This is the last chapter of this story. I'm sorry it took so long to update, I just couldn't seem to get inspired to write for a long time. Anway it's here now and I hope you like it. jemb xx

Brennan groans as she wakes, a thumping headache dragging her from a restless slumber. As she turns over onto her back she realises she is not alone when her foot brushes something. Lying across the end of her bed, Booth is sound asleep, his chest rising and falling in a rhythmic motion. His arms are spread out to the side and he looks like he hasn't moved a muscle all night. When Brennan crawls off the bed, the movement seems to stir Booth and he groans before jolting awake.

"Bones?" he asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Booth." Brennan greets him weakly. She looks herself up and down and sees she is still wearing the dress she had on last night, and Booth's jacket. Probably why I didn't get cold she guesses.

"Ugh, what time is it?" Booth asks as he rubs his eyes.

"Eight thirty." Brennan tells him. "We're supposed to be downstairs for breakfast in thirty minutes." She says softly.

"I think I had too much to drink last night." He groans, holding his head in his hands.

"You're not the only one." Brennan calls over her shoulder as she walks into the bathroom. When she lays eyes on her face in the mirror, she gasps and hopes that Booth wasn't awake enough to see her. With bed hair and dark panda eyes where her mascara smudged, she looks like one of the girls in those Government anti-drinking ads. As she turns on the water in the sink to wash her face, she hears Booth stumbling around. She quickly wipes her eyes with a dampened tissue and tries to smooth her hair down before going back out to face him. When she emerges Booth is just standing in the middle of the room, his shirt un-tucked and his black pants creased.

"I should go, uh, you know, get ready." Booth thumbs in the direction of the door. He feels very embarrassed about the night before. Unfortunately for Booth, he is one of those lucky people who remembers every single thing he does when he's drunk. He remembers telling Brennan she was always beautiful and coming very close to actually kissing her. Not to mention the whole passing out drunk on her bed thing. Way to look cool Booth.

"Yes. I need to get ready myself." Brennan states. She subconsciously runs her hand through her hair. As she stands looking at Booth she can't help but smile to herself. He has a five o'clock shadow, his hair is all mussed up and the top two buttons of his shirt are undone. Somewhere along the way he lost his tie too. He looks cute, no. Handsome, no. Hot - yeah, hot!

"I'll see you downstairs?" Booth asks as he moves for the door. The tension in the room is almost killing him. Both are acutely embarrassed about last night but are not about to discuss it.

"Sure." Brennan replies. "Oh here." She shrugs his jacket off and crosses the room, handing it to him. She purposely keeps a distance between them, still mortified about getting so drunk last night. Booth has never seen her drunk before and she doesn't remember a lot of what happened. Well, except when he told her she was beautiful and nearly kissed her. That would have been…interesting she thinks.

"Thanks." Booth smiles and takes the jacket from her, his fingers brushing her hand as she hands it to him, wanting nothing more than to lean in and kiss her. He backs out of the door and across the hall to his door. Brennan closes her door slowly, watching Booth as he enters his room and disappears from view. Closing the door she sinks her back into it and breaths out heavily and closes her eyes, remembering the feel of his fingers on her skin.


At nine fifteen exactly, Brennan makes her way down the stairs. Her headache starting to subside thanks to some aspirin and a hot shower makingher feel much more human. All the guests are gathered in the dining hall. Noticeablyabsent though are the wedding party. Brennan figures they're all off getting ready for the big event, scheduled for one o'clock in the afternoon. She makes her way to the buffet table for some coffee. The thought of eating anything makes her stomach churn. She then scans the crowd for Booth. He doesn't appear to be here yet which means she is going to have to go talk to the other people she's met this weekend. It's not that she doesn't like them, it's just they have nothing in common and she would rather spend time with Booth. Since when? She thinks. Only since the day you met him! Just as she draws the courage to go talk to a group of women who work with Eve, Brennan spots Booth coming through the door. For a moment she thinks she's safe but before she can signal to him, he is pulled away by a group of men she hasn't seen before. Army friends she figures.


