A/N: Hey, hey, look at me, updating sooner than 4 months later. *does happy dance* Anywho, thanks to all you guys who reviewed (I'm almost up to 200!!). Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Well, here we are, finally about to meet the infamous Aimee. I certainly hope you're all ready for her; you can thank xAngeloxPiccolax for the awesome character.

Can't wait to hear what you have to say!

~Bitch Goddess

PS As I'm introducing Aimee, who will be Reid's animus socius, some of this chapter will be from their POV. Just a heads up.

Chapter 15: Blonde Moment

"I know I'm going to regret asking this," Sarah said as Charlotte climbed off the back of Pogue's bike. "But how do you ride that in a skirt?"

"Thermal thong." Charlotte replied with a wink and a giggle.

Sarah rolled her eyes before looping her arm through Charlotte's and pulling her ahead of the Caleb and Pogue, and through the front door of Nicky's. Queen was blasting out of the jukebox and the entire bar was crammed, mostly with students from Spencers that waved and yelled greetings at the four as they entered.

"Looks like Reid's already found his girlfriend for the night." Sarah said on a sigh.

Reid was standing by the bar, talking up a short blonde girl in black. Sarah couldn't see the girl's face but she was standing awfully close to Reid.

"I wouldn't count on it." Charlotte said. She reached back to grab Pogue's hand before leading the other three towards the two blondes.

As they reached the bar, Reid reached out to touch the girls' butt. Before any of them could move closer there was a flash of gold from between them, Reid's hands grasped at his groin, he emitted something between a moan and a whimper, and fell to his knees.

Caleb, Pogue, Sarah, and Tyler - observing from the pool tables - gaped at the blonde girl. Charlotte burst into laughter.

"You sure know how to make a first impression, babe?" Charlotte said through her laughter, walking up and throwing her arms around the blonde girl.

"I try." The girl replied, laughing along as she returned the hug.

Reid was still gasping on the floor as the others converged on the laughing girls, their mouths still gaping open.

"I missed you so much." The blonde girl said as they pulled apart, keeping their arms around each other's waists.

"I missed you too." Charlotte replied.

"And uh, who's this?" Pogue asked, the first to recover.

"This," Charlotte said with a huge smile. "Is my best friend Aimee."

Reid let out a particularly loud moan. The other four visibly relaxed.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess she's…like you." Sarah said.

"Oh," Charlotte scoffed. "She's nothing like me. She's completely nuts."

"No shit." Reid muttered from the floor.

Aimee and Charlotte broke out into giggles again, Sarah quickly joined in.

"So who are all these charming people, hun?" Aimee asked when their giggles had subsided again.

"This is Sarah Wenham, Caleb Danvers, Tyler Simms, and Pogue Parry." Charlotte recited, pointing to each person in turn until she reached Pogue and stepped forward to get a kiss.

"So you're the famous Pogue." Aimee said. "I've heard a lot about you."

"I don't wanna know." Pogue muttered, smiling down at Charlotte.

Aimee turned and shook everyone else's hand, before looking down at Reid, who was attempting to push himself up. "And the whimpering puddle on the floor?"

Charlotte looked down, as though she'd forgotten Reid was there. "Reid Garwin. Spencers own playboy. Though I'd wager he'll be out of commission for a day or two, you shocked him pretty good. Oh, Reid, do get off the floor. People are starting to stare."

The entire group joined in on the laughter this time, with the exception of Tyler who merely smiled and reached to pull Reid to his feet. Once Reid was leaning against the bar on his own Pogue and Caleb wandered to the foosball tables, and the girls walked over and sat at an empty table, still laughing.

Reid had never felt anything as painful as that shock. And he'd been kicked in the groin a time or two, but nothing like what the little blonde had done. He continued to take deep breaths as the pain slowly eased.

"You ok, man?" Tyler asked, his hand still on Reid's shoulder.

"Yea." Reid's voice came out more of a croak. He cleared his throat. "Yea, man."

After a final concerned look and a slap on the shoulder Tyler turned his attention to Nicky, waiting his turn to order.

Reid reached up and wiped the sweat from his forehead as he glanced back over to the table Sarah, Charlotte, and Aimee sat at. She didn't look it, but Aimee packed a lot of wallop in that tiny body. Actually…it was kind of a turn on.

"So how long have you guys been friends?" Sarah asked.

"Forever, literally." Aimee replied. "We've been friends our whole lives, born and raised in the same coven."

"Our mothers were best friends as well. You can pretty much assume that everyone in a coven is everyone's best friend; most of the times all the same families have been in a coven for hundreds of years. Just like the guys." Charlotte said, motioning over her shoulder at Caleb and Pogue.

"You guys have different accents though?" Sarah said, her face scrunched in confusion.

"We were both born and raised in Tennessee until we were 7, but Aimee's dad was from New Orleans. And in case you haven't noticed, the Cajun accent is a bit more overpowering than a Southern. She never stood a chance." Charlotte said, nudging Aimee on the shoulder.

"What can I say, cher." Aimee said, nudging Charlotte back. "I'd rather sound like an X-Man than Daisy Duke."

The three girls erupted into laughter again, and were still giggling when Caleb and Pogue appeared.

"Aimee can't really be that funny can she?" Caleb asked, flashing his trademark smile at Aimee before giving Sarah a quick kiss.

Aimee scoffed. "I'm hilarious." She said, and proceeded to stick her tongue out at Caleb.

Charlotte reached over and gave Aimee another hug. "Oh, how I've missed you, my darling." She laughed.

"I Love Rock and Roll" began to blast from the jukebox, causing several people to get up and head to the dance floor.

