Ivory Beginnings

Kagome leaned up against Sesshomaru`s back, trying to hide from the winds that were whipping against them. Ekìra was a very fast dragon but his smaller form could never match the shear power of Inu`s dragon. They moved faster then she had ever been. The freezing winds tore against her. Even her thick leather jacket could not protect her from the bone chilling cold. She shivered.

"Warm yourself little one," she heard the voice in her mind, huge and thundering yet gentle. The message was sent with a warm gold the same color as Adaman`s brilliant scales.

"How?" she wondered but already knew the answer. Magic. She had never worked magic like that before though. How could she warm her body but not create fire. It would take just the right words. Not for the first time Kagome realized how dangerous magic really was. With a sigh she whispered her words into the wind, "Aduro, blanket me in your eternal warmth, shield me from theses mighty winds." She felt the spark of her magic from deep within and then suddenly she was warm and tingling all over. A shimmer of black and purple like a barrier appeared for just a moment before infusing with her clothes. Kagome wasn`t sure but she had the feeling the magic alteration to her uniform might be permanent. Not that she minded, Auster IX was a cold place.

Sesshomaru felt the magic against his back and was glad for it. He had wanted to do something about her shivering, but it was difficult to do a shielding spell on someone behind you and really he wasn`t sure how compatible their magic really was. It seemed to blend well enough on the night of their mating, but he still wasn`t certain.

They moved through the dark clouds steadily moving higher and higher.

The clouds whooshed by them as they grew closer to the storm. The lightening flashing closer, making her jump, but Adamans easily rolled from side to side. Only Sesshomaru`s strong grip and the buckles of the saddle kept them from falling out. Another flash of lightening appeared in front of them, the roll of thunder instantaneous. Adamans charged forward, stretching his long neck in a roar of challenge to the heavens. Torrents of golden fire poured from his mouth looking more like liquid gold then fire. With his challenge posed the clouds separated revealing the distant light of the sun and the form of Dragonia.

Kagome gasped at the sight and she felt Sesshomaru stiffen in surprise. The place was massive. Like an island floating in the sky. Pure magic, that sent shivers down Kagome`s spine, made up the base of the large structure and kept it floating, always moving. It looked like a chunk of land had simply been lifted into the air. There was no castle only great mountains and rolling hills, forests, and lakes. A river ran down the center of the structure forever feed by the rain in the clouds. Dragons of all shapes and colors flew freely around the mountains and played in the fields. Kagome could see smaller dragons diving playfully into the lake and others swimming along the river. It was beautiful.

Adamans approached Dragonia at a steady glide, letting his fire circle around his legs and wings in an amazing display. Sesshomaru tightened his grip on the saddle as they approached. The land reeked of pure magic and made his senses tingle. The closer they got the more the power agitated him as if it was biting and tearing at his skin. He wanted to jump from his human form and let the fires of his demon heritage shift him into his true form, a form he had not been in since he was a child.

"Jump and accept the change, pup, your kind does not spend enough time in their true forms as they should. You have forgotten what it is to be demon," Adaman`s voice was stern in his mind and the flashes of gold almost hurt. He would not deny the truth of the statement. He had once used his demon magic with the same frequency as his dragon magic but in time the words grew sharper and the instincts dimmer. When the creatures had fallen and his magic had failed him he could hardly produce the glow of his natural acid, nothing like the spray of toxin he could once conjure. Nodding in agreement he made Kagome release her hold around him before he leapt from the dragon. In mid air the change ripped through him. Skin melted away to fur and golden eyes bled red. He howled his freedom to the land and the dragons answered him in roars of fire and magic.

The change was almost forced by the magic of the land and he felt soreness in his muscles unaccustomed to being used. He landed heavily on the sweet smelling grasses of the plains. The feel of the grass, the scent of the dragons, and the brilliance of the colors were so sharp and new. Had the transformation always been this great? He had grown much bigger than when he was a pup. Before he only been the size of a teenage dragon. Now he was even larger than Ekìra. He shook his new form, enjoying the feel of the wind through his fur. His mind even felt different in this form. He felt detached from his body as if the movements and the thoughts didn`t coincide.

