srry i havent updated in a while TT.TT i kept on procrastinating and procrastinating sayin i would do it but never got to it... im srry!!!!!! bt aymways, enjoy this chappie// the song goin crazy by natalie fits PERFECTLY with this chappie!!!

not doin recap...

six long painfull months passed aftr the event. Mimori kept on wondering and wondering what urahara was doing with yoruichi. she silently cried herself to sleep for the first few months until she had no more tears to cry. ichigo's family did not yet no about her staying over in his room wit the dark haired female, rukia. during those six months, mimori's birthday had passed and she is now 23 years old. she has gotten to be more quiet and lonely since then.

right now, mimori was sitting atop the roof of ichigo's house thinking about her first love urahara, kisuke. 'what is he doing with yoruichi? did! stop mimori, dont think like that... it only makes things worst...'

urahara shoten

back at the store, things had gotten to the worst for kisuke and the kids. he didn't want to bring the kids down with his times of depressing so he only acted happy arond everyone to bring the spirits up, but ururu and jinta took it the wrong way. they thought that urahara had been happy with the decision he made so they ingored him and swayed away everytime he got near. during the painfull six months, he wondered what the blonde haired girl was doing living with ichigo and rukia. he tried to deny al kinds of thoughts of chemistry between ichigo and mimori. during the five months, yoruichi had moved out saying it was best for her to be on her way getting ready just incase a big battle would happen. they day the ebony haired women moved ot was actually today. he wanted so much to go over to ichigo's window sill and claim mimori back for himself again so both blondes could be a happy family with jinta and ururu again.

he finally decided to make an 'appointment' to visits his favorite female blondie this evening.

evening time

right when the clock chimed at the right time, urahara was off. he ran was fast as he could throught the sidewalks of neighborhoods until he reached the one he destined for. fifteen feet away from the window, he jumbed on top of the roof landing silently on the roof tiles. he hanged his head down to peek through the window. surprisingly, the window was opened and the room was well lit from the lamp the was on ichigo's wooden desk. he heard rustling in the closet close by the bed. it opened to reveal a dark haired female and a blonde haired female (no dirty thinking pervs!! XP save those thoughts for later ;-) ). he instantly recognised the blonde as mimori and the dark haired girl as rukia. once the blonde'd head raised, her eyes slightly widened. mimori stood there erect with confusion and shock. she quietly shrieked.

"mimori wait! i wanted to say im so sorry, and i...i lo-" urahara said shorty before he was cut off.

"NO!!! stop lieing to me...u say that but those words are nothing more than ficition to you...and me. i know that's not how u really feel right? so u can stop the acting," the blonde said saying her words shakily. then there door opened to see that everyone's favorite carrot-top had joined the party.

"what in the name of hell is going on in here?!?!?!" ichigo said loudly. "you! what are you doing here hat-and-clogs? if u want to make drama then i suggest you leave before drama turns into violence and tragedy!" he said pointing at urahara.

urahara leaned against the windowsill and took out his fan and fanned himself lightly, clumps of hair moving from the small wind. he sighed, "i'm hear to get approval from mimori to bring her back home."

then everyone looked at mimori's direction. she looked nervously at ichigo and urahara. ichigo was shaking his head 'no' while urahra was giving her a pleading look. she then set her gaze to the floor and looked at ichigo ashamed.

"ichigo..." she started, making ichigo jump to conclusions and making him lok extremely happy, and making urahara's mood go down two levels. " i think, i...want with kisuke-san," she said now making both of the males moods go reverse.

"if this what makes you happy, mimori, then go ahead..." orange top said sadly turning away.

"oh no ichigo! i'm sorry but, i think ururu and jinta would be happy to see me after all this time and-" she said but was cut off.

"just go already, ok!? if you want to be with a traitor then go ahead and see if i care! just get the hell out before i do some damage!" ichigo said hot-headedly

mimori shut up and climbed out the window slowly and jumped down. urahara gave a disapproving sigh and jumped down shortly after.

"ichigo, you do know that she may not forgive u for this?" rukai said facing her partner soul reaper. he turned towards rukia sharply and retorted.

"how many time do i have to say it? I DON'T CARE!" ichigo said before stomping off to the bathroom. rukia sighed and shook her head and went out somewhere.

urahara shoten

"so mimori, what were you and rukia doing in the closet together hm?" urahara said with a perverted grin. she jumped and lightly slapped his shoulder. she gave a discusted look and replied.

"nothing! we have to sleep in the closet so we both just woke up from a nap okay?" she said emmbarrasedly and looked away from him. he acted like she was lying so he continued to tease her. shuffling feet could be heard upstairs and down came ururu and jinta. ururu was in tears as she ran to mimori and hugged her legs.

"ryuki-san! i'm so happy you're here..." ururu sobbed and burried her face in the fabric of mimori's kimono. jinta seemed happy, no, extremely happy. he didn't do anything, he just cracked a smile and looked down to the floor, tears streaming down his face.

"dont worry kids, i'm back for good..."