Stoppable! (Even) More Secrets. by Kimron Posstoppable

Rating: PG-13

Conan: Sometimes we at "Late Night" can get famous people to sit down and tell us their deepest secrets. It's really disturbing stuff. This time, a well-known sidekick returned to spill his guts. Take a look.

(Cut to: Ron Stoppable sitting in the interrogation room. There is a pitcher of water and a glass of ice water in front of him on his right. He's wearing his bowling shirt/dark pants outfit. Rufus is sitting next to the pitcher, reading a copy of Ebony magazine with Chaka Khan on the cover.)

Announcer: (Shouted) Stoppable! (whispered) Secrets.

Ron: K.P. used to change her clothes while I was in the room. I'd cover my eyes or turn away when she did that. (sly grin) I don't do that anymore. (forlorn sigh) Now that we're dating, she usually kicks me out of the room. (grins; cocks eyebrow) Most of the time.

Announcer: (whispered) Secrets.

Ron: (oblivious to camera; reading aloud as he writes on a pad of paper with a pencil) Mr. Ron Stoppable. (pause) Mr. Ron Stoppable-hyphen-Possible. (shakes head) Nah. (erases what he has written) Too wordy. (writes) Mr. Ron Possible. (pauses; thinks for a moment) Mrs. Ron Possible. (chuckles to himself) Mrs. Kim Possible. (cracks up laughing, then pauses, studying the page for a moment, looking slightly disturbed; vigorously erases what he's written) Nah. (resumes writing) Ronkim Stoppossible. (scoffs; erases again) Eeww. No. (brushes away eraser dust with disgust) Stupid name. (pensive) Hmmm... (goes back to writing) Kimron Possto--

Announcer: (whispered) Secrets.

Ron: I sleep with a box full of fresh Nacos every night. I just snuggle up with 'em like a Teddy bear. I don't eat them. The smell puts me to sleep. They're gone by the morning, though. Wish I knew what happens to 'em.

(camera cuts to Rufus, who is still sitting on the table and looks up from the magazine he's reading)

Rufus: (rubbing his belly) Yum! Midnight snack!

Announcer: (Shouted) Stoppable! (whispered) Secrets.

Disclaimer: "Celebrity Secrets" belongs to "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" and NBC. Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable belong to Walt Disney Productions.

Author's Notes: I'm back, y'all! :D "In The Year 2K" is still in the works --it's not even close to funny enough for my taste right now-- and there will definitely be more Dr. D. and Shego. In addition, a couple of the older "Secrets" will be tweaked a bit. Actually, if anyone's noticed, Kim's first secret (Chapter 1) got a face-lift. There are some surprises on the way, too. :)