Title: Deliver Me

Author: ViciousQuestionMark

Rating: M

Warning: This Story Contains Slash! Yes, that's right folks, that means guy on guy action (Reno/Cloud)! So if you've got a problem with that, then I don't recommend reading any further. Oh yeah, Reno's foul mouth also shows up a bit, so there's that too.

Summary: A month after Cloud's little "run-in" with Reno, he still can't seem to get the Turk out of his mind.

Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own Final Fantasy or Cloud, Reno, and their friends. If I did, I'd be a very, very rich woman, and not writing dirty stories with other people's characters.

Chapter 2

"Reno…I can't afford this…" Cloud looked around him at the luxurious hotel that Reno had directed him to. "Isn't there someplace a little less…extravagant?"

"Don't worry, yo." Reno walked up to the desk, flashing his Shinra ID card at the young clerk, who smiled flirtatiously at him. Reno grinned back at her, leaning on the counter. "Hey, cutie. Can you do me a favor and make sure that my friend and I get a real nice room? Thanks, doll." He chucked her under the chin and she giggled, turning a bright shade of red. Reno turned grinning to Cloud, but his grin quickly faded when he met the icy stare of mako-blue eyes.


"Sir?" the girl had a high-pitched voice, and she snapped a bubble-gum bubble loudly. "Here's your card key. You'll be on the seventh floor, in Suite 729. Checkout is tomorrow at noon."

Reno took the key distractedly, still looking at Cloud, who was now avoiding his eyes. "Thanks. Come on, Cloud." He moved to take hold of the blonde's arm, but Cloud jerked away from him, walking towards the elevators and completely ignoring him.


"What did I do?" the elevator doors pinged shut behind the redhead as he looked helplessly at the blonde, who continued to ignore him. "Oh come on, Strife, don't just ignore me and not tell me what I did wrong, yo!" Cloud mumbled something. "What?"

Cloud looked up at him. "You were flirting with that girl."

Reno couldn't help it – he let out a loud bark of laughter, holding his stomach as he doubled over, unable to stop himself. "Oh my God, you're jealous…!"

Cloud glared at him as the elevator reached their floor, Reno nearly falling onto the floor as the doors slid open. He reached out and grabbed Cloud's hand, catching his breath, looking up at the blonde with serious, lust-filled eyes. "You don't have anything to worry about, yo." As if to prove his point, he brought Cloud's hand up to his mouth, pressing his lips to his palm before closing his lips over the blonde's middle finger, swirling his tongue around the digit and making Cloud shudder with the innuendo. Keeping his hold on Cloud's hand Reno straightened up, licking his lips and pulling the blonde close up against his body. "I only did that to get a good room." He tugged on the front of the man's shirt. "Let's go see how it worked."

Cloud allowed himself to be pulled down the hall by his shirt, until Reno stopped in front of a door marked '729.' He unexpectedly leaned forward, pressing his lips against Cloud's in a gentle kiss before pulling back and turning to the door, inserting the key and pushing it open.

"See? Now didn't that little bit of flirting pay off?"

Cloud had to admit that he was right. The room was huge, more like an apartment than a hotel room. There was a small kitchenette off to the right of the living room they were standing in, and through the doorway Cloud could see a wall made entirely of plate-glass windows, in front of which was a very large, very comfortable-looking bed, buried under pillows. He felt Reno push past him into the bedroom, watching as the redhead flopped, boots and all, onto the bed, letting out a contented sigh.

"God a bed feels good." Cloud stood in the doorway, uncertain of what his next move should be. He wanted the Turk – he had come to terms with himself about that halfway through their trip to Junon – and he was fairly certain that Reno wanted him just as badly. But he just wasn't sure…

"Yo." Reno's voice startled Cloud out of his thoughts. He looked at the Turk, who was lounging lazily on the bed, propped up on his elbows. "You gonna stand there all night? Or," he spread his legs suggestively. "You gonna come keep me company?"

Cloud didn't need to be asked twice. With a low growl he went to the bed, pushing Reno's legs open wider to move between them. He crawled onto the bed, bracing himself with one arm on either side of the Turk's head, and leaned down to capture the other man's lips in a harsh kiss. Reno responded by swiping his tongue over the blonde's lips, asking for entrance which Cloud gladly gave, their tongues meeting briefly before Reno took over, claiming and ravaging Cloud's mouth so thoroughly that he soon tasted blood.

"Mmph…!" the blonde pulled back when Reno bit his lip, staring down incredulously at the redhead, who licked his lips.

"Sorry," he smirked, reaching up to run one finger over Cloud's bruised lips. "You just taste too good…" a hand on the back of Cloud's head pulled him down to another kiss. He gasped when the fingers tangled in his hair tugged sharply, and once more broke their kiss to stare down at the redhead.

"What are you doing?"

Reno's eyes gleamed predatorily as he pushed Cloud onto his back, straddling the blonde's hips. "Taking control."

