Disclaimer: Don't own anything or anyone from Stars Hallow, just the Riley and Ray brother-sister combo.
A/N: Okay, I haven't updated in seven years. Seven! I know, I am so awful and I'm fully aware of it. But you guys have been amazing, always, all through that time. When I stopped writing on this site completely, I used to look back at old reviews and read through this story (How did I even create this in the first place? Honestly. It's like seeing another person write.) I recently came back to write a new story and today, I was looking through the reviews and through this story and I had to. I had to write a chapter. The tone of the story isn't the same I don't think, I have to get back into the character of Riley and the banter between her and Jess. I don't know if I have any old reviewers who will be able to see this but I hope they do. You guys uplifted me during my absence. I was actually too afraid that I wouldn't be able to create anything great for this story or any of my old ones. I was truly afraid and I'm not sure if I'm still giving the same feel for this story at all but here's to hoping and trying. I have a million apologizes left in me but I'll get on with the chapter. Enough with these emotions that Riley would shoot me a dirty look for.
This chapter definitely isn't as funny as the others but I have given many things to look forward to in its seriousness.
For any readers who have decided to dive into (or dive back into) this story, please review and let me know what you think. It's been so long since I've updated and I would love to know your thoughts through your feedback.
Riley and Jess sat on the wooden porch steps, waiting out any other fights Luke and Lorelai had left in them. No one had come out so they were taking it as a sign to stay out of the house. Rory hadn't come back yet and the two watched the sliver of sun rise grow and appear into the sky. They sat in silence for at least an hour and didn't feel the need to fill it with conversation. It was what they appreciated about each other the most – that they could enjoy each other's silence freely.
"I think I should go home," Riley whispered. Jess looked over at her and it was as if the drunkenness had faded from her, taking away all her broken down walls and any energy she had to put them up. He didn't say anything; he just looked back at the sun rise. "I can't get Ray to get better if I'm not there," She said, looking down at her hands. "And I can't get better without getting Ray better."
Jess could feel their silence now as he really considered if he wanted to ask this next question. "Riley," He said, deciding to go for it. This was the most honest she had openly been with him in weeks. It was honesty that didn't need a sarcastic comment or alcohol making her drunk and truthful. "What if you can't get Ray better? What if he doesn't want to get better?"
Riley stared at the ground and Jess felt his heart getting squeezed. He had never seen her so helpless. For the first time, he had to struggle to see some strength in her. "Then at least I tried." He gulped when she said this. "I'll try for myself after that."
"Try what?" Jess asked, tentatively.
Riley looked up now. "Anything," She said, leaning her arms back to rest on the porch, lifting her face up, with her eyes closed.
The two looked to their right as Rory's car was driving up.
"Well, that's my cue," Riley said, standing up and started walking away.
"Wait! Where are you going?" Jess asked in a tone that sounded just like Luke that he made a noise of disgust after saying it.
"I'm gonna walk around. You really want me here to narrate the things you should be doing while you two talk?" Riley asked, with a raised eyebrow.
"Be safe," Jess told her. "And no drinking!" He yelled when she was out of sight. Jess closed his eyes, shaking his head at himself.
"I have never seen Luke in you so much until that very sentence," Rory said, sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, looking up at Jess. She was smiling.
Jess took it as a good sign. He smiled back. "I'm disgusting."
She laughed. "No, you're just a good man."
Jess rocked his head slightly from left to right. He looked down at Rory, his eyes hopeful. They slowly changed back into his dark hard eyes when he saw that she was apprehensive now.
"Jess," She whispered.
"It's okay, Rory," Jess interrupted her, shaking his head with his lips pressed together tightly.
Rory looked at him sadly. In an instant, he turned into the Jess she knew when she was younger. The one that became afraid of any more hurt in his life that he rather not even hear it.
"I broke up with Logan," Rory said and Jess opened his eyes, looking at her in complete surprise. "What a curve ball, huh."
Jess stared at her. "Yeah." Jess was rarely speechless but to that, he had no idea how to respond. The way Rory was looking at him and the way she said his name, he knew that tone and it wasn't the type of tone someone delivers when they have good news.
"Ah," Jess said, giving a big nod. "Now I don't feel as confused."
Rory looked down at her hands. "How would we work exactly?" She asked, looking up at him when he didn't answer.
He looked at her in concentration. He hadn't thought much about it in all honesty. He didn't think about how they would have to be states apart and if they were together, would it have to be long distance? Or was he moving his life back to Stars Hallow or to wherever Rory went?
She smiled a little. "Yeah," She said, quietly. "That's what I was thinking when I was driving here. I mean, breaking up with Logan with inevitable and something that to be done." She rolled her eyes. "He's such a jerk, I don't know how I dealt with that."
"I do," Jess said, absent-mindedly. They looked up in surprise at each other. "I mean, I was a jerk to you and –"
"You've already made that up to me," She interrupted.
"But I was, Rory. And you dealt with it because-"
"Because I loved you," She said firmly, interrupting him again.
"Yeah," he said. He hadn't been able to look at her since his thoughts roamed their past memories. The way he left her, the way he treated her with no honesty or care for what she felt. He laced his hands together. "I'll move here."
Rory gasped audibly and he looked at her. She looked shocked beyond belief. He smirked. "What a curve ball, huh."
"Jess, no," She said, shaking her head. "You can't. What about your career, your bookstore, your colleagues?"
"My career is where I go," He said, with a slight shrug. "My bookstore could come with me and you're one of the few people I really like. I don't have to make the move right away. There are arrangements that can be made." He was already rearranging his life in his mind as she stood up and sat beside him, so close that their legs were right beside each other.
"Jess," She whispered. He looked at her, right into her blue eyes. He was smiling because he didn't have to be absent from those eyes for long anymore. "What about Riley?"
Riley walked quickly through the town square. People were already awake, jogging and grabbing breakfast. She looked around, confused at them all.
"Why are you all awake so early?" She mumbled to herself. Then she looked up and around the town again. She slowed down her pace to a stop as she turned around slowly in a circle, taking it all in. The shops, the gazebo, the familiar matching outfitted children. Riley breathed in the air and looked down in realization that she felt something hadn't in years – comfortable.
It was gone instantly when she turned around, Dean standing before her.
Riley glared then gave up, rolling her eyes, shooting him a look of disgust. "Ugh. Just go away. I have no more clever sayings for you to feel bad about yourself."
Dean followed beside her as she walked. She stopped and looked up at him, stepping away. "Really?" She asked. "Are we trying to see if my arms are long enough for my fist to reach contact with your face?"
Riley didn't hear Dean's reply. Her world went completely mute and everything around the crowd that just got off the bus was blurry. She was staring at the one with the familiar spiked hair, the one with the black hoodie, the one who looked like he didn't belong there. Riley shoved Dean aside as she walked right past him and began to jog. The person started turning around and with a glimpse at the side of his face, Riley ran and he finally made eye contact with her. He was smiling. It had been so long since she saw him smile. His smile turned into a laugh as she ran right into him, his body stopping her run, hugging him.
She looked up and was surprised at herself that she wasn't crying. "What the hell are you doing here, Ray?"
Ray looked around. "This is where you've been?" His face scrunched in and he looked back down at her. "No wonder you called me sounding like that the other night."