"Do you enjoy my land pup?" the question was a whisper in his mind. There were no colors behind it or feelings, just the words. He had never heard a dragon communicate like that before. They were always quite certain you knew their feelings in the matter.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome called as she slipped from the saddle and into the grass a few feet away. She had been startled when he had jumped, but she never expected him to change the way he had. She had only seen a few demon`s in their true forms and they had all been young children that had yet to gain their humanoid shape. Seeing them was nothing like watching the power and grace of Sesshomaru`s true form. Not for the first time Kagome realized how powerful her mate really was.

"I`m afraid the magic of the land has over taken you mate, it will be some time before he gets used to the magic and can return to his humanoid form. It is good for him to remember, however," a voice spoke from behind her and Kagome spun around in surprise.

At first she thought no one was there but then the air or the light shifted just right and she saw the man that had spoken. He wore no clothes, but his body was completely smooth. His skin was silver like mercury and reflected the area around him, making him hard to keep and eye on. His fingers were unnaturally long and tipped in sharp black claws, and as he moved again she realized that he had long twisting horns coming from his temples. It seemed like as he walked a tail grew from his back and flicked lazily behind him.

"Who are you?" Kagome asked but she already knew the answer.

"I am the King of Dragonia."

Kagome took a step back. The man, no the dragon, before her leaked magic. It rolled off of him in waves, distorting his already hazy figure. It was like watching a mirage come to life. "What are you?" She asked, unsure how to ask the question with out sounding rude. She had never seen a dragon in human form.

He smiled at her, revealing a row of startling white fangs. "I learned this form from the inu boy when he told me his story." His form seemed to warp and suddenly there was no man standing before her. The King of Dragonia stood just a bit shorter than Adamans, but his form was magnificent. His smooth scales created a flowing wall of polished silver that reflected the world like a mirror. Like his human form parts of him would disappear completely as he shifted his weight. The thin membranes of his wings were completely clear and were only noticeable in the way he folded them against his side. He was very simple in design. His tail was unadorned like a lizards and his only pair of horns was the long curled set on his head. His eyes, now more noticeable in dragon form, where the lightest shade of blue.

"Inu sent me here to speak to you," Kagome offered, hoping the name would soothe him.

"Yes I knew someone would come when the Chirgons began to fall again. Their numbers are vast and though they can not threaten Dragonia they can threaten the dragons below, but you are human little child. Can you learn the power of twilight?" His voice pounded in her mind and sent jolts of pain behind her eyes.

"I want to learn, but Inu said I couldn`t until I gave birth," she answered softly.

The dragon nodded its large head as it leaned down and took a great huff of air. "Yes, you are indeed, and with a very powerful pup. I can make things faster if you wish, in the world of darkness."

Kagome gasped as she understood. In the world of darkness time passed differently. If Arike had grown fully in the time they had spent there could she really go and grow to full term? "Would it harm my baby, the pup?" she asked; holding her hand protectively over her flat stomach.

"No there is no harm to pass only you will not be able to share the full joy and pain of the pregnancy with your mate. He can not follow where we go. His light would not be allowed in the darkness," the King answered and he shifted effortlessly back into human form.

Kagome turned to Sesshomaru. He had laid down in the grass and was watching them with curious red eyes. He looked content and dazed. Kagome had the feeling he didn`t know what was going on. "Could you explain it to him?" Kagome asked, looking at the dragon lord.

He nodded and then looked over at the demon. "I can take your mate to the world where time flows faster. It will be the only way to save the pup and your dragons."

"Mate?" Sesshomaru`s mind moved sluggishly and he growled at the King. "Cannot leave Mate, pup mine." He spoke firmly through the mental line certain the dragon would concede.

"Your mate will be gone for only a few minutes, you will not notice," the king informed him as he walked over to Kagome. He could feel the dragonians approaching swiftly. He knew they were curious and had no qualms with humans or demons but he did not want the other dragons to recognize their partners. He had been waiting many centuries for his children to be reborn.

Kagome looked up at the Lord as he placed his arm around her shoulder. His body temperature was unnaturally warm. "I`m worried," she told him, knowing that she had no choice but to go.

"I know," he whispered, and they disappeared.

The world was not nearly as frightening now and the King seemed to produce his own light. Kagome looked at him curiously. "What do we do for 9 months?"

The King answered calmly, "We train."


Sesshomaru yelped as he leapt foreword into the space they were. Adamans could feel his frantic pain. "Calm your self," he snapped, but knew the dog was still magic drunk. Adamans was surprised when Sesshomaru shifted into human form with a howl.

