Halo: The Irkens

( Disclaimer. WE DON'T OWN HALO OR ZIM. They belong to Johnny and Bungie. )

Meekroob System, main planetary body Meekroob

Irken Flagship Massive, Invasion Deck

Preparing for full Planet Fall Invasion

Standing on the deck were hundreds of thousands of medium-sized irkens, each armed with a single laser rifle and covered antennae toirken toes in body armor. Before each of them were dozens of drop pods. Shielded and armored for each planet they went to conquer, these were the answer to the Irken Empire's expensive deployment options. Before they used teleportation pads to directly beam the soldiers down planetside, but the costs proved to be too costly in terms of power consumption and the pads themselves. The pads proved to prone to breakdowns, sending irken soldiers to another dimension as it malfunctions, losing materials and troops. Smaller custom Pads were built to transport troops and materials individually to the enemy's planet, but these became too hard to mass produce.

So they turned to a cheaper and slightly less effective way to ship troops down: Orbitally Deployed Drop Pods.

Essentially Pods made of hardened metal that can survive entry into almost any known atmosphere, be it methane, oxygen, or broken glass; each holding a single soldier or vehicle. Some pods even doubled as atmospheric spacecraft, with adjustable manuverability and speed, which stopped the destruction of most of the pods by the AA fire below. Each pod is filled with a day's worth of consumables, the Irken Las-Rifle and Pistol, depending on type of soldier and class.

At the those being sent down were simple soldiers, the cannon fodder of the fleet. "Orbital Drop Pods launching in 3...2...1..."

At that very second hundreds of thousands of drop pods were launched from the underbelly of the Massive, gliding down silently before striking the outermost atmosphere of the planet Meekroob. A wave of pink fire came up to meet the descending pods, only to be absorbed by their shielding. But more and more AA fire struck them. hundreds perished in the defensive fire, but they were avenge by the thousands of Irken soldiers climbing out of their pods, pulling out their Las-Rifles and firing them into the beings of energy. Swarming from the air and ground, the Irken war machine collded with the planet's meekroobian defenders.

Mechs operated by specialized Irken pilots fired globs of plasma and beams of fire into the hillsides, obliterating the AA-guns lsugging left and right at the drop pods rushing to reinforce their foothold. Pinpricks of light ricocheted off the Mech's armor, as the meekroob attempted to retaliate. Mass fire began to devastate the Mech as they began to fire while staying in it's blind spots, taking down the mighty war machine's armor to exposeit's weak point to their few remaining defense guns.

Gunships, crab-like and armed with missiles and plasma turrets soon found themselves in the air firing at the exposed joints of the War-Mech, bring it to it's knees and then to the ground. Their triumph was soon squelched as the last of their AA-guns were taken over by Irken soldiers, turning their weapon on their owners.

All over the planet, the battles raged, the meekroob fought valiantly but their efforts were in vain, as the Irken Invader Tenn made sure to map out every single weakness in their battle systems, at the same time effectively crippling their military forces singlehandedly. A great feat unto itself, worthy of praise from the Tallests.

If she survives the battle planetside while leading the troops to the Meekroob Capital in her Plasma Battle Tank.

- - - - -

Meanwhile, a stealth ship flanking the Irken Armada around Meekroob fired off a message burst before returning to studying the Irken war fleet. "The Meekroob are going to lose that planet, and we still have operatives down!" said the horned alien known as Lard Nar, "And we still have the secret weapon at their Capital!"

"You need not worry," said a tall creature silkily as he toyed with his antennae, "That secret weapon may not be finished, but it will take out that army. Once the fleet arrives, there will be enough confusion to allow the remaining defenders to be evacuated."

Nar glared at the tall creature before him with disgust, "Then it had better work, or heads will roll."

A/N: Sorry for the short fic, life is being hard on me. As usual. Reviews are lovable as always, hopefully someone is willingly able to provide future ideas, ect. The next few chapters will be dedicated to the Invasion of Meekroob.