Booth enters the dining hall still feeling a little groggy, and begins to scan the room for Brennan. Before he can get a good look around he is accosted by a group of jovial men.

"Guys, guys, a little space please." He jokes as the men all crowd him and greet him with slaps on the back and punches to the arm.

"Dude, it's great to see you." one says.

"Yeah man, rumour has it you're surviving as an FBI agent these days." Another grins.

"Rumour is true." Booth nods. "Special Agent Seeley Booth at your service." He salutes, making his comrades laugh. They head off to a corner to catch up but not before Booth spots Brennan. He notices how lost she looks, standing by herself, and he wants desperately to go over and talk to her but he can't. She catches his eye and flashes him a fake smile before walking to a group of women. She's going to be so uncomfortable Booth thinks.


After breakfast, Brennan excuses herself from the women with the excuse that she needs to start getting ready. She picks up a cup of coffee to take with her and slips out of the room unnoticed by even Booth. She sees him though and she smiles when she sees how happy he looks. Catching up with people who have the same past as him has obviously done him some good. When she reaches her room she finishes her coffee and takes another a long hot shower. She knows she only needs an hour to get ready but she doesn't feel like mingling with everyone else for two reasons now so she decides to just move slowly and take her time. She starts by doing the 'girly' thing and putting a face mask on to purify her skin and clean her pores, something Angela had introduced her to and something she would only admit to doing under oath in court. As she sits in a terry cloth robe, painting the nails on one hand while the mask sets to dry; startled by a knock at her door Brennan sets the pot of nail polish down and walks over to the door, fanning her hand as she goes.

"Who is it?"

"It's just me Bones." Booth replies.

"Uh, what do you need?" she asks, trying not to sound to harsh.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" Is she avoiding me? he worries.

"I'm uh, not decent." Partly true she thinks. He would laugh me out of the state if he saw me with a greenface mask on.

"Oh, right…okay." Booth says. "I just came to ask you if you wanted to sit with me at the wedding." He says, speaking to the door trying not to shout in the hotel hallway. Brennan doesn't need time to think the offer over.

"Sure, that would be fine." She hears him leaning against the door,

"Great, so I'll come get you around 12.30?" he asks,hopeful.

"Yes." She replies as she turns and leans her back against the door.

"Okay Bones, I'll see you later then." Booth moves away from the door and heads into his own room across the hall as Brennan takes a deep breath. She doesn't know what she'd have done if Booth saw her like this, acting so 'girly'. She chuckles to herself as she walks to the bathroom to clean the mask off with the hand that hasn't been freshly painted.


By the time 12.30 rolls around Brennan has been ready for over an hour and been amusing herself watching a movie on the small TV in the room. She hears a knock at her door and rises from the end of the bed to answer it. Subconsciously she smoothes down her olive green dress and checks her hair and make-up in the mirror on the wall by the door. She then pulls it open to be greeted by Booth in a black suit, olive green shirt and black tie with swirls of different shades of olive greens, hints of burgundy and creams. They both take a moment to look at each other in disbelief.

"Angela." They sigh is unison. Booth steps into the room and takes in Brennan's dress, lightly curled hair and smoky eye make-up. God, she looks beautiful. In return Brennan looks Booth over, smiling at his shirt.

"You look nice." He tells her. No, not nice. Gorgeous, stunning, beautiful…

"Angela picked it out." She looks down at the dress. "I assume she picked out the shirt too?"

"Something like that." Booth nods. He isn't about to tell her he's a fashion victim and only bought the shirt because Angela told him it was the 'in' colour. "You ready?" he asks, smiling brightly.

"Yes." Brennan moves to pick up her little black purse containing her cell phone and some lip gloss then crosses back across the room to Booth. He offers her his arm and she accepts, with a smile of her own, letting him escort her out of the lodge and across to the site of the wedding. A wedding arch has been placed on the lawn and white chairs decorated with flowers have been set up. Walking very close together with their arms linked, the pair look every bit a happy couple as they cross the lawn to find seats.