"Why did he take her, where did they go," he snapped, but already knew the answer. There was only one place she could go to have the time she needed to have a child and learn the art of twilight. With the child born and the egg hatched then Arike and Ekìra would return to normal. All would be well, but in his true form he had been to lost to realize what was going on. What kind of mate would let his newly pregnant mate disappear into a world of darkness with an unknown Dragon King? He snarled in rage and felt something burning in his veins. He lashed out at nothing and a splash of green acid melted the area in front of him. He starred at his hand in awe. Had he gained control of his demon magic?

There was a flash of dark magic, its cold tendrils tickling his nose. He turned to look and was astonished at what he saw. He had expected his mate to return shortly with a large belly ready to deliver, but apparently time moved faster in the world of darkness then he expected. His Mate stood there holding the pup in her riding jacket. Her stomach was only slightly larger from the ordeal and her leather riding pants smelled of blood. "Kagome," he called as he walked over to her, mesmerized by what she was holding.

He had expected a Hanyou but as he peered over her arms he was greeted by the snow white fur of a new born taiyoukai. The pup, a male he noted, had pale blue markings. "May I," he asked as he held out his arms and tried to keep them steady. He could not believe that this was his pup. He had been afraid that he would have no connection to it. He had hardly knew Kagome was pregnant and now they had a child. For kamis sake he only knew this woman for two weeks, but the pup in his arms was his and he could feel his heart swell with pride and she handed him the bundle. He was surprised to see the pup had a pink nose and when he opened his heavy eyes they were the lightest pale pink. Nothing like the brilliant red of his own eyes. "What is wrong with him?" he asked brow furrowed as he looked up at Kagome.

Kagome opened her mouth to speak, but the King answered "You pup was the first born of light and dark. It was expected to be an unusual union. I wouldn`t worry about future pups, but he was born albino and blind. The child will be strong and I have no fear that he will find his own way to see. Now rest and enjoy your new pup. Arike and Ekìra will be here shortly."

Sesshomaru sunk to the ground careful not to jolt the pup. "Blind?" he whispered. He could care less that his child was borne albino. It really wasn`t much of a color change compared to his family`s usual colors, but blindness? He would love the child no matter what, he had already decided, his world had reconnected to the pup in fashion that was even more sudden then his appreciation for Kagome. His sense of smell and hearing was sharp so it would not be hard for the pup to get around, but there were no blind knights. He wondered what the dragon hatchling looked like.

Kagome leaned against Sesshomaru's side. She had missed him dearly in the time she had been gone. "I am sorry," she apologized as she looked down at the pup. He was beautiful even his blind pink eyes were enchanting. Kagome wondered what they would look like in his human form.

Sesshomaru shook his head as he pulled the pup tighter into his arms. "No he is perfect," he said sternly.

Kagome smiled and threw her arms around her mate. "Yes, yes he is."

There was a roar of challenge in the distance and they looked up together to see the approaching forms of Arike and Ekìra. They were coming in at top speed, magic rippling behind them like a heat wave. They slowed to a glide and landed heavily a few feet away.

"I knew you would do the unexpected, but really?" Arike teased as she walked over to the couple. She laid before them and lowered her great head so she could look at the child. "He will be a good partner for Kire," she murmured.

"Where is he?" Kagome asked as she looked around.

"Right here," Ekìra chuckled as he laid down beside his mate and ruffled his feathered wings. There was a chirp like a bird before a small white body came tumbling out. Kire was a knight and absolutely adorable. He was pure white with feathered wings like his father, but he had the longer serpentine body of his mother. There was a line of short fur running down his spine that looked white but had a blueish sheen. The hatchling chirped like a little bird as it hopped over to Sesshomaru and looked over at the pup. The pup looked out at the dragon and gave a bark. The hatchling chirped as it gave the pup a gentle nuzzle then looked up at Sesshomaru. He tilted his head like he was listening to something. Then something amazing happened.

Sesshomaru watched the hatchling warily. He knew that it meant no harm and soon the two would be inseparable, but he still had to get used to the sudden fatherly instincts that were rushing through him. He was surprised when the dragon looked at him with brilliant blue eyes. There was a tingle of magic from the hatchling, not unheard of but still rare so young, then the dragons eyes changed color. Before his eyes, Sesshomaru watched as the brilliant blue of the hatchlings eyes bled pink. "Kagome," he gasped.

Kagome leaned over to look and gasped. "Oh Sesshomaru...He can see."