He yanked down the zipper on Cloud's shirt, pushing it off of his shoulders and raking his nails down the blonde's chest. Cloud yelped and jumped, making Reno grin wider. He moved down the man's chest, using lips and tongue to soothe the angry red marks left by his nails while his hands wandered lazily around Cloud's body, down his thighs and back up his sides, over his arms and up to tangle in blonde hair. He came back up, holding Cloud's head and kissing him deeply, slowly grinding his hips against the blondes, earning himself a moan of appreciation from the normally quiet man.

Cloud's eyes snapped open, as Reno's lips were suddenly gone from his own. The Turk was sitting up, getting off of the bed, moving away from him.

"Wh-what are you doing?" mild panic flared up in Cloud. Had he changed his mind? Reno grinned at him.

"Relax, yo." He shrugged off his jacket, pulling a hanger out of the closet and sliding the jacket onto it, then repeated the process with his white dress shirt, but not before giving Cloud a show, unbuttoning his shirt as slowly as possible, allowing the blonde to take in each inch of pale skin as it was revealed. "I'm not goin' anywhere."

Cloud licked his lips, settling himself more comfortably on the bed, raising his arms above his head in a stretch, as Reno turned his back on him, rummaging through the black bag he'd had with him earlier. When he turned back to Cloud, one hand was behind his back and there was a wicked grin on his face. "Close your eyes."

Cloud watched the redhead warily as he approached the bed. "Why?"

Reno gave a dramatic, exasperated sigh. "Just do it. Come on," his grin widened. "You can trust me, yo."

Cloud hesitated, and then closed his eyes, every nerve in his body on edge. He could hear Reno moving around, felt his weight settle onto the bed, edging closer to Cloud's body. Something cold brushed against his skin and Reno leaned down to kiss him gently, trailing the cold thing up one of his arms. Cloud shivered, arching his body upwards to meet Reno's when suddenly there was a click, and the cold thing encircled his wrists, rattling with a metallic sound as Cloud's eyes snapped open and he tried to sit up. He got about halfway up, but was restrained from going any further by the handcuffs threaded through the headboard, binding his arms above and behind him.

"What the-?" Cloud strained twisted his head around to gaze at his bound wrists, and then looked back at Reno, who was once more straddling his hips. The redhead grinned at him and bounced happily, making Cloud gasp.

"What, don't like it?" Reno wiggled his hips again, rubbing his own erection against the growing bulge in Cloud's pants.



"Find a better use for that pretty mouth of yours."

"Is that the closest I'm gonna get to you talking dirty? Guess that leaves it to me then, doesn't it?" Reno leaned down, allowing his lips to brush against Cloud's ear as he spoke, his hands once more wandering over the blonde's body, pausing to tease a nipple, whispering obscenely into the blonde's ear.

"I'm going to make you scream," he whispered, pinching the sensitive flesh between his fingers. Cloud whimpered. "I'm going to suck you," his hand trailed down, beginning to work on the button of Cloud's pants. "And make you beg. And then," down went the zipper; Cloud's eyes fluttered shut as Reno's hand slid inside. "I'm going to fuck you senseless."

Cloud groaned as long, slender fingers wrapped themselves around his erection, stroking him with just enough pressure to make him gasp with pleasure, yet not enough to relieve the aching tension.

"Re-eno," Cloud moaned the Turk's name, arching up into his hand.

Reno licked up the side of Cloud's neck, pausing to whisper in his ear, "What do you want me to do, Cloud?" before returning his attention to the blonde's neck, nipping sharply at the skin and pausing again to suck at one spot, leaving behind a large purple mark.


"Say it." Reno's fingers tightened.

"Suck me," panted Cloud, tugging at his still-bound wrists.

"Well, if you insist." Reno grinned, moving down the blonde's body, trailing kisses over his chest and stomach. He flicked his tongue out to dip into Cloud's navel before continuing his way down, pushing down the pants that were in his way and nuzzling his face into the soft blonde curls that surrounded the base of Cloud's cock. He planted kisses along the shaft before closing his lips over the head, his tongue greedily licking up the drops of pre-cum that had gathered there. Cloud groaned as Reno bobbed his head experimentally, thrusting his hips upward into Reno's mouth, aching to bury his hands in that fiery red hair. He tugged futilely again at his bonds as Reno swirled his tongue around his cock languidly, taking more of the blonde into his mouth before pulling back, sucking hard. Cloud groaned louder as Reno continued his ministrations, his talented tongue causing the man underneath him to writhe, gasping as he felt the redhead's delicate fingers trailing over his hip and between his legs, kneading his balls roughly. He bucked his hips again, begging the redhead to take him deeper.

"Nnn…R-reno…" Cloud could feel his orgasm beginning to build in the pit of his stomach, something huge and hot, slowly working its way toward his groin.

Close…so close…

"Ah!" Cloud cried out as Reno took all of his cock into his mouth, muscles clenching as the Turk swallowed around him. Reno came back up briefly before taking him whole again, another swallow sending the blonde over the edge, choking out Reno's name as he came.

