Ok, this is a really random and probably really bad crossover but I just felt like doing it! Some of you may have seen Black Adder go back to the time of Robin Hood and he was a puff in tights but here we have the cross of two off the best Saturday night shows ever: Doctor WHo and Robin Hood BBC 2006 version! With the gorgeous Jonas!
"So, 1507 or 1967?"

"Considering I know nothing that happened in either of those dates, I don't really care."

"Right, I'll choose 1507 it sounds interesting," the Doctor started flicking switches and pressing buttons on the TARDIS control panel, "And one button here, that should do it." The TARDIS shook violently so both the Doctor and Rose were flung off their feet and onto the floor.

"Ok, that worked...well," Rose said sarcastically, "Where are we now?"

"Um...how bout we look outside," the Doctor shrugged and stood up. Then he held out a hand to pull Rose up and she took it. They headed to the TARDIS door and the Doctor reached for the handle, "Ready? Cos I haven't a clue what's out there."

"Open the door, Doctor," Rose grabbed the handle and stepped out into bright sunshine. "Jeez, it's kinda light out here."

Once their eyes adjusted to the glare they saw a village around them, it looked Medieval. People were milling around working and children were playing. A woman looked up from her washing and spotted the oddly dressed couple outside a blue box and immediately drew a conclusion.

"WITCH!" she yelled, pointing to Rose and heading towards them. Other villagers saw them and charged over brandishing forks and spades.

"Did she just call me a bitch?" Rose asked indignantly.

"No, I think you'll find she called you a witch," the Doctor replied.

"Oh, that's just too far!" Rose looked furious and she was about to head over to the advancing villagers to face them off when the Doctor grabbed her arm.

"You do realise that they are armed, angry and think your a witch?" the Doctor remarked.

"Ah, kinda forgot that," Rose started backing off.

"I think now is the time to run!" the Doctor yelled.

"Eek!" The companions sprinted past some houses and headed for the nearby wood, hoping to escape the villagers. But unfortunately Rose tripped over a chicken on her way and was sent sprawling to the ground. "Ow." The screeching people gained on her easily, weapons thrust at her. "Whoa!" Rose held her hands up in surrender.

"Witch, witch, witch," they chanted.

"Burn her at the stake!" someone yelled.

"Oi," Rose scowled, "I don't fancy being your Sunday roast thanks!"

"Get the man as well! He is probably the hag's accomplice!"

"Who you calling hag?!" Rose demanded.

"And I'm so not her accomplice," the Doctor added as they dragged him over, hands behind his back.

"Oh great, I was counting on you to coming to my rescue but I guess that idea's down the toilet," Rose groaned as the Doctor shot her a cheesy smile.

"Sorry, I'm a bit tied up here," he gestured to his bound hands.

"O, ha ha," Rose replied as she was hauled away towards a rather ominous looking wood pile, "Do you think they always have this set up just in case?" The villagers pulled her to the top of the pile and tied her to a post at the top.

"That's not good," the Doctor muttered.

"Doctor, help!" Rose shouted frantically at him.

"I would," the Doctor pulled against his binds, "But I'm stuck!" Rose gave him a terrified look as a man brought a flaming stick towards the bottom branches. "Damn, damn, damn!" The Doctor didn't know what to do now, they needed a miracle.

"Hey, what are you doing with that poor lady!" a loud, cocky voice called. The Doctor whipped around to see a brown-haired man ride up on a bay horse. He was followed by five more horses and riders. In his hands he held a curved bow and an arrow taut in it. The man leapt off his horse and hurried to the wood pile.

"This is none of your business," one of the women shouted at him, "She is a witch!"

"You cannot go around burning random women just because they look different. Especially if they are this pretty," the man replied climbing up to Rose. The Doctor frowned, slightly envious that he was saving Rose but happy all the same that she wasn't going to die.

Rose looked rather smitten by her handsome saviour as he freed her. She held his hand as they made their way to the ground.

"He's at it again," one of the men who was accompanying Rose's rescuer sighed. The Doctor looked amused. He wanted to find out exactly who this man was.

"You are not allowed to take a witch from us, scoundrel," a woman shouted, "She will curse us all!"

"There is no such thing as witchcraft!" the man looked exasperated, "Mildred, I have told you this so many times before."

"There is! Look at her clothing! That is not normal! It's bright pink!"

"What have you got against pink?" Rose protested looking down at her Minnie Mouse t-shirt.

"And there is a picture on it! A mouse in clothes! It is one of the people she has turned into a mouse!" a man cried.

"Jeez," Rose groaned, why couldn't she have worn the plain blue one today?

"Also, her and her assistant came in that strange blue box over there. It is unatural and probably contains all her potions," an old woman yelled.

"I think that's our cue to leave. You do have rather a lot against you don't you?" the man whispered, his breath tickling Rose's ear, "Can we leave the blue box?"

"Er..." Rose looked at the Doctor who seemed aghast at the idea of losing his precious TARDIS, "I guess so, but I'll only come with you if you free my friend, the Doctor."

"Who? Him?" the rescuer jerked a thumb in the Time Lord's direction.

"Yup," Rose nodded.

"Alright." The men who had come with Rose's saviour grabbed the Doctor away from his captures without untying his wrists and threw him very undignifiedly over a horse's back.

"Ow," moaned the winded Doctor, "This is doing nothing for my pride!"

"Let's go!" the man swung Rose up onto his own horse and sat behind her.

"So who exactly are you then?" Rose asked as the wind whipped her face and they left the disgruntled villagers behind.

"Why, surely you know who I am?"

"Um...no sorry, your name must of slipped my mind," Rose lied, hoping that if she found out who this stranger was then she might find out what time it was.

"I'm Robin Hood!"