I'm the Winner

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: Okay this is my first Standoff Fan fiction so please be nice.

Pairings: Matt/Emily. Duff / Lia. Frank/ Melissa (His wife)

"Okay rules are there are No rules" Frank commanded

"Except killing people" Emily butted in

"Yes…we don't want any dead people" Said Lia

"Okay let's get off the subject of dead people shall we" Matt decided to take charge but was soon overtaken by Frank.

"You can target anyone who has made the pact."

"And remind me what pact that was again" Matt asked

"Why don't you know…oh you went to Cheryl's office so we left you out, you want to join in?" Lia asked

"I am glad to see that I am in the loop" Matt said

"Okay you want to know about the pact, fine I will explain. Today is April 1st or in other words April fools day. Well you know how it normally lasts until noon and then after that you can't say April fools when you play a joke on people. Well we are making April fools last all day. You can prank anyone you want who is in the pact" Emily explained

"Okay got it what are the rules" Matt asked

"The rules are there are no rules" Duff said giving him a side look.

"Duffman you stole my line "Frank said as Melissa or Mel for short walked in.

"Hey guys you on the job" Mel asked

"Ah No we are just making a pact" Lia said with a smile on her face

"Oh this sounds interesting what about" Mel asked

"Well you know how its April fools day we are making it longer, and we are playing pranks on people who are in the pact. The rules are there are No rules. You want to join in" Emily asked

"Yeah sure sounds like fun" Mel said as she went over and pecked Frank on the cheek.

"Hey how come Mel got the short version" Matt asked.

"For reasons you will never know" Lia said as they all put there hands in the middle.

"Okay I will lead the pledge" Said Frank "I swear that I will not kill anyone and target only the people who have there hands in the middle"

Everyone followed what he said.

"And the rules are there aren't no rules" Frank said in a weird accent.

After everyone was finished saying there pledge they all went

" Whoop" and ran off to find shelter and plot against each other.


Okay tell me if you like it or if you didn't. If I didn't get reviews I will not continue.