The Turk took in all of the blonde's seed effortlessly, before delivering one last long, slow suck to Cloud's softening cock. He came up licking his lips, his blue eyes almost entirely obscured by black pupil as he dragged himself up to kiss the blonde. Cloud gazed back at him with his own lust-filled eyes, watching as Reno sat up and reached over to the nightstand, grabbing a bottle of lube and dumping some into his palm. He sat and contemplated Cloud for a moment, licking his lips again.

"You taste good, yo." He leaned down, kissing the blonde again as if to prove his point. Cloud licked his lips when the redhead pulled away, tasting faint traces of himself on them. He watched with interest as Reno coated first his fingers and then himself with the lube, closing his eyes and fisting his own erection a few times, small sounds of appreciation escaping him. Cloud felt his cock twitch with interest at this display, his breath quickening as Reno dropped his head back, letting out a groan as he brushed his fingers over the head of his own cock. Cloud let out a strangled whine and Reno opened his eyes, looking down at him with an amused smirk.

"Ready for more already?" he trailed a lube-slicked hand down to the blonde's half-hard cock. "Gotta say, Strife, that's impressive." He trailed his fingers down to trace around Cloud's opening before gently pushing one finger inside of him. The blonde squirmed uncomfortably. It had been a long time…a long time since he'd felt anyone inside of him. He gasped in mingled pain and pleasure as Reno added another finger, moving inside of him, stretching him, preparing him.

Just as he was getting used to the sensation of the intruding fingers, they were withdrawn and Cloud whimpered at the emptiness. He didn't have long to wait, however, before something much larger and altogether much more satisfying filled him, his fingers curling as Reno buried himself in Cloud's more-than-willing ass.

"Oh God…" Reno groaned, holding himself suspended over the blonde, looking down at him with unfocused eyes. Cloud whispered something, his eyes half open, and the redhead had to lean down to hear him. "What?"

"I said," panted Cloud, "move!" he pushed downwards against Reno, demanding not requesting. The redhead grinned, foregoing a verbal response to pull back slowly, holding out for a minute, enjoying the look on the blonde's face, before driving back into him full-force, burying himself to the hilt again and again. He reached back and pulled the ponytail out of his hair, long red strands spilling over his shoulders with each thrust, framing his face, trailing over and tickling Cloud's chest.

"Fuck…fuck me…so tight…so fucking hot…"

It didn't matter that Reno was talking more to himself than to Cloud. It didn't matter than he was pounding into the blonde so hard that the headboard was banging against the wall, making the neighbors wonder what was going on. The only thing that mattered was that Reno keep moving, that Cloud arched his back and pushed his hips down to get that – yes, that spot just there. It only mattered that Cloud keep moaning his name, that their bodies keep touching, sweat-slicked chests sliding together, and that Reno keep feeling that tight, amazing heat clenching around his cock with each stroke. He was close, he could feel it coming, and he reached down to stroke Cloud's now full hard-on, wanting to bring them over the edge together. It didn't take long for Cloud's already hypersensitive body to respond to Reno's touch, his orgasm coming hard and fast after only a few strokes, coating the Turk's hand in the white hot liquid. A few more strokes and Reno was coming hard into Cloud's ass, screaming his name as his release wracked his body, blunt fingernails digging into the flesh of the other man's arms hard enough to draw blood. He collapsed, panting, on top of Cloud, planting kisses along his jaw and all over his face, running his hands up Cloud's arms to where his wrists were still bound. He reached over to the nightstand again, this time flashing a small silver key in front of Cloud's dazed face.

"This is prob'ly gonna hurt like a bitch…"

He reached up, sticking the key into the lock on the handcuffs and unlocking them. Cloud's arms fell numbly to the bed as Reno tossed away the cuffs. Cloud felt the blood rushing back into his arms, bringing with it a dull ache, but his sated body was too tired to care, especially when Reno's lithe body snuggled into his, fingers running up and down his chest absently.



"What happened earlier? At the Shinra building?"


"You seemed really agitated…when we were leaving…"

"Oh," Reno yawned widely, burying his face in the crook of Cloud's neck. "Torlin was hitting on me."


"He always does that…its just," he yawned again. "Annoying. He tried to feel me up this time though." Reno reached down and pulled the blankets up over them both, cuddling closer to Cloud.

"He…he what?" Cloud shifted, sitting up a bit.

"Oh calm down killer." A hand on his chest forced him back down to the bed. "I broke three of his fingers."

Cloud ran his fingers through Reno's loose hair, and the redhead could almost hear him grinning. "Well that's…unfortunate…"

Reno kissed the side of Cloud's neck, slinging a leg over his waist. "So Strife…we gonna make this a repeat thing? Cuz I think" he began planting wet kisses over the blonde's neck and jawline. "That it would be a good thing to do…every…couple months…weeks…days…hours…"

Cloud pulled the redhead up and kissed him softly, pulling away enough to speak, their lips brushing.

"I think that that is a very, very good idea."

A/N: Oh no! Ok, so I know that the ending is…sudden. If it sucks let me know and I'll fix it I promise! Well, what'd you guys think? Good? Bad? Should never see the light of day again? Please review and let me know!