
Disclaimer: No own InuYasha et cetera et cetera.


Jizen Kaerizaku

Before I Can Return

Chapter 9 - Wishes: Convoluted Thinking


Kagome's eyes widened and she spun to face the man, hand pressed over her erratically beating heart, "Mattaki?"

The Taiyoukai smiled slowly, the corners of his mouth drawing his grin wider and wider as the flea's words set in, "How can this be, Myouga?" he asked distantly, eyes unfocused.

"Kagome-sama," Myouga directed to her, thouh nodding to his former master to assure him that he was not being ignored, "What exactly was your wish on the jewel?"

The woman blinked, dark brows furrowing, "Well, I don't remember my wording, since I wasn't even purposely wishing on the jewel…I just wanted InuYasha, Miroku, and Sango happy. They had already gone through enough. It was not an intentional wish, so I really can't tell you my wording."

"Will you call Sango-sama and Miroku-dono here please?" Myouga said after a few moments thought.

"Not my son?"

"Not InuYasha?" Kagome echoed, knowing Mattaki's comment couldn't reach Myouga's ears.

"Not unless my idea proves wrong."

It was over half an hour before Kagome's two old friends could come, having to leave their children with Kikyou before they could get away. They were given little explanation since Kagome had no clue why the flea needed them anyway, just asked if they could come.

Back in the hut, a widely smiling Mattaki seized the girl again and spun her gaily, laughing, "I think he's right, really, isn't it grand?"

Kagome laughed with him, "How do you think he's right?"

A wink, "You'll see."

Sango had halted in scared shock, while Miroku just seemed confused. He had known about Mattaki for a month now, after all, "How is it he can manipulate things on this plane now?"

"That's why we're here, Miroku-dono," Myouga chirped, calling the former monk's attention, "This is a recent development. But before we discuss it, could you explain to your wife what is going on?"

Dark violet eyes widened when he took in the shaken and gaping form of his wife, quickly soothing her and explaining the situation of Kagome's 'friend'. After, soft brown eyes looked sadly at her closest friend, "Why didn't you tell me, Kagome-chan?"

The younger woman toes the ground and blushed, "I'm sorry Sango-chan…I was being selfish. Having him secret made me feel…secure I suppose. Please forgive me."

"I…think I undertand that, Kagome-chan, though I wish you could have had enough faith in me to tell me about it."

"It was nothing against you, honestly. I wouldn't have even told Miroku or Kaede had I not needed help determining if there was anything to be done with him."

Miroku slid an arm around his wife's waist and gave a lopsided grin, "See, love? Nothing to worry about.

The taijiya just smiled, "Well, what are we here for, Myouga?"

The old flea sat and crossed his multiple arms, "How clearly do you remember the day the jewel was purified?"

Both of them snapped to attention immediately, "Like it was yesterday," Miroku answered for them both without hesitation.

Myouga nodded, "I thought as much. Do you remember what you were thinking directly before the wish was made?"

Both donned confused expressions, but Sango tried to answer, "Well…I was thinking of Kohaku, mostly. I hated that I was going to be alone, that I could never keep my pledge of saving my brother. I was also worried about Miroku…I could tell he was hiding his own pain, and I knew the Kazaana was not gone with Naraku's death. I remember watching InuYasha with Kikyou and thinking he was making a mistake…that he should be living the life we had all fought for. And I remember thinking that Kagome deserved so much better…" Myouga nodded sagely and waited for Miroku.

"I was mostly regretful that I could not marry Sango…because I knew I couldn't put her through the potential loss of myself when my Kazaana became too much. I knew she would have Lady Kagome though, and that the two of them could help one another be strong since they would both be alone, however regrettably…"

Another slow nod from the flea, "I was correct then. I am sure I already know Master InuYasha's thoughts…"

"Get to the point, flea," Mattaki said in a giddy voice, making Kagome look at him strangely.

"He seems happy," Miroku commented with a laugh, "And he would like you to tell Kagome the point now, Myouga."

Kagome had forgotten Miroku could hear her companion and smiled, glad to not have to relay his words for once. Myouga grinned, "It seems, Kagome-sama, that because your friends had you in mind as well, that when you wished upon the jewel, their wish for your own happiness was granted as well."

Blue eyes narrowed, "But what does that have to do with Mattaki?"

The spirit smiled and pulled her to him his grin softening into a fond smile, "Because it seems I am the one who will be able to make you happy."

Kagome blushed brilliantly, "R-Really?"

"Yes," he said and grinned again, apparently thrilled with this, "Do you know what else this means?"

"Hmm?" Kagome asked, still red faced.

"That I can kick my bastard of a brother out of my palace," he said with a wicked grin, "If the current Lord was good I would leave them, but since it is Neikanhi…I will enjoy making him remember why I was chosen as Father's successor."

"Why don't you just do it now? After all, I am sure no one in the palace has spiritual powers, so you will be invisible to them. You could kill him with no interference."

Mattaki shook his head emphatically, and Kagome's breath caught at she looked into eyes that seemed golden in the moment, his mouth set into a darkly serious expression, "That would be without honor. I will fight him when I can face him on the battlefield and cleave his body in two. I will not stoop to such underhanded tactics, my Kagome."

Miroku was thoughtful as the two conversed, his eyes lighting halfway through, "Wait, does that mean, Mattaki-sama, that you are…"

The doormat was flung aside then, the red clad InuYasha bursting in, "Oi, wench, I'm sorry okay? Now, lemme talk to my dad, damnit," he said hurriedly, then noticed the full room, "Uh, did I miss something?"

Everyone only laughed, even the surprised Sango, as InuYasha was picked up off the ground and thrown out the door by an exasperated Mattaki, "He's going to take some work…"


A/N: Oo Since they created a Inu-no-Taisho section, I suddenly got, like, 40 reviews for one chapter. Wow. Wasn't expecting that.

I hope I will be able to continue this, but I get discouraged easily, as this is the most pointless and terribly written story I've ever written. Seriously. +sigh+ So I apologize for the waits I tend to put everyone through…