They aren't alone in the row for long. Within minutes, Booth's army friends begin to appear with their partners. Brennan didn't meet them earlier so Booth spends a few minutes makingintroductions. She knows she will never remember all their names but tries hard to make a few stick. Tony and Annette, David and Maria, Daniel and…damn I forgot already. As Booth introduces her to them, Brennan mentally praises himwhen he introduces her as 'Temperance' and not 'Bones' but feels her heart sink when he describes their relationship as 'we're partners, although she shouldn't be upset, their relationship is defined as such but it feels less than appealing around all the other couples. Not to mention she's silently hoped for more than just a work relationship. Quickly though, their attention is drawn to the front where the minister is addressing the guests. Booth stretches his arm out and rests it on the back of Brennan's chair. As she leans back, she feels his arm there and a smile crosses her face. I truly wouldn't mind if he slipped itaround my shoulders Getting a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest at the mere thought of him touching her.

In the row behind and out of ear shot of Booth and Brennan, another of Booth's friends, Jack, who just arrived a half hour earlier, takes a seat beside his friend Tony and his wife Annette.

"Hey man." He elbows Tony. "I see Booth has finally settled down." He nods at Booth and Brennan. "Got himself a beauty too."

"No man, partners he said." Tony replies.

"Seriously? I saw them earlier from across the lawn and they sure looked like more than just work buds to me." He laughs. "I think Booth is keeping secrets from us."


The wedding ceremony was beautiful and not ordinary, the happy couple had written their own vows and there was nothing stating the usual "in sickness and health, till death do us part" or "cherish and obey". The couple had simply voiced their feelings towards one another and what their hopes and dreams were for the future. Brennan thought to herself that, even though marriage is an archaic institution and no one should really need a piece of paper to declare their commitment in front of a large number of people or a god she didn't believe in, she enjoyed hearing her friend state to her spouse-to-be that she would love-trust-honour and respect him while sharing their joys and sorrows together--it was a logical declaration. Following the ceremony the newly married couple along with the wedding party and guests headed insideto the dining room for the reception.

Upon entering the dining hall, which has been beautifully decorated for the dinner with fresh flowers, candle centrepieces and fresh linens, Brennan is separated from Booth. Due to seating arrangements, she is sitting at a table with some of Eve's friends on the other side of the room from Booth, who is with his army friends. Brennan drums her fingers on the table pretendingto listen to the conversation going on around her. Taking in the event, she is beginning to understand just why Angela was so intent on her bringing a date to the wedding. It isn't so much about having a partner, rather having someone to talk to. She actually feels quite lonely even though she is not alone. As the women gossip and chat, Brennan smiles and nods like the others around her even though she has no idea what they are actually discussing. Please let this be over soon she thinks. Or at least let Booth come over and talk to me. She looks at him across the room, laughing heartily, seemingly having a good time. She wishes she could be that happy at the moment.


Across the crowded room, Booth watches Brennan as he listens to the stories his army friends are telling him. He sees how uncomfortable she looks and he wants to go talk to her but he's trapped by his friends for now. Finally though, as the servers clear the dinning hall and the remnants of dishes are cleaned from tables,an announcement is made that the band will be on shortly and he sees this as his chance. Excusing himself and promising to come back shortly, Booth heads over to the open bar and picks up two glasses of champagne. He carries them across the room and approaches Brennan from behind.


Brennan jumps a little when she sees anarm sneaking around her side and placing a glass of champagne on the table in front of her. Twisting her body and smiling when she sees it is Booth.

"Hey." She greets him in a rather excited tone, happy at last to see him.

"Hey." He slips into the empty seat beside her. "How was dinner?"

