looked over at the masseuse who was standing there watching him.." Kimberly."

" Yeah..now if you can so kindly not move any further unless you want your partner in crime to show itself.."

Tommy nodded and simply turned back around and put his face back down onto the head rest

Kimberly turned on some soft music then poured a generous amount of soothing oil onto her hands and rubbed together then she placed them on Tommy's shoulders and started massaging them softly then she moved them to shoulder blades until she massaged the whole back and started kneading them

" Right there..there's where the most tension is."

" Okay." Kimberly said as she focused on that one specific part of Tommy's body in the middle of his back." What did you do..if you don't mind me asking."

" I teach at Reefside High School and during the day I'm practically standing alot so my muscles tend to tense up." Tommy explained

" And I'm supposed to believe that..Tommy you were one of them and I know how it feels to land on the street or parts of debris." Kim stated

" I know..but I had to do something else instead of going to the hospital."

" If it's sprained you should still go to the hospital..getting a message might make it worse..you stubborn ass."

Tommy mumbled something only to get smacked on his butt

" I heard that Thomas." Kim said

" I know..and please don't smack me on my ass again..that doesn't belong to you no more."

Kim stopped massaging and backed up a little bit then she turned and exited the room

" It was going good until I had to go there."

Two Minutes later

The door opened once again.." Mr. Oliver..my name is Agnes..and I'll be taking over for Miss Hart."

Tommy looked up at the other masseuse then gulped.." I..I..I prefer Miss Hart."

" Unfortunately she just decided to take a break and she told me that she have a slight problem with an a small area in your back." Agnes replied as she flipped Tommy back onto his stomach and pounded on his back



" AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...that hurt damnit."

Anges smirked a little bit then she jerked and cracked Tommy's muscles until he was layed out flat and motionless.." You can pay on your way out."

Mr. Oliver and please take my card I do make house visits..just ask for Agnes Brockner." Agnes walked out of the room

Tommy slowly moved off of the massaging table and slipped his clothes back and made his way out into the hallway looking up and down the hallway but saw no sight of Kimberly.." I think I know what to do." Tommy slowly moved back into the front room and up to the front desk.." Um I would like to leave a message for Kimberly Hart."

" There's no one here by that name."

" Yes there is..she was my massuese not that long ago."

" Well I'm sorry sir..you must be seeing things."

" Look Godamnit I know who I saw and who was giving me a massage five minutes ago..who I was having a conversation with."

" And sir for the last time..there is nobody here with that name."

" Fine!!.I will leave a tip..but I will be back." Tommy pulled out his wallet and paid for the massage and left a tip then left out of the shop and got into his truck and backed up out of the spot and drove home

" Anne..he's gone." the receptionist said

Kim came out of the back.." thanks..but he meant what he said he will come back but just let me know when he does cause I will leave immediately."

" Anne what was he too you."

" My ex-boyfriend and first time lover..but it went all wrong."

" Ok..don't worry Anne we got your back."

" Especially my tyke." Anges inputs

" Thanks girls." Kim applied as she glanced out the window..

That's all for this chapter..if you would like for me to continue..let me know via Review!
