AN: I want to apologise for the delay after the first chapter, there were various computer issues that needed resolving before I could get this posted. Thanks to the people who reviewed- you rock! Also, tons of thanks to my ever-patient Beta, Aerin Alanna
Chapter 2- Repercussions
I should have gone straight back to the Slytherin dormitories. I didn't. I didn't want responsibility for what happened, but the thought that someone's fate was being decided because of what I'd done was unsettling. I wandered down the corridor, instinctively flitting between shadows and listening for teachers. What I really wanted was to go for a walk outside, which wouldn't have been a problem except for the presence of the Dementors. I had never managed the Patronus Charm successfully- apparently my good memories weren't good enough. If someone like Potter could conjure a Patronus at thirteen, surely I, a Pureblood who could trace his ancestry back hundreds of years, had a chance. When had the world got full of ridiculously powerful half bloods, anyway? Meh. If I stayed close enough to the castle it shouldn't be a problem.
Heading down a corridor, I slipped into one of the passages I'd found about through various, usually accidental means during my other years at Hogwarts. Thankfully they weren't being watched yet. I headed down the passage, having to stoop slightly as the ceiling got lower. Finally, I reached the point where the passage came out in a small door, which was well concealed from the outside by a thick curtain of ivy, and stepped out into the warm night air. Taking a deep breath I looked up at the skies, smiling as I recited the constellations I recognised. Professor Sinistra would be pleased at my skill tomorrow. Stargazing became a real pastime for me during the war, when I'd often have to guard a place during the night. Or wait for the enemy. Whoever my enemy happened to be that day.
I wasn't so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the faint sound of someone creeping up behind me. Spinning on my heel I grabbed for my wand and adopted a fighting stance. There, in front of me was a very bedraggled looking Sirius Black. I started in surprise; he looked like he'd been wrestling a Mountain Troll. "Black," my voice was shaking with more genuine fear than I would ever admit to. His eyes narrowed, as he looked me up and down, apparently ignoring the fact that I had a wand in his face.
"You look like Lucius Malfoy," he stated. His face remained eerily calm, like he wasn't quite sane.
"I'm his son. My mother was born Narcissa Black, your cousin, remember?" He gave me a look like I was stupid.
"Of course I remember," he sneered. "Azkaban may have taken everything else away from me, but it didn't take my sanity." He turned his eyes towards Hogwarts. "I need to get in the castle," he murmured to himself. After a moment he fixed his unnerving eyes on me. "And you're going to help me." I raised my wand and moved back out of arms' reach.
"No, I'm not," I sneered, trying to remain calm.
"You have to help me." He sounded dangerous. "He's in there with Harry."
"No, Black…" I was cut off as he leapt towards me, grabbing for my wand. "Petrificus Totalus!" I shouted. He threw himself left to dodge the spell. Rolling the opposite way, I put up the most powerful shield I could think of. With a shout of rage, he ran at it, but was flung backwards. "Black! Listen to me! Pettigrew's been caught! Dumbledore's taking him to the Ministry right now!" He stood slowly, looking at me and swaying slightly on his feet.
"They have Peter?"
"Yes, but nobody knows the truth right now. If someone sees you, you will get Kissed! You need to get out of here." His breath came out as a mist in the cold night air. I shuddered, wondering why it was so cold for a September night. My heart started pounding as the truth dawned; the Dementors were here. "They're here now! Follow me!" I turned towards the door I'd come from and started running. I was almost there when I looked over my shoulder. Black wasn't following me. Cursing him, Potter and the rest of the Wizarding World, I turned back and ran towards him. He looked like a haunted man. I could see the Dementors in the distance, now, and flashes of memories came back to me; my father screaming in pain, my mother beside him, a girl lying in Potter's arms, dying in front of our eyes, the pain of jumping between two Killing Curses. Shaking myself, I grabbed Sirius' hand and pulled him towards the wall. We needed to get into the protection of Hogwarts' walls. "Black, we need to run! Black! Sirius!" He started back into the present and took in the situation.
"Oh, Merlin." He kept hold of my hand, but this time he was running so fast he was pulling me behind him. "Where to go, where to go."
"The wall over there, the secret passageway!" I pointed with my wand and tried to keep my balance. He headed down that way and smiled to himself as he pulled back the ivy. The Dementors seemed to be moving faster and faster. They were almost to us. I shoved Black in and dove in after him, slamming the door shut and casting a number of locking spells that no third year should ever know. When I turned back to my cousin, his eyes were wide. Actually he looked a little impressed.
"Nice to know they're teaching you that stuff so young, nowadays. I always had trouble keeping James out of my stuff in school," he said brightly. "I bet you never have that problem, Drake." It was a startling contrast to the person I'd seen before; he'd changed from the murderer he wasn't, to a chirpy thirty-something man.
"My name's Draco!" My reply was automatic. I wasn't feeling well. Dementors were on the other side of that door; there were waves of cold coming through even now. "For Merlin's sake, why did you come here? What did you think you could do? Nobody here knows you're innocent yet, you idiot! Pettigrew only went to the Ministry about an hour ago!" I swayed slightly on my feet as the nausea I'd been feeling earlier got worse.
