A/N: Sooo, I promised a bunch of people an update to For What You've Done, down in the Zim section. Therefore, an R+C update's here. Yes, I'm on hiatus. No, this doesn't mean it's over. Yes, I'm ignoring a bunch of people. No, I'm not on Gaia at the moment--I know guildmates and stuff are on. Hopefully my friend let you all know that. Yes, I'm having computer problems. No, I don't want you to repeatedly ask me about these answers, or the questions that could go along with them.


Title: Talks


"Toni!" Hissed a quiet voice.

The young metahuman in quesion was sitting on the counter, nibbling on a sandwich. "Hmm?" She questioned, mouth full. She swallowed, a brief lump in her throat. "'Siah?

Hot Spot--Issiah, as Argent knew him--climbed onto the counter alongside his friend. "Late night sandwich?"

Toni flashed a small grin. "Vegemite is God. Any particular reason you're taking an interest in my sandwich habits?"

"There's a girl. Your roommate...?"


"What the hell are you doing here?"

Golden eyes peered up at one of the tower's inhabitants. "I was under the impression I was sitting," Commented the teenage girl, pushing dark hair from her face. "Sitting on your floor, to be specific. Not much better to do. Unless you were talking about a general reason for actually living here. I'm escaping those trying to hurt us. Yourself?"

The other peered down, not used to being spoken to so disrespectfully. "You're not a Titan, or a 'villain'. You have to be here for other purposes."

A small smile etched across the girl's face. "You're rather observant, aren't you?" She outstretched a hand. "But you have places to escape to, and people in here you want to hurt. You want to hurt them more than you'd want to survive. We could help you attain that goal." Their eyes met. "So, are you going to cower and be an obedient little doggie, or are you going to join us?"

The hand was accepted.


"What, were we not good enough?" THe one eye looked hurt, studying the sorceress.

"It wasn't about that, Seemore." Jinx's arms crossed. "Look, I'm sorry. But I chose a side."

Seemore massaged his temples. "...I know."


Jericho froze up, seeing Slade, green eyes watching. Should we try to communicate? Just stay away?

His father glanced at him, but continued without acknowledgement.


"So, you've got that thing with Starfire, right? She's cute."

Robin glanced back from where he was working. "You know, Wally, I'm really not interested in guy talk."

Wally chuckled a little. "Too bad."

"So, you've got that thing with the villain girl, right?" Snapped Robin, irritated. "The one who tried to kill us?"

Wally sighed. "Ah, touche. You know she changed, right?"

Robin frowned. "I doubt it..." He said. A part of him felt this strange tearing sensation at having Jinx on his side. Almost...similar to what he would have felt if Starfire changed sides. There was this immistakable pain that suddenly entered the Boy Wonder's face.

"...I know. I know." He muttered.


I'd like to note that I got a kick out of putting Jericho in the chapter entitled 'Talks'.

I am slowly liking Jinx and Robin a bit. So I stuck in a referance. One. Will it develop? Probably...xD