"It was nice." She says with a slight shrug. "Having a good time?" she glances over at Booth's table.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I've seen those guys." Booth sounds a little wistful. He quickly lifts his head as he hears the band strike up the first dance song. He and Brennan turn to watch Adam and Eve in each others arms, gliding across the floor to the soft music. The rest of the room seems in awe of the beautiful couple and after a minute or so, the bridesmaid's and groomsmen are called to floor, being introduced as they join in, followed by the rest of the bridal party. Booth watches Brennan as she stares out onto the dance floor, her eyes following the couple's movements. When the song comes to an end and another begins the MC invites the guests to the dance floorBooth places his champagne down and stands up.

"Would you like to dance?" he asks, gesturing to the dance floor.

"Sure." Brennan smiles softly and as she moves to get up, she feels Booth pulling her chair back for her. Always chivalrous thinking to herself with the warm feeling returning to her chest. Booth offers his left arm and as she slips her right arm through his, he brings his other hand to cover hers as he smiles broadly. She walks with him to the dance floor, relishing the firmness and warmth of his touch on her hand. Reaching the floor Booth lets go of her arm extending his hand for her to take. Placing her hand in his he pulls her closer and lets him take her in his arms. For a moment he enjoys theirclose proximity and stares into her eyes to gage her reaction. Feeling he's done the right thing he begins to move, sweeping her across the floor in a waltz. She relishes the feeling of his firm hold at her backand her hand clasped in his.

Wish enough, wise man'll tell you a lie
Window broke, torn up screens
Who'd have thought that you'd dream
Of a single tragic scene

I just wanna sing a song with you
I just want to take it off of you

Cause Blue Eyes
You are all that I need
Cause Blue Eyes
You're the sweet to my mean

As Booth moves smoothly across the floor with Brennan, he can't take his eyes off hers. They stare intently at each other, locked in the moment. It might be the song planting ideas in his head but Booth cannot get over how beautiful her sparkling blue eyes are. They carry so much emotion; he just wishes she would share it with him.

Fess it up, dot on the palm of your hand
I can help you to stand
Saved it up for this dance
Tell me all the things you can

I just wanna sing a song with you
I just wanna be the one that's true

Cause Blue Eyes
You're the secret I keep
Cause Blue Eyes

As Brennan lets herself be led around the floor by Booth, she feels herself becoming lost in the moment. The way he holds her makes her want to be closer to him and have him never let her go. His eyes focus on her and she feels herself drowning in their depth and intensitywondering at the emotion she see in them.

All the lights on and you are alive
But you can't point the way to your heart
So sublime, when the stars are aligned
But you don't know
You don't know the greatness you are

Cause Blue Eyes
You are destiny's scene
Cause Blue Eyes
I just wanna be the one

I just wanna sing a song with you
I just wanna get it on with you

Cause Blue Eyes
You're the secret I keep
Cause Blue Eyes
I just wanna sing a song with you

As the song comes to an end, Booth slows down and brings them both to a stop, holding Brennan flush against his body. The dance floor is crowded but he feels like they are the only people in the room. Standing completely still his heart is pounding and he wonders for a second if she can feel it beating the fast staccato against her own chest. Booth pulls her closer still and leans in, his lips hovering mere millimetres from hers. This is it Booth, now is your chance – take it. But before he can finally kiss her, the band switches pace and begins to play 'I Say A Little Prayer', fairly up tempo song and not the song Booth wants to remember as the song he had his first kiss with Temperance. It has to be a slow, romantic melody says the inner romantic in him. He shakes his head at the lost opportunity but doesn't let go of Brennan. Instead, he begins to move her around the floor again, spinning and dipping her to the beat of the music. Brennan tries to concentrate on the dancing and not what she saw in Booth's eyes as the first song ended. He was going to kiss me she realises. And I wanted him to kiss me, I still want it. A few more fast songs are played before the band slows it down again, giving Booth the opportunity to hold Brennan close once more and perhaps this time, kiss her. To the soft beat of 'Saved By A Woman', Booth clasps Brennan's hand, slides his other around her back and draws her close. God, she feels so right in my arms he thinks. I hope she feels it too.

