Ok, this came to me all of a sudden and I just couldn't stop writing this. Mr. Montez is nominated President of the United States. How does Gabriella, her family and her friends react to her now fully being in the public eye?

Disclaimer: I don't own HSM.

"Gabriella! Maria!" William Montez called.

"What?" Maria Montez asked as she and their daughter entered the kitchen.

"The latest polls came out."

"And?" Gabriella asked excitedly.

"And...seventy-five percent."

Gabriella and Mrs. Montez hugged him and screamed happily. Mr. Montez was running for President of the United States of America. Already reporters were camping out in the neighborhood and Election Day was a week away. Everyday, one of her father's security gaurds had to escort Gabriella through the gathered crowd to her bus stop.

That evening after dinner, Gabriella was up in her room doing her homework. Her entire room was covered in pictures of her and her friends and family. Gabriella smiled at a picture of her and her boyfriend, Troy Bolton. She and Troy began dating shortly after meeting during their sophmore year of high school. The picture was of thee two of them at their Junior Prom last May. Just then her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey!" the object of her thoughts greeted. "What are you doing?"

"Homework. You?"

"Same." How was your dad's day?"

"Very good. In the latest polls, he's got seventy-five percent of people wanting him to be the next President."

"So, my girl is about to be the First Daughter."

"If everything is going as it is."

"What about school, us?" Troy asked slightly worried they were going to seperated by the entire country. "And your swimming?"

Gabriella had been a competitive swimmer since she was eleven. Her father was a swimmer in college and past the love of the sport down to her. Gabriella had won two state swimming titles for East High and was almost certain to be on the National Team this up coming season.

"My parents arranged that I could stay with the Evans until we graduate in May." Gabriella explained. "But I have to go to home to Washington every holiday and long weekend."

"Home meaning the White House."

"Possibly. Are you interested in coming to my dad's final debate tomrrow night?"

"I'm game. The others will probably want to come also."

"Warn Chad not to fall asleep. The debate's going to be televised lived on all the major networks."

"I'll be sure to warn him."

The next evening, Mr. and Mrs. Montez and Gabriella were in a limousine on their way to University of New Mexico where the debate would be held. Gabriella smiled as she helped Mr. Montez with his tie. Mr. Montex leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Your firends going to be there?" he asked.

"And their parents." Gabriella agreed.

Ten minutes later, the limousine pulled pulled up to the campus. Security gaurds escorted the family inside. Gabriella and Mrs. Montez were led to their seats. Gabriella was sitting next to Troy and her mother. Everyone who was associated with Mr. Montez was sitting on one side of the auditorium.

Fifteen minutes later, the debate began. For almost an hour, Mr. Montez and his opponent, Harold Richards debated one another on major topics including health care, social security and many other hot topics. As they finished, Mrs. Montez, Gabriella and Ragina Richards were invited onto the stage. Gabriella stood in between her parents as they chatted with the Richards.

A week later, Troy pulled up to the Hyatt Hotel, Mr. Montez' campaign headquarters. Kelsi Neilson and Jason Cross got out with him. Troy's best friend, Chad Danforth parked his car next to Troy's and he and his girlfriend, Taylor McKessie got out. Their friends Zeke Baylor, and Ryan and Sharpay Evans met them in the lobby. They were led up to the suite the Montez' were renting for the evening. Sharpay knocked on the door.

"Hey guys! Come on in." Mr. Montez said ushering them inside. "Gabby will be up in a few minutes."

"Will, your daughter's on CNN." Mr. Montez' campaign manager said.

"We're here live at Senator Montez' campaign headquarters where his daughter Gabriella Montez and Elizabeth Martin, youngest daughter of Senator Montez' Vice President candidate, are currently down with supporters for Senator Montez."

Gabriella and Elizabeth were on the stage in the hotel's ballroom. They were smiling and waving to all of the supporters. Thousands of flashbulbs went off.

Ten minutes later, Gabriella and Elizabeth were making their way back up to the suite. Gabriella opened the door and joined the others. Both her and Elizabeth's cheeks were flushed from the excitement downstairs. Gabriella smiled when she saw her friends. She walked over and joined them.

"Great speech, Baby." Mr. Montez said.

"Thanks, Dad."

"Will, Richards is on." someone announced a couple of hours later.

