Last chapter and boy does it feel good! I wanted this up on Christmas, but I couldn't do it. If it seems rushed, I apologize. It's been great and I want to thank all my readers, everyone who reviewed, especially Mistress Megatron, Mrs. Optimus Prime, TK-Productionz and Prime Revolver. To anyone I forgot, thank you, thank you, thank you. If you can figure which line of the song the title comes from, you'll get a cookie. Here it is, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing expect for Mera and Kylie. And the song 'Merry Little Chrismas' belongs to whoever wrote it.


Mera looked at the Christmas tree in the corner and smiled. There were two ornaments high in the branches that made her smile. One was a Decepticon symbol and the other was an Autobot symbol.

"Fitting." Megatron said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her, peering up at the tree.

"When did Optimus say they were coming over?" Mera asked. Megatron shrugged.

"I don't think he said. Then again, I could be wrong." he said. There was a brief moment when they looked at each other, then laughed. Just then, Kylie started to cry. Mera kissed the back of Megatron's hand and walked over to the crib and picked the baby up.

"Okay, okay. It's all right, sweetie, oh, it's okay honey." Mera said, gently bouncing the baby in her arms. Kylie quieted after a moment.

"That sounds like them." Megatron said as the doorbell rang. He kissed Kylie on the head and walked over to the door. "What took you so long? Here, let me take that." Megatron said, taking the tote from Lori and moving so they could get in.

"Thank you." she said, smiling at him and set her other bags and purse on the table. Mera gave her a one arm hug and kissed her cheek.

"Kylie is getting so big." Lori said, cooing over the baby as Megatron, Optimus, Vector Prime, Coby, Bud and the others unloaded a pick-up and a car. They placed the presents under the tree and sat down to catch up.

"Megatron, would you take Kylie? Bud, come help." Mera said, passing out orders like Megatron himself used to do.

"We'll help." came two familiar voices from the doorway. Mera turned to see two sets of merrily shining eyes and two messes of blue and purple hair. Another, annoyed voice, sounded from behind them.

"Either help or get out of my way." the scratchy voice made Lori squeal in delight. The two seekers-turned-human moved and let Scourge in. He put the heavy tote down and hugged Lori while Skywarp picked the Tote up and brought it into the kitchen.

"Do you mind us showing up unannounced?" Thundercracker asked a bit nervously. Mera passed Kylie to Megatron and kissed Thundercracker on the cheek and kissed Skywarp on the other cheek.

"You two are more than welcome. Lady knows I couldn't have survived Starscream's assault without you two." Mera said Skywarp smiled brightly and Thundercracker grinned happily.

"Come on, you two can help." Lori said and passed a bag of potatoes to Thundercracker and a cutting board and knife to Skywarp. "Start peeling." she ordered and waited to see what their reaction was.

"Um, we don't know how to peel potatoes." Skywarp said. Lori sighed, sat them down at the kitchen island and took a potato and the knife. She started by cutting the top off and then slid the knife just under the skin.

"Here, just keep a steady pressure on the knife and keep it steady as well. If you get a bit of the meat, thats okay. Just becareful not to get too much. Thundercracker you cut and Skywarp you get the peels out of the way and hand him potatoes." Lori said and placed a pot of water on to boil, adding salt.

"Megatron, would you set the tables, please?" Mera said. Megatron set Kylie in Optimus' hands and walked out to help.

------------------After Dinner-------------------

"That was delicious." Optimus said, leaning back with a smile. Megatron raised an eyebrow at his thick middle.

"Appearently you've discovered a lot of delicious meals." he said, teasingly. Optimus reddened slightly, then he eyed Megatron's rather thick middle.

"Not as much as you have." he said, grinning. Megatron rolled his eyes at him.

"Shut up, Prime." Megatron snapped back. Mera laid a hand on his arm to keep him from continuing. Megatron nodded.

"Lori, what song was that you were singing earlier?" Scourge asked, his arm around Lori.

"Oh, have yourself a merry little christmas." she said. Mera had a thoughtful look on her face.

"I know that song." she said. Bud piped up at this.

"Why don't you two sing it? You know, while Coby and I clear the table." Bud said, nudging Coby, who tore his eyes off of Scourge's arm around Lori and nodded.

"Uh, yeah, sure." he agreed. Mera and Lori stood up to help clear off the table.

"I can't just leave this big a job to two people." Mera explained as Bud opened his mouth to protest. A few minutes later, everyone gathered in the living room, for the two to sing.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,

Let your heart be light

From now on,

our troubles will be out of sight

The two voices rose in harmony, sweetly complimenting each other. Kylie's eyes were moving back and forth between her mother and her aunt, trying to figure out that sound. Megatron settled his daughter a little more comfortably on his leg and smiled as her eyes widened just a little more.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,

Make the Yule-tide gay,

From now on,

our troubles will be miles away.

Mera scanned the room and watched the look of wonder on Kylie's face grow with each note. A little wave caught her attention and the baby giggled, looking delighted.

Here we are as in olden days,

Happy golden days of yore.

Faithful friends who are dear to us

Gather near to us once more.

Megatron and Optimus exchanged looks at the line 'Happy golden days of yore'. They had been friends before the war and that friendship was resurfacing. Mera had introduced them to wonders of video games and both always made time to play against each other every saturday.

Through the years

We all will be together,

If the Fates allow

Hang a shining star

upon the highest bough.

And have yourself

A merry little Christmas now.

Mera's eyes caught Megatron's and she gave him a brilliant, happy, contented smile at 'If the fates allow'. Megatron returned the smile and felt a rush of love through their bond.

And have yourself

A merry little Christmas now.

'Looks like the fates allowed.' Megatron sent through their link. Mera grinned down at him and when the song was done, she moved over to him, lifted Kylie, sat in his lap and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Looks like they did." she murmured as Lori took their picture.




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