
Fandom: FMA
Pairing: None
Warnings: Angst, post-TV series AU
Character(s): Ed
Rating: G
Word Count: 210

Summary: Ed hopes he finally found the road back.

THEME: #20 – the road home (30kisses challenge)

I'm basically experimenting with drabbles to get back into writing after about a year's hiatus. I'm not too familiar with writing drabbles so this'll be more of an experiment. I hope you still enjoy it!


When Ed was young, the road home was a smooth dirt path lined by farms, pitted by wagon wheel ruts, and filled with friends and family. It was a path etched in body memory—where his feet ran and not walked, where laughter followed and not screams.

Ed sat back on his rear, legs sprawled before him, sweat dripping from his face, body aching from kneeling for so long. The device was finished—three years of dedicated work culminating in an amalgamation of electricity, metal, and alchemic arrays. It had already cost him the life of his partner, when its first prototype had exploded in their faces—leaving Ed with one eye short to go with his missing arm and leg.

"Are you ready?"

He didn't look back at his father's words. He had been ready ever since he first found himself here in this strange and wrong place. Now, the wait is finally over.

"There is no guarantee . . ."

"I don't care," he cut in. He pulled himself to his feet, wincing at the pain streaking his remaining knee and the stub of his other leg. It didn't stop him from stumbling his way into the heart of the device.

"I just want to go home."