Everyone raced into the living room. Mr. Montez stood between his wife and daughter. Gabriella leaned against Troy and he wrapped his arm around her waist. The entire room was filled with silence as they waited for Mr. Richards to speak.

"After a long and hard fought campaign by my team, supporters, family and myself, I have decided to secede the election to Senator Montez."

Everything else he had to say was forgotten as the people in the suite began to scrream and cheer loudly. Mr. and Montez kissed happily. Mr. Montez turned to his daughter. Gabriella jumped into his arms screaming.

"Alright, we have to head downstairs."

Everyone began to head downstairs. Gabriella pulled Troy into the elevator with her, her parents, Elizabeth, and her parents, George and Wanda Martin. She wrapped her arms around Troy and kissed him gently. Her parents smiled at seeing their daughter so happy and in love.

"We're going to wait until the others get here." Mr. Montez stated.

"What are you doing about school for Gabriella?" Mrs. Martin asked.

"I'm going to finish high school here and hopefully start UCLA in the fall." Gabriella answered as they got off the elevator.

"She's going to be coming to Washington every long weekend and school holiday though." Mrs. Montez added.

The second elevator opened and the other came out. Mr. and Mrs. Montez led everyone towards the ballroom. Secret Service Agents were already there protecting the future First Family. As the group entered the ballroom, supporters cheered loudly. The Montezes and the Martins shook several hands as they walked to the stage. Gabriella and Mrs. Montez stood off to Mr. Montez' side as Mrs. Martin and Elizabeth were off to Mr. Martin's side once they got on stage. The two men were holding their hands up in victory as everyone cheered for them.

For a month and a half, the Montezes were preparing for their big move. At around five o'clock the evening before everyone left for Washington D.C., Troy pulled up to their house. About a year ago, the Montezes told him he could just walk right into the house and he did just that. Gabriella came downstairs and threw herself into Troy's arms. She kissed him happily as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Wow, what a welcome!" Troy gasped once they broke apart. "I think I'll come back in again."

"I don't think so." Gabriella whispered holding him tighter.

"You ready to go?"

"I just have to get my coat."

Gabriella stood back up and to the hall closet. Mr. and Mrs. Montez came to the front door to see Troy and Gabriella off. Gabriella came back to the entry way with her coat. Troy wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close with her back to his chest.

"Alright, Angents Ross and Michaels are going to be in the car behind you." Mr. Montez explained to the teenagers.

"Where are you two going?" Mrs. Montez asked.

"We're going up to Lookout Point to watch the sunset and then we're meeting the others at the ice skating rink." Troy answered.

"Is everyone exicted about D.C.?" Mr. Montez asked.

"Yes sir, we're very excited about flying on Air Force One."

"Well, you all need to be at the airport by six in the morning."

"Will do, Mr. President." Gabriella joked saluting her father.

"I won't be President until Monday."

Gabriella and Troy laughed as they walked outside. Troy opened the car door for Gabriella and then got behind the wheel. As they drove off, another car drove behind them carrying Gabriella's security. Troy drove to Lookout Point. He parked the car and he and Gabriella got out. Troy pulled out a large blanket that could easily wrap itself around the two of them. He and Gabriella climbed up onto the hood of his car with Troy resting against the wind shield and Gabriella resting against his chest and between his legs. They were bundled up in the blanket as they watched the sun go down and were being watched by the Secret Service Agents.

"After Monday things are going to be completely different for us." Gabriella stated.

"What do you mean?" Troy asked.

"No more private dates, they're going to be with us wherever we go. We're going to have the media follow our every move."

"Baby, they're already following us. You are, according to them and I have to agree, the most beautiful creature to grace the White House since Mrs. Kennedy." Troy told her.

"What if I embarrass my father?"

"You won't, we won't."

Fifteen minutes later, the two cars pulled up to the ice skating rink. Troy and Gabriella walked in together. The others were already on the ice. Troy and Gabriella joined them after they got their skates. The girls had figure skates on while the boys were wearing hockey skates. Sharpay grabbed Gabriella's hand and skated around with her.

"So, how are you doing?" Sharpay asked.

"Good." Gabriella agreed. "Are you sure your parents don't mind me and my secret service detail staying with you?"

"We're happy to have you. Our house will be the safest house in the state.

"Probably." Gabriella agreed laughing as they skated around.