Within a few moments, he feels her hand slip out of his then both her arms slide up and around his neck. While other couples swish around them, laughing and spinning, Booth and Brennan barely move; their bodies merely swaying to the music, their eyes focused intently on each other.

I've been saved by a woman

I've been saved by a woman

I've been saved by a woman

She won't let go

She won't let me go no

She won't let me go

She won't let me go no

As the song draws to a close, Booth takes the final step, his pulse racing and a flutter in his gut, and leans in towards her, a glint in his eye, never breaking eye contact.

Sensing what is coming and wanting it more than anything else, her heart beating a steady sound in her ear, she thinks it's beating so loudly he's sure to hear it. Temperance can feel his warm breath on her face and her eyes flutter closed as Booth's lips brush gently against hers, feeling her melt into him, he dips back in for another taste. She feels her knees going weak but with Booth's arms around her she knows she won't fall. Finally Booth pulls back and as Brennan opens her eyes she sees he has a smile on his face. Glancing around she sees a few people looking at them, Adam and Eve included - smiles firmly planted on their faces, and she feels very self conscious. Booth feels the eyes of his friends upon them and sensing Temperance's discomfort, without a word he leads her off the floor to a secluded corner just outside of the main room, grabbing two flutes of champagne on his way. He hands her a glass then brushes her hair behind her left ear and lets his fingers trail down her cheek to her jaw and to her lips his face but millimetres from hers.

"Bones." His voice only a whisper.

"Shhh." She silences him with a finger across his lips. Pulling her finger away she stretches up and presses her lips to his. Deepening the kiss, Booth feels himself lost in the moment. He would love nothing more than to sweep her up and carry her away from the reception hall to a more private place. Temperance's only thoughts are how wonderful it feels to have his lips upon hers and the mutual feelings she now know they share.

When they break apart, Booth leans in and whispers in her ear,

"We'll have to thank Angela when we get back." A low chuckle erupts from his chest as he enjoys the soft skin of her ear near his lips, wanting nothing more than to run his tongue around the shell of it, but he only brushes his lips across with a breath. Brennan smiles at this, faltering when she feels his hot breath and caress of his lips on her ear and shivers slightly.

"I have a better idea." She replies seductively.

"Oh yeah?" Booth places a lingering kiss to her neck just below her ear, his tone smooth and mellow. Brennan wraps her arms around his neck and locks onto his eyes.

"She played a game with us, we should play a game with her."

"I like the way you think Bones." Booth whispers as he leans in plants a few butterfly kisses on her neck. For a moment Brennan forgets where they are and she moans softly.

"You wanna get out of here?" Booth asks, leaning back to look into her face. Brennan meets his eyes and sees the same desire in his eyes that she feels. Her head nods 'yes' and she allows Booth to lead her down the hall and in the direction of the lodge.


The lab is in full swing with employees in blue lab coats rushing around when Brennan and Booth appear together around lunchtime on the Monday after the wedding. Angela is standing on the platform with a sketchpad when she sees them entering together and it sparks her hopes that her big plan worked out.

"Hey Bren. Hey Booth." She greets them warmly. "Did you guys have fun at the wedding?" she waggles her eyebrows, hoping for some hot gossip. Brennan narrows her eyebrows and looks up at Angela before turning to Booth. With a perfectly straight face and the skills of a seasoned actress says,

"You were at a wedding this weekend too?" Booth struggles to keep a straight face as he sees Angela looking very confused, obviously wondering where her plan went wrong.

"Uh yeah I was." He feigns confusion. "You went to a wedding? You never mentioned it." he says to Brennan. She nods at Booth and both turn to Angela who now looks totally bemused. That is until Booth and Brennan start to walk away and Booth turns back, winking at Angela before draping his arm around Brennan's shoulders and kissing her cheek.

"I knew it." Angela grins.


Song references:

Blue Eyes – Cary Brothers

Say A Little Prayer – Aretha Franklin

Saved By A Woman – Ray Lamontagne