"Are you alright?" Black sounded worried.
"I've been ill," I said through gritted teeth, leaning against the wall of the passage. He moved towards me and I flinched away. The man had been in Azkaban for twelve years, who knew how sane he really was? He moved away.
"I can't believe it-a good Malfoy!" He shook his head at me in wonder. "Who'd believe that Narcissa could have a son with morals?" He was laughing, but I wasn't. I was feeling cold with fear. If he told anyone what had happened I'd lose my parents. They hadn't been alive when I'd turned in the future. In fact, that was one of the main reasons I'd turned. Voldemort himself had been their murderer. I never thought I'd have anything in common with Potter. Voldemort had proved me wrong. But that hadn't happened yet and I didn't intend for it to happen this time around. For now, I didn't want to lose them.
"You can't tell anyone about this," I growled. "You owe me a life debt. I saved you from the Dementors. You will speak of this to nobody." Black's eyebrows rose.
"As you wish," he bowed slightly; a formal, pureblood acknowledgement of the debt he owed me. Amazing he remembered such things after Azkaban, really. Amazing I remembered them after years of war. Nodding, I moved away from the wall, only to stumble and double over as the nausea increased.
"I think you need to go to the Hospital Wing." Possibly the most intelligent thing he'd said all day. "I'll carry you."
"You'll do no such thing," I sniffed. "That would be beneath my dignity." Rolling his eyes, Black started moving to down the passageway. I started walking, but a moment later I was cursing my own stupidity. "Black, I…" I plunged forward. I have no idea if he managed to catch me in time or not.
"What the hell did you do to my Godson?" A voice invaded my sleep. I was lying somewhere comfortable.
"Nothing!" Black was defensive.
"You may hate me, but attacking him- that's low, even for you!" There was true hatred in that voice. "Did it making you feel big, hurting him, you murderer? I should take you to the Dementors right now you foul, evil little man." I opened my eyes slowly. Severus Snape had his wand pointed at Sirius Black. Severus' expression was murderous. "Wasn't it enough to make my life here hell? Did you have to go after the people I care about now, too?"
"Severus," I croaked. He didn't seem to notice. "Severus. Severus!" I was completely ignored again.
"I didn't touch him, Severus, I swear." Black sounded scared. I would be as well if I was in his shoes.
"You living, murdering son of a-" There was a burst of flames in the fireplace as someone came in from the Floo network
"Severus!" Another, more powerful, more authoritative voice said. I turned to see Albus Dumbledore, a fierce expression on his face. For the first time I had a glimpse of how truly powerful he was; it was terrifying. "What is going on here?" he demanded, giving the pair quelling looks, as if they were two misbehaving students rather than grown men. Black glanced between Dumbledore and me.
"I snuck into the castle, to get Pettigrew away from Harry. I had to get him away from Harry…" He trailed off for a moment, looking troubled.
"Mr Pettigrew has been found, tried and found guilty of your crimes, Mr Black," Dumbledore was reassuring.
"You mean I'm free?" He sounded disgustingly happy. Severus grunted, but didn't look too surprised. Apparently the news of Black's innocence had already circulated the staff of Hogwarts.
"Yes, Mr Black, you are free," Dumbledore said softly. Black looked like he couldn't believe his luck. Fortunately 'luck' and Draco Malfoy were very different things in his eyes; otherwise conclusions may have been leapt to that I would rather have avoided. "I have yet to receive a reasonable expectation as to why Mr Malfoy is in the hospital wing."
"I was out after curfew, sir." Black didn't seem ready to come down from Cloud Nine anytime soon. Sitting up, I kept my eyes on Dumbledore, but saw Severus spin dramatically to face me. His expression wasn't pretty; I was in for it when this was over. "I wasn't feeling well. I must have collapsed," I explained, keeping my eyes fixed on Dumbledore. If I kept this up I was going to win the 'Sneakiest Slytherin of the Year Award'. I looked up at Black, expectantly.
"Yes, and I found him." Black finally caught on to what I was doing. "I couldn't leave him there, I mean, he is my cousin." Like that was going to cut it. Stupid Gryffindors. Too noble to lie properly, all of them. After glaring at Black for a moment, Severus moved to my side.
"How long have you been feeling so unwell?" There was no real answer to that. Thankfully Madam Pomfrey, who had been desperately trying to make her opinion known since I'd woken, was my saviour.
"That is enough! Mr Malfoy needs his rest. You will have to take your conversation elsewhere," she looked so fierce that they all jumped to obey her. Well, except Severus, who was in his least obliging mood.
"I'm staying here." He sat down in the uncomfortable wooden chair by my bed.
"Very well." Madam Pomfrey looked as if she wanted to box his ears, but kept her patience. "Mr Black, however pleased I may be with the knowledge of your innocence, I would far rather you celebrated somewhere other than in my ward." Black seemed too elated to be upset at this, though his eyes kept flicking to Severus with some concern. He looked like a puppy who'd been kicked accidentally and wasn't sure if another was coming.
