Author's Notes- So I was watching re-runs of this season and it got me thinking. What if Lucas pulled a Dan and got Brooke pregnant but left her for Peyton? Well it inspired this little fic. Basically, Brooke goes through what Karen goes through, Nathan becomes the Uncle Keith to her son, Lucas does what Dan did and refuses to acknowledge Brooke's son, Peyton takes on Deb's shoes and Haley never came back from the tour so there is no Haley.

A loud, annoying buzzing was filling the room where Colton Scott slept. Groaning, the teenage boy reached over to his bedside table and smacked the sleep button. It was too early to get up, even if he did have school. Colton would be quite content to just lie there all day and never move.

"Colton, you up?" Brooke Davis asked from the boy's doorway. Colton groaned again and pushed his blankets aside and got out of his bed. His sandy blonde hair was messy and his chocolate brown eyes full of sleep. There was no mistake that this way the child of Lucas Scott.


Yes, the son of Lucas Scott. High school was to be the best years of Brooke's life. There was no denying she had fallen in love with the other Scott. He was always the sweeter, nicer, kinder Scott. Well at least until he found himself in the shoes of Daniel Scott.

Lucas was suppose to be nothing like Dan only when they say like father, like son they mean like father, like son. High school ended and Brooke discovered she was pregnant. It shouldn't have been that big of a deal right? Lucas and her were going to be married anyway.

That night she told him she was expecting their child, Lucas realized for the first time how Dan must have felt. He was to be leaving for college and to top it off; he didn't want to be with Brooke anymore. He came to break things off with her and be with Peyton.

All it took was one night for the lives of gang of Tree Hill to repeat history. Lucas told Brooke he was leaving, for college and Peyton. Nathan had his ticket out of Tree Hill but when Brooke came to him that night in tears, his path had change. He was supposed to get out of that town 17 years ago, yet here he was. He was in the shoes of Keith. He was raising his brother's son.


"I'm up." He said walking past his mother and giving her a kiss on the cheek and making his way to the bathroom. Brooke smiled as she watched him walk down the hallway scratching his back.

Brooke turned and headed back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. She headed over to the stove and flipped over the pancakes. She took a quick glance at the clock that read 7:24 before turning her head at the sound of the door opening.

"Hey Nate." She said placing some of the food on a plate.

"Hey Brooke." Responded Nathan as he sat down and the small wooden table, "How are you this morning?"

"I'm doing fine, how are you?"

"Oh the same as always."

Brooke smiled as she placed four plates at each of the spots on the table. Colton appeared with his backpack over his shoulder.

"Hey Uncle Nate." He said sitting down next to him.

"Hey Colt, where's Jenner?" Nathan said as he took a bite of his food.

"So that whole huge test thing in Warner's class is such a lie." A voice interrupted as a young girl appeared in the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too Jenner." Brooke said sitting down. Jenner flashed a smile at Brooke and took seat next to her, filling the table completely.

"Morning." She said pouring herself a glass of orange juice, "So like a said Warner was lying, that test is not a huge deal."

"And you know this how?" Colton asked smiling at his best friend.

"Because I cornered him and asked him."

Brooke and Nathan shared a look and silent laugh. Their little definition of a family sat at their table and ate.


Across town in a house of their own, Lucas and Peyton Scott sat at their breakfast table waiting for their son to appear. The breakfast conversation was none. Lucas read the paper while Peyton sat there looking at her husband.

"What time did Spencer come home last night?" She asked picking at her food

"About one." Lucas replied sipping his coffee.

"So you think it's ok for our son to come home at one on a school night?"

"He's a good kid Peyton. He was just out with his friends relaxing. He didn't do anything wrong."

Peyton sighed and pulled the paper away from Lucas. He rolled his eyes and looked at her.

"Your brother called me this morning. Our good kid was trashing the River Court last night. You remember that right?" She said getting up

"Yes I remember that place. It's the past Peyton, it doesn't matter to me anymore." He said sighing as he too got up.

"Well then good for you! I'm glad to you'll allow Spencer to get away with it."

"Get away with what?" A blonde-haired teenager asked as he sat at the kitchen counter.

"Your mom seems to think you were trashing the River Court last night." Lucas said grabbing his car keys, "Were you?"

"No." Spencer said lying through his teeth. Lucas look at Peyton and nodded, "See, I said he was a good kid. Come on Spence, we gotta go talk to coach."

Spencer nodded and kissed Peyton's cheek, "Bye Mom."

Lucas and Spencer left the house in silence. Lucas started the car and began driving.

"Why did you do it?" Luke asked as he turned the corner.

"I figured it piss the kid off." Spencer replied flipping the switches on the radio dial.

"Don't bother wasting your time with him, you have more important things to focus on."

"Like what? Basketball? I'm carrying the team Dad."

"Yeah well you keep this behavior up and I'm not sure how much longer I can convince your mother that your not doing anything wrong." Lucas said as he speed up, "God what is your mom putting on my radio?"

Lucas took his eyes off the rode for one split second and he fiddeled with the radio. Spencer sighed and looked at the rode.

"DAD! LOOK OUT!" He yelled as he spotted someone walking across the street. Lucas looked back at the rode and slammed the brakes.

The car stopped inches shy of the person's legs. Both Lucas and Spencer looked up to see Colton looking back at them.

There are moments in time where no words can be said. Sometimes these moments are good and sometimes they are bad. This was a bad time.

"Wanna move there dumbass? Or did your mom not manage to teach you something as easy as that?" Spencer said sticking his head out the window.

Colton glared at Lucas, never breaking eye contact with him as he began to walk away. As soon as Colton moved away from the car, Lucas took off again.

"What a waste of space." Spencer said as he looked behind him.

"Don't tell your mother." Were the only words out of Lucas' house.