Aimee stood and bent to lean on Charlotte's shoulders. "Char, sweetie, would you mind terribly if I asked your boyfriend to dance?" she asked, making a pouty face.

"I supposed I can trust you." Charlotte replied, rolling her eyes.

Aimee made a squeaky noise before holding her hand out to Pogue. Pogue shrugged, gave Charlotte a quick kiss, and followed Aimee out to the dance floor.

"Well, on that note," Charlotte stood and smiled down at Sarah and Caleb. "Can I steal your boyfriend for a dance since mine is preoccupied?"

Sarah laughed and nudged Caleb. "Go on, I'll go get us some food." She received another kiss and a handful of cash before Caleb stood.

Charlotte grabbed Caleb's hand and pulled him out next to Pogue and Aimee, who were both singing along with the music, their hips grinding. Charlotte put her arms around Caleb's neck and moved against him in time to the music, laughing along with him at the silliness of them dancing so provocatively together, much as Aimee and Pogue were giggling.

Aimee couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised with the welcome she'd received so far. Well, with the exception of that Reid grabbing her ass, she wasn't exactly pleased over that one, though she'd been plenty surprised. She smiled at the memory of the shock she'd given him. She was, however, not surprised when Charlotte's hormones kicked in and Char cut in on her and Pogue, which Aimee allowed with burst of laughter. Sarah quickly materialized to take up Charlotte's place in Caleb's arms.

"Go play nice." Aimee jumped at Charlotte's voice in her ear and looked over her shoulder.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

Charlotte nodded in the direction of the pool tables. "Go. Play. Nice." She repeated and turned back to Pogue, effectively cutting off any remark Aimee might have said.

Aimee looked over at the pool tables and let out a disgusted sigh when all she saw was the ass grabber. She looked back over at Charlotte who narrowed her eyes and gestured with her head at the pool tables as if to say 'Go.' Aimee put her hands up in surrender and flounced towards the tables. As she got closer she noticed Tyler look intently at Reid and then nod in her direction, and soon was Reid was looking over his shoulder at her, nervousness in his blue eyes.

"Come on." She said, giving him her most reassuring smile.

She didn't give him a chance to respond, just slipped her hand in his ungloved one and pulled him until they were on the dance floor. She turned to face him, slid her free hand up and into her hair, lifting it free of her shoulders, before draping it around his neck and pressing up against him. After a moment of hesitation, and a look of suspicion at the hand he wasn't holding on to, Reid slid his arms around her waist and allowed her to lead them in the grinding dance.

Aimee hated to admit, but as she stared up at Reid she couldn't help but admit he was devastatingly handsome. White blonde hair, deep blue eyes, tattoos covering well muscled arms, and a mischievous lift to his lips she suspected never completely went away. Not to mention a fair amount of muscles everywhere else she could feel in shocking detail every time he moved against her. He may be an asshole, but it didn't keep Aimee's stomach from fluttering as he stared intently down at her, his gaze never leaving hers.

Two hours later the entire group climbed out of – or off of – the separate cars and headed into the school.

"So how exactly did you get enrolled?" Sarah asked Aimee.

Aimee smiled mischievously. "A simple mind bending spell. As far as Provost Higgins knows I've been going to Spencer all year long. Kind of like the spell Charlotte put on him when she enrolled."

Charlotte blushed deep maroon as Sarah and Caleb frowned at her. Pogue laughed and kissed Charlotte's temple.

"Well, it wasn't exactly like I could blurt out I'd cast a spell on the Provost. I was trying to stay undercover, remember." Charlotte said.

As the group reached the second floor Sarah and Caleb continued upstairs as Sarah's dorm was on the third floor, and Pogue, Charlotte, Aimee, Reid, and Tyler continued down the hallway to Charlotte's dorm.

"So where'd they stick you?" Pogue asked as they stopped outside Charlotte's door.

"Right here." Aimee said, motioning to the door. "You didn't think I'd settle for anyone but my best friend for a roommate did you? Come on Char, you know me better than that."

Charlotte shook her head and chuckled at her friend.

"So, Aimee, are you gonna go to the dance next weekend?" Tyler asked.

Aimee shrugged. "Maybe, if I can rope someone into taking me." She glanced up through her bangs at Reid.

Reid gave her one of his trademark smirks and crossed his arms over his chest.

"On second thought," she stepped forward until she had to crane her neck to look him in the face. "You can take me, Reid. It can be your apology for being such a chauvinistic ass. G'night." She turned and walked into the bedroom without waiting for an answer.

Reid stared at the door in confusion for several seconds, his mouth opening and closing without sound, before turning and walking down the hallway, a chuckling Tyler following in his wake.

"I have a feeling those two are going us a few headaches." Pogue said, putting his arms around Charlotte and nuzzling her neck.

"You'd be correct. Aimee is stubborn and Reid's an arrogant ass. I see an epic battle of wills on the horizon." Charlotte replied.

A/N: Yes, a chapter full of nothing but laughter and fluff, but hey I think they all deserved a fun night. Hope you guys all love Aimee as much as I do.

My poll on the Caleb/Sarah series will close Monday night so anyone who wants to vote should do so before then.

Can't wait to hear what you guys think. I'll try and update within the week, but I don't know what school will bring so wish me luck.

~Bitch Goddess

PS Much loves to Marguerite – she reviewed every chapter in one day! – and an answers to your question, darling. I do plan to bring Chase back however he won't make an appearance until the very end of Tyler and Casey's story, and we won't see anything serious from him until his own story. As to how he will come back, well I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.