"Well, Mr Black, since we've sorted that out, how about we take you to see Professor Lupin?" The puppy perked up at this. Dumbledore put a hand on his arm, and led him out of the room.
"Sleep now, Mr Malfoy," The Nurse started bustling around, ready to get me a Dreamless Sleep Potion or something. "Professor, my patient needs his sleep, so if you wish to remain here you may not disturb him," she ordered, walking up with the potion and tipping the vial to my lips.
"Yes, ma'am," Severus said, sheepishly. I almost laughed at this, but was stopped by the evil woman tipping the potions down my throat with no fear that she might choke me. Whatever happened to 'do no harm?'
I woke up with a pounding headache. Light had already filled the hospital wing, which meant it was late. I could hear soft snoring coming from my right hand side and looked down to see my Godfather sprawled rather ungracefully across the chair. "Severus," I said. He stirred but didn't wake. "Severus." This time I tried poking him to no effect. I tried to shake him a little, but he just swatted at me and returned to sleep.
"I am afraid that Severus is notoriously difficult to wake," Dumbledore appeared at the curtain. I glared at him. I had an image to maintain, after all. He chuckled, probably reading the surface thought. "I thought you might enjoy this, Mr Malfoy." He handed me a copy of the Daily Prophet. The headline told me that:
"Sirius Black Innocent: Pettigrew the traitor!" and "Ministry in disgrace over lack of trial!" Oh Merlin, if this got the Minister deposed it could cause all sorts of problems. Fudge had sat in my father's pocket for years. Lucius wouldn't be happy to loose him and when my father wasn't happy he had a knack of making everyone else miserable, too.
"Draco?" Rather ironically, Severus had awoken when I least wanted him to and was looking up at me with some concern. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine." He gave me the look. The one that meant he thought I was being an idiot.
"I heard what happened on the train yesterday," he told me. I shifted uncomfortably. "How long have you been feeling unwell?" We were going to battle over this one, I could tell.
"Not long. Look, Severus, it's nothing. I don't want to see a Healer or anything," I sniffed. "Malfoys don't get ill." His expression softened.
"I see," he paused, as if trying to look through me. "Would you prefer that I write to your father about your sudden illness?" Oh bugger it! If my father found out or suspected what had happened I would be forced to tell him everything that happened. Whether I liked it or not. "Or would you like for me to organise a private Healer to give you a check up?" Sneaky, greasy, overprotective bat! I thought in his general direction. He was going for my 'Sneakiest Slytherin of the Year' award. I wasn't going to let him get away with it. An idea came to me.
"I will see your Healer if you wash your hair with Sandra Sheldrake's Super-Strong Flower Scented Shampoo." His eyebrows shot up in surprise. That 'Sneakiest Slytherin of the Year" award was mine for the taking. "Now Black knows you're my Godfather, I'm sure Potter will know soon enough and I do not want to be associated with someone with greasy hair." I gave him my haughtiest look. I had been on his campaign for years at this point, arguing that whatever the fumes from potions did to his hair didn't matter; personal hygiene is of the utmost importance.
"Deal." Severus went off in search of Madam Pomfrey and my Professors. He wasn't going to take the chance that I'd go back on my word. I was waiting for him to come back when someone wandered into the Hospital wing and looked around. I held my breath as I watched her, silhouetted against the curtain that surrounded my bed. What was she doing in here? I stayed silent, silently begging her not to notice me. I couldn't see her. Not yet. It was too weird. Apparently, she didn't hear my silent appeal, because a bushy head came around the curtain.
"Granger." My throat was tight and I sounded weird, even to myself. Looking me up and down, she frowned.
"You okay?" I looked away from her, unable to look at her now that she hated me again.
"I'm sure I'll survive." Actually, thinking about it, my survival was the least logical outcome of this situation. I'd been hit by two Killing Curses for Merlin's sake!
"Will you be in classes?" Too bloody curious for her own good, that one. Always wanted to know everything.
"Does it look like it?" I sneered, gesturing to the fact I was still in my pyjamas…come to think of it, how had I gotten into my pyjamas? This troubling thought was still occupying me when Granger spoke again.
"I suppose not. Do you want me to take notes for you? I'm fairly sure I'm taking the same classes as you." I met her gaze. There was no deception in her eyes; she just wanted to help someone who'd hated her for years. Strange Girl.
"That would be good." She nodded and flounced off to goodness knows where, passing Severus on her way out. Glaring at her, he walked to my bed.
"What was that all about?"
"I haven't a clue," I admitted. "Severus, something has been troubling me." He raised his eyebrows.
"Indeed? What, may I ask, is causing you such concern?"
"ow did I get changed last night?" The corners of his eyes flickered up into an unmistakable smile. "Severus, tell me," I growled. The smile got bigger.
"I am not at liberty to divulge Madame Pomfrey's secret methods." The smile had turned into a smirk. I fear my 'Sneakiest Slytherin' prize was going to have to go to my Godfather.
AN: Please review! Anyway... next chapter should be along faster.