A/N: Here's just a fluffly little cute little one shot that I've been thinking about for a while. It's basically just a fluffy moment between Marti and her Smerek, but if you look really closely you might just see the subtle hints of Dasey. Anyway R&R! Thanks! -Mac

Disclaimer: Don't own Life With Derek.

Sharing Is Caring

Derek walked into his little sister Marti's room that day with a mission. Marti had gotten in trouble at school that morning again for not sharing. She flat out refused to let any of her classmates get their 'grubby little hands' on 'her toys.' Her words, no one else's. But at least she wasn't hitting anyone anymore. She had learned her lesson after that one, thankfully. Both Nora and George had tried to teach her the basics of sharing--the how's and why's--and each time...failed miserably. So they had enlisted Derek, hoping that her fondness for her oldest brother would prompt her to actually listen.

Marti was sitting at her small, plastic tea table when Derek came in. He kneeled down so he was at about her height before he spoke.

"Hey Smarti, is it okay if I talk to you a bit?" Derek asked, trying to draw her attention to him.

"Sure Smerek!" Marti exclaimed excitedly as she swirled around to look at Derek.

"I want to talk to you about what happened at school today."

"Oh that." Marti waved it off nonchalantly.

"Marti, it's important. Why don't you want to share? Aren't you friends with the kids in your class?" Derek questioned. He was hitting the key points Nora and George had coached him on before they sent him in.

"Yeah, but it's my stuff...not theirs." Marti huffed.

"Smarti, you have to share. It's the nice thing to do. When you like someone, sharing with them shows them you care." Derek explained, his voice soft. He hoped he got through to her quickly. He wasn't the best person to be teaching anyone a life lesson.

Then Marti said something that shocked him, "But you never share with Casey...Don't you like her?"

Derek swallowed, and took a much needed breath. He wasn't quite sure how to answer the question. "Of course I do, but that's different..."

"You always take the remote from her or drink all the milk. That's not sharing, Smerek." Marti accused defiantly.

"You're right Smart, it's not. But...it's different for us, okay?" Derek said, unable to come up with a more reasonable excuse. He was being shown up by six year old. How was he supposed to teach her a lesson if everything he did contradicts it? How was he supposed to explain the differences between his actions and hers? How?

"NO!" Marti called, frowning and her eyes watering slightly. "You must not like her. Why don't you like Casey, Smerek? I like Casey."

"I told you Smarti, I do." Derek sighed, exasperated.

"No you don't!" Marti cried.

"Yes I do, Marti." Derek repeated through clenched teeth. They were fighting like two year olds. Something that they were both too old for.

"Well, then why don't you share with her?" Marti asked, sniffing.

"I don't know, Smarti." Derek said, truthfully. He cheered up immediately and smiled, seeing a way out. "Here's the deal Smarti, I'll try harder to share with Casey if you start sharing with the other kids at school. Deal?"

"Deal!" Marti nodded vigorously, making a dramatic show of shaking Derek's outreached hand. She had always wanted to be part of a deal. She saw Lizzie and Edwin making deals all the time and she didn't like being left out.

"Good. Now Smarti, I don't want the hear that you haven't been sharing again. So, don't let it happen again. Got it Smarti?"

"Got it Smerek." Marti smiled brightly.

The next morning, miraculously, Derek arrived in the kitchen only a few minutes after Casey. Although he couldn't figure out why--as it was a Saturday morning--but he couldn't get back to sleep after he woke up. When he walked into the room, Casey was reaching up into a cabinet for a box of cereal.

As Casey set the box on the counter, Derek opened the fridge and pulled out the milk. Casey glanced up and saw what little remained of the milk. She scowled knowing that, like usual, Derek would down it just to make her angry. Casey blew out an angry breath, already frustrated with him and the way he treated her.

And then Derek did something that surprised her. Without taking a sip or even opening the jug, Derek sat it down in front of Casey. He didn't say a word only smiled slightly at her.

From her place just outside the entrance to the kitchen, Marti watched the exchange. A brilliant smile spread across her face. Watching only for a second longer, Marti turned and practically bounced back up the stairs before she could be seen.

Her Smerek was right. Sharing is caring.

A/N2: I don't want you to feel forced to review, because of course you aren't obligated...but I would love to get more feedback. Even if it's only "it sucked" or "good job", I would love to hear from you guys. You keep me writing. So please, please,PLEASE review. Kick it up a notch and I will reward you. Thanks.