Chapter 20


Flannery woke up the next morning at her home in Lavaridge Town to pounding on her front door. She opened it up to see Tabitha.

"Tabitha!" she said. "You're back!"

"I'm so sorry, Flannery," Tabitha said. "I temporarily joined Team Rocket to save you from them. I was afraid they were going to come after you if I didn't join them, which was the real reason I joined them. I'm through with them now, though."

"It's okay," Flannery said. "You meant well by it… just don't leave me again."

"I promise I won't," Tabitha said. "Those losers are back in jail again, so you won't see me go off with them again."

"Wallace and Winona may not have trusted you, but I do," Flannery said.

The two embraced, then Flannery invited Tabitha inside for some coffee. Tabitha felt relieved to have a girlfriend who forgave him for leaving her, even if it was in order to help her.

Over at Indigo Plateau, both Giselle and Joe talked to each other before Joe's class with Roxanne, talking about how things had gotten better for them.

"It's amazing, the other Elite don't hate me anymore… at least not that much," Giselle said. "Maybe they finally figured out that I am better than them."

"Roxanne's become a much better teacher," Joe said. "She even had some new student come into the class, and he and her get along very well."

"Good," Giselle said. "He ought to keep you away from her."

"I don't want Roxanne!" Joe said. "I have you!"

"I know, I'm only joking," Giselle laughed.

Sabrina was back in Saffron City talking with Liza and Will, who had taken off work for the day. They were at her house, which Jessie, James and Meowth had left after hearing that Blaine and Giovanni were in jail.

"I wish I could have stopped Giovanni before he committed another murder," Sabrina said.

"You can't put that burden on yourself," Will said.

"Since we are psychics, we have the power to know the evil intentions of people," Sabrina said. "We must use our power in order to stop awful things from happening, whenever possible."

"You're really ambitious," Liza said.

"All I want to do is use my power the right way," Sabrina said.

Meanwhile, Silver, Jasmine, Whitney and Gold were all in Goldenrod City, eating breakfast with Silver and Gold's mother. She seemed shocked at first that Silver was her child, but she was completely accepting of him.

"I've wondered where you've been all my life, but I never told Gold about you," she said. "I feared he would say something about having a half-brother to the wrong person and have our identities revealed."

"We're going to rebuild the gym in Mahogany Town, and also build our house into the gym," Gold said. "Then you can come live there with me."

"Okay," his mother said. "Where do you live, Silver?"

"In Olivine City, where all these problems occurred," Silver said.

"The police really gave my city a bad name," Jasmine said.

"Yes, but we're going to restore its good name," Silver said. "I'm going to help you out at the gym, and we'll make sure everyone is treated well who comes to your gym- although they won't be able to beat you."

"I'm just so happy you were proved innocent," Jasmine said.

She and Silver kissed.

"You two are so cute," his mother said.

Silver looked embarrassed, but then he thought about his life: he had a home, a girlfriend, and finally, a parent who cared about him. He was innocent. It was such a stark contrast from his past, when he had no home, no one who cared about him, and a criminal background.

"By the way, Jasmine," Silver said, "do you still want that Antidote?"

Jasmine simply laughed.